i took alittle break, but im back to playing wow now, and im alittle overwhelmed with the amount of different versions of the game.
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zuggypoo
twitter: https://twitter.com/zuggypoo
Returning To WoW In 2024!
i took alittle break, but im back to playing wow now, and im alittle overwhelmed with the amount of different versions of the game.
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zuggypoo
twitter: https://twitter.com/zuggypoo
Returning To WoW In 2024!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
I wish the pvp was good in retail , I think what kills retail for me is that i genuinely like leveling characters doing lower bgs etc , but nobody is doing that it’s all max level pvp and it takes forever to kill anybody
Planning to use MoP remix as a comeback after 12 years of stop. I must admit over the years i ve played all the mmos out there, but man at the end wow still and i think will be the best foreva . It s like a band like AcDc, they ve been on the scene for so long that it s hard to beat the knowledge they carry on .
Just do you dude. Im 31, gaming since 6. I dont do 100% on games anymore. Just having fun. No fun? Next game.
SoD as a season ends sooner then later. Hope for a more permanent Classic Plus in the future
Imagine only having 499 mounts? 970 here baby!!! Need more meta cheeve mounts. A lousy otter at 500 isn’t going to cut it for the big time collectors in war within. 30 more and I’ll have already doubled that.
ive never played wow but im going to try it out
i mean i basically disagree with everything you've said here but good video nonetheless
EverQuest was the best for me. Holds the most memories. I know its still there but not like early 2000s. Different atmos. Last time i tried it was a ghost town. Seeing another player was like finding a needle in the old haystack.
Played since I was a kid in 2007, I’m so happy to hear you say what I’ve felt. It’s not fun anymore. The mythics, the raiding grinds. It feels like a job and less like a game.
…..Cata came before MoP……but MoP classic is ok? and Cata isnt? confusing much
i last played in 2014, thinking of starting again but is it worth it? everyone i knew has stopped playing.
Great video! Love the energy! There's more WoW than anyone knows what to do with.
I hope this is the new thing instead of anymore "classic" xpacs being released. And that it eventually turns into a more permanent evergreen update to all the old xpacs to revive them. And personally I think since DF and now with Microsoft taking over, I have alot more faith in the new xpacs. Plus I love the new additions of Warbands as I hope it eventually leads to a form of player housing as well, or just customizable character log in screens and stuff as well. 🔥🙏 Good vid, I agree with a good bit of your takes, especially on Plunderstorm except I hope it doesn't take over too much of the normal tab targeting classic style WoW is known for. And to me personally Cata is where classic cuts off for me, and me and my lil bro are going to enjoy it alot.
Im super tempted to get into it again super casually playing like 2 days a week and just quest. Thanks for the video
After disregarding SOD since its release, my classic friend finally who played it as their main game since release finally got me into it.
I leveled up to 50 in a few days, got the full incursion gear set and done the runes all in less than 3 days /played. Seen all the raids once, done a few BGs and the STV and Ashenvale event once. Did a few BGs and then I felt like I was just done with the game. Don't see the point in grinding (reputation/gold/professions) as hard as I did in 2019 classic especially on these seasonal servers.
I wouldn't say sod is a flop but it certainly lacks any substance at current endgame, there is nothing to do.. just a wow lite.
Reactivated my sub for that but now I'm leveling a new char on retail at least, pretty nice to have riding at lvl 10 and be able to go quest in any zone I want.
wow bad
who plays this garbage?
Plunderstorm pvp better than pvp in retail? If so then it means that retail pvp has too many skills and is too complicated.
Blunddderstorm was terrible.
I hated mop, everything about, mostly the theme. I liked the bug raid and some of the thunder one, but everything else was meh. Cata from what I remember was pretty freakin hard, but it was fun. I don't really feel like playing it, but I think it'll be the play, cause sod phase 3 has been a mess, and I am going to sit out the raid, and just farm and prep for phase 4. Honestly not looking forward to getting all the pots, world buffs, and other little grindy things. Rep farming is fine. I may just grind out rank 14, and get thunderfury and call it a day lol.
intro translation: returning to retail wow in 2023 was my best viewed video so im trying to replicate it *
i started playing WoW during Mists of Pandaria expansion, so im really looking forward to that MoP event 😁
Never knew Peter Griffin played wow
Fun video I am enjoying WoW from a casual perspective normal raids and low keys some pvp
Great video and welcome back to WoW!
I want cataclysm my brother wants can my five daughters want cataclysm and everybody I know wants cataclysm. You don't have to like catechism but there are a lot of people who do so your opinion of it not being a game is yours. Season of discovery is awesome. I would love Discovery to turn into one to 60 with new quest but still keeping the original lore getting ruins and raids and are dungeons, no seasons just straight one to 60
Happy to have you back buddy
New video finally
THe timerunning thing is super fun on PTR IMO. I've been testing it and enjoying myself a lot.
it's just the lore for me these days than the actual expansions tbh
I don't understand where this ''there won't be a mop classic cus of wow remix'' is coming from since:
1. we aren't getting the OG vale of eternal blossoms back (the one before garrosh fucked it up in 5.4) in wow remix
2. we aren't getting the Legendary cloak questline from wrathion in wow remix
and most importantly
3. we are not getting the OG MoP class design in wow remix, it's just the base retail characters but cofined in the MoP timewalking.
and the fact cata will be over by the start of next year just indirectly confirms they want to get it over with so they can start MoP classic.