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The Players Who COMPLETED World of Warcraft… 100% Achievements Complete | WoW LazyBeast

For most World of Warcraft players, collecting achievements is a side goal, but for some, it becomes their main focus in the game, with some people going as far to complete every possible achievement available at the time. Over the years, very few people have managed this insane goal, which requires sheer time, dedication and skill.

Not only did these people earn all of the achievements, but some took it even further and claimed multiple feats of strength and realm firsts to add to their accomplishments!

Cheers for watching, have a great day! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more WoW Guides and Content


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  1. The sickest Dude is Telar, a german Player on EU Blackmoore. He has the biggest Collection of every Wow Player since years and he is always Rank 1 in Collection Score on Data for Azeroth.

  2. I've only been playing since WoD; with 431 days played, I have 27,180 AP. Collecting cheeves, mogs, mounts and pets is the only reason I play. The 100%ers are gawds to me. But, I quit social play, and am a solo player now, so some achievements I will never get. I'm okay with that. I still log in every day, and see what I can get done. The goal is always to complete at least one achievement every day, which as a solo player, is pretty daunting. Thanks for making this video!

  3. I love to see dedication to a videogame, but omg 700 days? 800 days? I dont know, I respect it but I feel like I would get so sick if I spent THAT much time on one game

  4. I saw someone recently, an orc warlock, on Reddit who had collected all the mounts and pets, not sure on the achievements though. But with the rarity of those mounts I would say that's just as impressive

  5. 37310 all one one single character, started playing towards the end of Wrath. Not a very avid achi hunter, I just do them when there's nothing better to do.

  6. Maybe get some of theese players you posted wowprogress screenshot on next video? Like Ask them questions and compile it and make it like What is going in the head of wow completionist or something. It has never been done. Im pretty sure it would be a hit for you. Also someone fresh Not xirev or Annie. There are atleast 12-20 people who do 100ˇper expansion. The wowprogress screenshot you posted atleasts 15 peple there will have 100% i can guarantee that.

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