Pointless Top 10 Bridges in World of Warcraft
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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
Top 10 pointless hightest points in zones for a og like me ❤
Seeing a screenshot of Thunder Bluff is one of the reasons I chose a Tauren the first time I played WoW, that and I liked Cairne in Warcraft 3 lol. A big city on top of mesas connected by bridges is still one of coolest ideas for a settlement I've seen in a game.
I remember lagging so hard in thunder bluff in vanilla on my crappy laptop. Any attempt at crossing a bridge was tempting death.
A little late to the show but no torghast bridges? The only good thing to come from torghast : the bridge
Fantastic idea for a video series
There’s a grey item in game, Deed to Thandol Span. It’s like the old joke, “Wanna buy a bridge?” You can often find it in BRD.
When you were talking about Kologarn and that heroic throw just came on screen and one shot him made me laugh so much!
1:26 err.. have you ever seen the milky way crendor? 😉
# 9: Minor correction at about 1.15, the Ironhorn Enclave isn't a Skyhorn settlement (though there's one of them there), that settlement belong to the Ironhorn tribe.
One; I would have thought a stranglethorn vale bridge would be on this list and
2; in the thandol span there’s a hilarious quest where there’s a dwarf that was supposed to deliver some goods but got drunk and ended up stuck on the bridge so you had to deliver the stuff for him, thought that was fun to mention haha
I like the firelands bridge that extends over the lava and the return to karazan bridge!
you didnt know the bridge in "High"mountain with snow covererd mountaintops wasnt the highest point in legion? Aight buddy you do you, i guess.
Knew the AV bridge had to be on here lol
Not having Red Ridge/Lakeshore on here is a bummer.
a zone called High Mountain has the Highest Mountains 😳😳😳
there are other log bridges but are just a fallen log over a river. i.e. in classic darkshore is 1
I remember when I got the deed to tha thandol span as a piece of vendor trash. Even though it was 17 gold, I kept it because I could go around and tell people I owned the bridge.
danger bridge
There are chain bridges in the Maw, and Korthia too.
there's a hollowed log bridge in elwynn forest, right at eastvale logging camp
Honestly surprised to not see the bridge in OG Orgrimmar that's right next to the flight master.
Absolutely nuts the Lake Everstill bridge didn't make it in 🙁
Great video, thanks!
There’s another log bridge (kinda) in the Legion dungeon in Darkheart Thicket, right before the last boss
Now we need top 10 ladders in wow – they're like bridges but vertical.
I object to number 10 because it's not pointless at all. Sorry cren. It's a cool bridge, but not pointless.
How about pointless achievements like Ghosts in the Dark Achievement beneath the Maw of the Void in Darkshore? Or would it come under secret places?
There were chain bridges kinda in the Maw of shadowlands it was in Koritha I think
i think a top 10 towns & villages would be amazing — love the lists!
So sad that the swamp of sorrows bridge isn't in the list
Sweet bridge collection. I liked the historical approach. Dare I say it helped bridge the knowledge gaps I had.
“What am I gonna watch in bed tonight?”
“Oh hell ya new pointless top 10. The perfect pointless end to another pointless day.”
Next up: Top 10 Piles of Poop
the fact that you put Stormwind bridge at #10 but a bunch of noname bridges further along the list…. yea this will be the last video i will watch of yours
Youtube in 3am Be like
#1 the PewDiePie bridge