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Soloing BFA Raids in Dragonflight – 2023 | World of Warcraft

Mastering the Solo Raid: Mythic BFA Raids in Patch 10.1:
In this video, I show how I solo’d several BFA raids in World of Warcraft on my warrior during the Dragonflight expansion. I discuss tips for some of the more difficult bosses and explain why I wasn’t able to solo others. If you’re wanting to collecting some Battle for Azeroth raid gear for transmogs then this video might be able to help you out. Enjoy!

If playing a Warrior looks like fun and want to give it a try, check out my beginner’s guide to Fury here:

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  1. after the gold boss with gear 470

    u cant do these fucking trolls.

    because they hav a 90% less dmg buff and gave you a immun to heal debuff.

    what the hell blizz.

    let us do solo content df is fucking boring and legion i dont need anymore.

  2. THey should make new raid/dungeon difficulty Solo where dungeon/raid scales to 1 person in way you cant one shot but you need to fight normal with some mechanic balanced to one person

  3. On LFR, numerous bosses wiped their asses with my fox I felt so inadequate. Brewmaster Monk 390+ gear
    Edit: I was instant killed a few times or silenced until death.

  4. Solid effort's. I wondered if i can down some of those bosses myself in similar gear. Sanctum of Domination has some very neat mogs. But i don't think you can solo this.
    You can also try Arms spec. I played fury myself for long time. Solid spec for sure. But after blizz buffed / reworked arms that spec become really good. Not only for melee standards but for all specs in the game. Very solid performance. Although the rotation is a slightly on the complicated side.

  5. Lock or bust, bro. Hunters used to be good for soloing old stuff but their self-heals are bad now. Soloing old stuff used to be my favorite thing to do until Blizz messed it up in BFA (along with most things). It's so silly that they expect you to get groups for obsolete content.

  6. I would really like to see you redo these in 10.1 – a guild member and I tried working through Uldir – could not get passed the orb fight. Kept dying within a second or two. No idea how to beat that fight.

  7. Is ghuun solo able in nhc or hc? In mythic you simply can't start the proper fight because of that bubble thing you have to set him free with

    @3:00 I don't think you can split with a pet class since you and your pet get swapped at certain stages and I'm not sure your pet won't come running to you despawning the other statue.

  8. Managed to solo Ra'den as a frost dk, it was a very close fight and took a few attempts, the biggest tip i can share is to save any defensives and heals to power through the tank buster during the last phase and ALWAYS kill void orbs

  9. Mythic as 419 warrior :
    – Uldir mythic doable up to mythrax
    – BoD doable up to council, then need 4 ppl atleast, then 8 or more on jaina
    – Crucibles not doable
    – Eternal Palace, up to council
    – Nyalotha, good luck but just do it in group, takes way less time.

  10. 2 expansions back you should be getting that legacy damage to go along with legacy loot. Too bad they decided to keep it difficult.

  11. Im so angry at Blizzard for gatekeeping solo content so hard. I remember that until some point you could easilly solo basically all the content from 2 expansions back. By easilly I mean one shotting everything in sight…

  12. interesting that you tried to do this during season 1, Blizz has made it quite clear that they dont want Mythic Raids to be soloable in an expansion until 2 expansions later, usually around season 3 when the best gear of the expansion is obtainable. so i have a strong feeling that once you have your season 3 gear, most of these Raids are gonna topple over with ease, save for probably N'Zoth, who is gonna give you a tough time. in Legion for example soloing Kil'jaeden and Argus was very tough until recently where people are generally able to overpower them now.

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