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WoW Classic in 2024

by @Azamous
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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  1. I gotta admit I was kinda shocked kinda things you did in wow, thats real pos behavior. Then I started to think kinda shite we did in wow when we were kids. 🤔😂

  2. Quit/Unsubbed when they forced in WoW Token. WoW Remix looked curious but then they keep doing this and saying that being a turtle is far more worth it.

    Jesus christ I'm close to just deleting my whole bnet account at this rate.

  3. I recently left my guild in sod because they were giving loot with +1 rule and other hunter with 60 logs got all the items before me. While I was still doing 95 logs with gnome and prebis gear

  4. Man yeah, for real. I often wonder nowadays when doing current raidbosses with tons of mechanics and be like "And back in the days people failed Bosses with 3 plain, easy do avoid, mechanics?", when even Raidfinder is sometimes harder than stuff in MC back then.

    But yeah. Most people back then have been simply… well, let's just say, not that good. Especially back in Classic/BC I wasn't exactly good either, but I've been a kid back then. I remember playing as a Fury Warrior with daggers for quite a while because I got that BoE dagger from the auctionhouse in BC and wondered why people didn't want to raid with me.
    Also, I guess Addons and availability of Raidguides (or guides in general) play a big part as well.

  5. I love asmons content but I just can’t watch him react to this guy. I don’t know if the weird slow motion sarcasm is intentional or autism but either way it’s bloody hard to listen to.

  6. Don’t reward bad players is the philosophy behind why blizzard made the game so fucking hard and complex in the 1st Pl., Eugenius is.

    Congratulations by being 110 IQBRAINLET you played yourself. Every time you say some stupid shit like this blizzard adds another button to the rotation and another mechanic to the boss, genius. Special little boy.

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