Call of Duty

Outlaw Guide (+Best Sniper S6) | Call of Duty Mobile | COD Tips and Tricks

In today’s video we checkout the nramd new Outlaw sniper and I show you the stats, how to use it, and what I think about it compared to the other snipers!

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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)

Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro

Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card

Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop

Intro Music: I’m so alone – BOJET

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  1. Just to be clear. If you're the most accurate person in the world, I think this is the best sniper in the game. BUT, it's hard to be that accurate! I think this is a super fun gun, but not something we'll always see in high level ranked, or pro matches given pro players movement will make it super hard to hit 1 taps 🙂

  2. Idk if something changed in cod mobile but the damage on the lower arms and the hands is 108 so it would kill them one shot. I tested this in practice mode and also never noticed this while playing. I usually get neck or headshot.

  3. I love how you explain about the weapon with detail…most of youtuber just give explaination for like 2 or 3 minute then just gameplay all the way to 10 minute.

  4. I'll take the locus the Arctic or the dlq over the outlaw any day of the week… Even if it's not bad, it's never worth using imo, unless you want the challenge

  5. When i first got the outlaw i thoutgh that it was lame (plus im bad with snipers) but affter using it i really started to like it and now its one of my favorite guns in cod mobile

  6. Why do people like dlq more than locus? Locus deal more damage, aims faster, shoots faster, has a large mag and you move faster with it, people don't like just because of the sway? Because for me this is not a problem even when i hard scope

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