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New Player Reviews World of Warcraft After 6 Months

This poor soul subjected himself to the torture that is playing WoW for the first time in 2023 and compiled a REVIEW of the game for anyone who might be masochistic enough to try the same !
by @rooxwastaken
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  1. Ya'll can read my long comment from a few minutes ago about my experiences as a new player to WoW during Shadowlands if you'd like. But the TLDR is: the gameplay was fun, but I leveled too quickly to care much about the world and my character, and never understood who any of the big name NPCs that I met were, or why I should care about them. And also, Shadowlands was a terrible experience from a lore perspective and a gameplay perspective. It sucked. But I fell in love with WoW and Azeroth playing Classic WoW, and hope my characters are migrated over to Retail after Cata Classic or MoP Classic.


    Others have said this, but I'll reiterate here:

    WoW severely needs a concise questing experience through some of the most important quests, world boss fights, and dungeons from each expansion. So you can experience key story elements and key cutscenes. It should be its own Chromie timeline, with each zone adjusted automatically to your experience as you level. That would be so much fun, and would actually let knew players feel like they have a place in the world.

  2. I was new to WoW in 2020 during Shadowlands. My friends and I wanted something to dig into, as the politicians and their financiers doubled down on C*vid lockdowns. Within one month, I was the only one who was still playing WoW. But I wasn't really having fun, because I didn't care about my character or the world at all. And I couldn't play as a warrior/tank, because I didn't know any of the dungeon layouts and kept getting kicked from groups for not leading groups fast enough.

    I rerolled as a hunter so that I could solo better or faster, and leveled up in BFA. I have to be honest, I enjoyed the gameplay. A lot of the BFA zones are beautiful. Boralus was such a cool city. I was having fun! But then, when I got high enough for Shadowlands, I was in the middle of quests to rescue Jaina from Tol Dagor. The in-game popup indicating that you can go to the Shadowlands now didn't really tell me if I could finish these quests later, so I went to Google and asked. It took me to Blizzard's official FAQs, which said that I could queue back up for BFA dungeons after I unlocked my covenant in Shadowlands. That was a lie.

    So I was basically stuck in the Shadowlands, in Oribos (which was a Marvel comics city, so not cool) and wandered around the Maw (which is super depressing), being called the "Maw walker" and referred to as a champion. And Jaina was there, even though I never rescued her. And I didn't really know any of the characters that I kept meeting, who treated me like a hero even though I wasn't part of any decision making whatsoever. I had to grind alt currencies everywhere, traveling back and forth, repeating many of the same tasks over and over again. And then I died in the Maw, and lost my soul things — whatever they're called. And I was working my way back to my body, when I died again. So the original ~250 or whatever were deleted forever. Because that's a reasonable mechanic, right? I left the Shadowlands, and went back to Azeroth, and flew around exploring old dungeons and towns, just to see what some of the old content was like until my subscription expired.

    Months later, another friend started trying to convince me to give WoW Classic a shot, as he was playing it a lot. It took a while to convince me, and I joined right as Wrath Classic was being announced. I had so much fun leveling in those old zones, doing those old quests, exploring those old dungeons. I cared about my characters, I understood my place in the world. It was a great experience.

    I hope that after Cata Classic or MoP Classic, that Blizzard does the right thing and rolls these progressed Classic servers into Retail servers, so that I can still play these characters, and also actually progress into modern content now that I understand something about the world.

  3. All MMO's come down to the same thing in the end. Its a;; just math and after a while of min maxxing games get really stale and suck the enjoyment out of it .

  4. I’ve been debating playing wow again after years. I played when lich king came out for a few months and no other mmo gave me the same feel ever since. Is it worth playing retail or do I go classic?

  5. “If the button glowed, I pressed the button”

    Same or I can only comprehend so many commands while in battle. Never played WoW but other MMOs have taught me It’s not quite my thing.

  6. just started couple days ago, just can fly on my dragon ;p
    i already have a friend who plays wow, but he's like get to 70 and then we 'll see if you still like..
    really annoying but doesnt matter its fun without him, lots of things to do explore and die too ;p

  7. The reset was WoW Classic, as everyone was reset to zero, no mailing gold and items from an alt, and 2 copper for defeating this mob? is that all? Pff … lol

  8. I've been saying it for years, they need to blow up Azeroth at end of 3 expacs, we escape via ships and portals durring a multi week event to a new planet were we are all fresh lvl, new type of equipment, no longer heros because new world, new races introduced, you can only do azeroth via chromie time can even have special quests to recover stuff from azeroth for new world to survive. Can re introduce old gods that had fled long ago, ancient races, we live in ruins of ancient abandoned city's I.E gnomes find a steam punk great city etc

  9. i would go back to wow if they could make some silver elite monsters stronger or something! like being out by youself is nothing! the monsters just like auto attack or do one spell or just hit really hard that is extremly BORING! no challenge they're like target dummies not doing anything, pve and openworld could be alot better its kinda boring, monsters are not fun to fight at all!.

  10. My experience with wow is just subbing to play solo old content and fish lot of fishing, mount hunting, then I tried raids with guild it was always fun and tried really hard watch videos and all to get the mechanics for the raid, then once we could not finish myth raid and co-guild leader was super toxic I just never subbed since. [saying stuff like new players in the game are not quality people]

  11. I first played WOW after buying the Battlechest that came out around 2007. I was heavy into that for a year or so and then didn't touch the game again until literally a decade later and I agree fully with the guy in the video. You do feel like you are being skipped and missing a huge portion. Yes, you can play the old quests and expansions no problem but that feeling of there not being a consistent throughline and having to jump to a later portion feels wrong.

  12. Soo I haven't played since Cataclysm I'm currently playing WOLK on a pvt server cause i'm a poor bastage right meow, but dang this new interface in retail is sharp af ngl

  13. Reset everything lol…. What about all them store bought mounts bud. That is a terrible idea ngl. Lose everything you’ve ever paid for in wow to pay for it all again. Dumb.

  14. Have to admit, a lot of WoW today, at least, just feels like it's trying to get 30-something addicts or children. The generic progression and 'throw this away now' system feels like Warframe. The random dragon flying sections look just like something from Harry Potter on PS1. Loot scaling with level and otherwise feel like generic single-player RPGs. And, by the looks of it, a broken early game where you Level too quick these days and/or can just spend money on Tokens and so on to pay-to-progress/win. After that, you have a fairly bad server/world system (unlike RuneScape's far greater server system, for example), and an end-game that seems to be nothing but endless raids and annoying co-op work just to get them and do it. A lot of the core game is just single player until you can do raids properly. As for the skills and quests, they are relatively generic to RPGs and MMO-like games, as well. Not much better than lots of indie games, and they don't have great depth or sand box-ness to them. It's just 'do this thing' for some time, and that's it. It's very much a fixed narrative structure, akin to single player games.

    It was certainly a great game in 2004, largely because it brought all of these elements into one game, with decent graphics, and a social system (i.e. the MMO part). It was also fairly balanced and not really grindy (that is, Classic/early WoW). Yet, too, it was not extremely closed off like the actual single-player RPGs of the day. But, now the social part is largely dead and/or unacceptable by modern gaming and social media standards, that really only leaves you the graphics and core gameplay loop, and the worldbuilding/story. Clearly, the graphics are quite meaningless — and don't mean nearly as much as good gameplay, anyway, as OSRS has proven. What does that leave WoW? What does it offer? What does WoW have that Minecraft, RuneScape, Fortnite, Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda on Switch, and so on don't have?

    The only two things left, really, are the core gameplay loop and worldbuilding/story. Well, I believe, the story isn't great by now, and compared to RuneScape and the more free-formed story of Minecraft, or even the Star Wars games and Lord of the Rings MMORPG, etc., it's just not a very good story. And sometimes just outright had a Mary Sue type character with whatever expansion (cannot recall). For the latest characters, I see a lot of cringey elf-like, anime-inspired blue-haired type self-inserts going on, since a lot of them seem to work on WoW, looking at their interviews and such.

    The worldbuilding? That's actually really good. Vast world, fairly well-integrated — aside from the clear story and gameplay issues, which were better before — and quite deep. Of course, not only do you have mounts and a vast world map/planet, but many classes and races, as well. If RuneScape is The Lord of the Rings from the human view, then Warcraft is The Lord of the Rings meets D&D from every races' view! Solid stuff, even if you're not a huge fan of class systems.

    But, that only goes so far. What matters most is the core gameplay loop, progression, player freedom/sandbox nature, replayability, and early-to-end-game balance and variety. RS2 was good at this, and so is OSRS. WoW was also pretty good years ago. LOTR seems okay in these key areas. BotW also seems pretty good (and Tears), though I've not played it yet. But I don't see this with current WoW. The only conclusion I can draw is that millions of WoW players are addicts and have sunken cost fallacy, trapped for years. They know it's not a great game; they know there are better MMORPGs. They know 2024 WoW is not worth it. Yet they keep playing every single day, anyway. The same problem exists with Warframe, Destiny 1/2, RS3 (non-Ironman), and many other games. That, or it's really the only thing they know, so they have no concept of changing game: this is their life; hence, the term 'lifestyle game' (coined for Destiny in 2014, I believe).

    Classic WoW (the original, without mtx) seems like the only sane way to actually play WoW. Yet there's a reason many WoW players refuse to play it: they know the issues it had and grave design flaws, making it needlessly grindy and annoyingly social in terms of trading, etc. I was thinking about playing Classic WoW, but not sure I trust them for the future of the game. I'd also try and play as an ironman (i.e. no help from other players of any kind). I'd just max everything then start a new character or quit, since there's no real end-game content once you're maxed stats, other than raids and min-maxing your gear, etc. We'll see. 🙂

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