The Black Ops Cold War camo tracker spreadsheet is here, with all weapon camo challenges for both Multiplayer and Zombies. I’ll go over the camo system in this game, highlight the tricky stuff like launcher killstreaks, then give some early general tips & tricks for the Gold, Diamond, & Dark Matter Ultra / Dark Aether grind. Then I’ll go through the new tracker sheet, what’s new and how it works, and lastly I’ll give some thoughts on this year’s weapon grind.
Make a copy of the camo tracker spreadsheet:
0:00 – Intro
0:12 – BOCW camo system overview
0:58 – Hardest roadblock challenges: launcher killstreaks, double kills, ground streaks
3:14 – General tips: passive launchers
3:48 – Planning around small maps
4:20 – Prestiging weapons?
5:08 – Zombies cross progression
5:34 – Strongest weapons first
5:52 – Hardcore mode?
6:28 – Camo tracker spreadsheet explanation
9:43 – Other features?
11:45 – Weapon grind thoughts
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Really wish you would update the spreadsheetto have all the guns in the game. Since Im not versed enough in Excel to update it myself
9 months has paased and the zombies camos are still not in warzone
Don't mean to bother you, but how do I add more slots to a certain category? I'm asking because since the Tec-9 smg is now out, there isn't enough spaces in the smg category.
Wow this game is ass
The only bad part in my opinion about the camo challenges is the bloodthirsties instead of only requiring 3. That was the biggest roadblock for me.
Amazing guide. One question… Do I need to get the gold camo on ALL the guns of a category (smg, shotguns etc) so I would be able to equip the diamond camo?
Morsecode63 on ĪG is the one you have to check to get them camo all bruh😍
My RPG camo challenge for 3 streaks in one game aren’t tracking. Anyone else have this problem?
this template is a LIFESAVER. kinda just got into COD multiplayer and now this helps so much
People like u deserve a crown my guy ur a king
I think long shots are so much worse than mounted kills. They’re typically my last unlock and completely take me out of the flow of the game. It can be so boring and I feel like a jerk camping on maps just to get them
What gun / class are you using at 6:40 ? Lovely vid btw
Is there a forum I can join or discord with people who talk about the dark matter grind and updates for it?
Launchers are so so bad. Can’t do it
Recommendations for leveling launchers multiplayeror zombies which is better?
Thanks man
From what I remember every level up to half for a weapon you need the same amount of xp per level after that you need double so once you get halfway maxing out it takes wayyyy longer
Thanks for the spreadsheet! As of right now I am at 27.09% camo completion for Dark Aether.
The point blank AR kills are really killing me 🙁
I hate the launchers in this game, i shot one directly into this guy who was a couple feet away from me, barely hit him, killed me
How do I tell friend from for in hardcore 🙁 there isn't a perk for it
if I get Gold on Mac10, for example, I need to get Gold in the other five SMGs to?
the chalenge says: Unlock Gold in 5 SMGs, right?