In today’s video we checkout the nramd new Outlaw sniper and I show you the stats, how to use it, and what I think about it compared to the other snipers!
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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)
Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro
Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card
Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop
Intro Music: I’m so alone – BOJET
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Just to be clear. If you're the most accurate person in the world, I think this is the best sniper in the game. BUT, it's hard to be that accurate! I think this is a super fun gun, but not something we'll always see in high level ranked, or pro matches given pro players movement will make it super hard to hit 1 taps 🙂
good old days
Idk if something changed in cod mobile but the damage on the lower arms and the hands is 108 so it would kill them one shot. I tested this in practice mode and also never noticed this while playing. I usually get neck or headshot.
The outlaw was inspired by the pieper m1893
After 6 months the outlaw now is alright.
Still remember accidentally getting the outlaw
The buff mention will turn oulaw a mvw
I got a nuke with the weapon
It’s only underwhelming if you’re a noob to sniping
I love how you explain about the weapon with detail…most of youtuber just give explaination for like 2 or 3 minute then just gameplay all the way to 10 minute.
i got the outlaw for free because i headshoted 30x using a sniper
I agree it's so op
This sniper is bad
This is why it's called God of hit marker
Ill never unsee the dvd player on snipers
Look at the description
Nramd new sniper
tnx for the guide
I'll take the locus the Arctic or the dlq over the outlaw any day of the week… Even if it's not bad, it's never worth using imo, unless you want the challenge
I mean it’s OP for people with REALLY good accuracy but I mean c’mon it’s really inconsistent
what’s that beat that’s fly
The outlaw is a hitmarker nut don't use should use the artic 50 or the dlq
What's the background song in 5:37
Respect for the intro and the background music RIP X
I hope the Outlaw gets buffed
How to increase the scope of this gun.. Please help
When i first got the outlaw i thoutgh that it was lame (plus im bad with snipers) but affter using it i really started to like it and now its one of my favorite guns in cod mobile
I use ACOG/Tactical Scope on Outlaw, and i used it more on Killhouse than any other map.
What about xpr ???
ayooo 🙂 you gotz someee solid vidz honestly keep grinding and you'll do verry verrry guud! cheers brotha 😁
It would be nice that the outlaw has no scope
Im used to DL Q33 on sniping but I find using Locus hard for me but the Outlaw and Arctic 50 had no problem at all
Please test Garena update of outlaw!
Hey…can you please do a video about tactical scope vs big scopes in sniper? I would love to see that!
Outlaw is the best
I guess I’m super accurate cause more than 50% of the shots I take with the outlaw are 1 shots
Competition: what song is the first instrumental from? clue: Jah
I know that gun sucks
The gun is great, just be good
The outlaw is a hit marker machine
Why do people like dlq more than locus? Locus deal more damage, aims faster, shoots faster, has a large mag and you move faster with it, people don't like just because of the sway? Because for me this is not a problem even when i hard scope
How did I get the gold glitter frame before I completed the list?
When you play on a mobile emulator on PC 😐😑😐🤤