Today a new limited time mode called “Hot Pursuit” was added to Blackout. This added police cars and muscle cars into the arena for all to use! It adds special abilities for your characters as well. Let’s talk about it here today! #CallofDuty #BlackOps4
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (stylized as Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII) is a multiplayer FPS video game developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. It was released worldwide on October 12, 2018, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is a sequel to the 2015 game Call of Duty: Black Ops III and is the fifth entry in the Black Ops subseries as well as the 15th main installment in the Call of Duty series overall.
Hot Pursuit is the best limited time mode we've had so far. Easy way to earn a lot of merits and really fun for vehicle warfare.
What do you think about this mode overall? 🙂
thanks im saving an amazing friday
Can you unlock some characters in this mode? I dont know if they changed it in the August version
Bro stop fuckin running people over that shit is old and involves no skill… people ruin this game b
Are you shure that it's not BF hardline?
The next cod will be about cops and robbers
Do we know how long it's gonna last on COD before Spectre takes over?? Also this sounds dumb but how do I play this version
So basically cods version of battlefield hardline
It's like Battlefield Hardline
I will difinatly try this mode.looks fun
Won first game I played
Can you play this on custom games?
I don’t get it it’s cops vs robbers but you fight other teams of the same faction? That’s weird. It’s cops vs cops and robbers vs robbers ?
Why is it that the best game modes are limited? Give us down but not out and take it away. So stupid
when does it come out on xbox
More videos keep it up
When will hot persuit be added to xbox
I think it would be awesome if they added proximity chat in this mode. Imagine yelling at the opposing team "Pull Over" or some banter like that!
you cannot pick up prostitutes in this vehicle
1:55 the way your voice lined up with the footage lol
Battlefield Hardline 2 looks terrible
Never got hot pursuit
I find that GPS to be sick af and not really funny lol but awesome instead
This mode has some of the best battles yet! I hope they keep it for awhile and keep adding to it👍
I thought this was a permanent mode. Seems like a lot of effort making new vehicles and gameplay elements just for a limited time period.