**Call of Duty Ghosts Pro Tip and MK14 Setup**
What are you guys doing to get longer streaks on this game?
In this Call of Duty Ghosts Multiplayer Gameplay and Commentary I talk about Pre-aiming and how vital it is to living longer and getting better gun streaks in this game. I also reveal what is currently my Best Class Setup with the MK14 Eber Marksman Rifle.
Hope you enjoy,
There should've been Ground war or more players for these maps like Stonehaven. It's not impossible. Just add a couple of slots like 12 players for each team.
Learned something new in this video. Finally compared to all the others. Pre-aim. Never thought of that. Nice tip.
Tmartn made the same video exactly the same
What's ur second channel
Dropshots help too!
Where is your class setup
Use the R5 with burst fire and muzzle break. You'll show up on the map but at most ranges its a one burst kill. If your aim is on point and you have good reaction speed youll be unstoppable. And of course, know the spawn system and pre aim.
if u can control recoil burst fire marksman rifle is actualy pretty good
honey badger with single shot and fore grip
Vepr forgrip and extend mags
Best tip. Stealth.
I think its cool that you die easier. In real life if your shot usually more than 4 times your dead. Unless its in the arm or something and even then you have a slim chance, so instead of having to aim a full clip in them they made it easier to die.
wtf was the gun
I use tracker sight i dont really like it but if you hit L3 (ps3) then it brings another sight up which i love cause like the red sight when you aim down sight u loose some field of vision but the tracker you dont so i use the MTAR-X with silencer tracker sight and muzzle brake its extremely good for a runner and gunner i usually go like 30 amd 5 with it o recommend it
If u stay on the outside of the map u won't die as much eather
IF you know someone's coming round a corner just wait for them and try to hip fire
btw take wide corners
What I do is I follow some one if they die I know someone is there
I use amplify and dead silent and I don't run at all 98% of the game I walk it help me cuz my fun is up before them and I get the 1 shot I literally get a K.E.M every game cuz of this strategy I use I have at least over 400 K.E.M.S.
Helps a lot thank you