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World of Warcraft Vs Final Fantasy XIV Which Game is For You?

Which Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker and World of Warcraft Dragonflight seemingly on top of the MMO genre, many people have been wondering which one should I play? Well, in this video you should find out!

Final Fantasy XIV OST-Masayoshi Soken
Battle 2 Endwalker
One Small Step
Behind Closed Doors

World of Warcraft OST
Kingdoms Will Burn
Stormwind City
Grizzly Hills

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  1. For me it has to be wow, simply because i enjoy the world a lot more. I love it when i fight huge dragons and little gnomes with robo dogs within a few minutes. I love the mounts i got over time and i love the gameplay. But i give ff14 how well it recovered after its bad launch. They made a new game after the first ff14 was so bad and damn they delivered

  2. WoW is great if you play with friends. The PvP is fun with friends, the dungeons are better with friends and you avoid toxic people, the completion with friends is funnier too.

    FF14, on the other hand, is a solo game online, until you reach end game where you really start to play with people. It's less an MMORPG during the story than WoW is.

  3. I do what to say that I feel like like WoW also has a lot of content too, right now SoD is amazing. Being able to play 3 different versions of the game is awesome. Not on the same level as FF14 MSQ of course

  4. My first and biggest and about ffXIV comparaed to wow , and you said it weirdly perfectly, is the look of the combat system, what it looks likes on the cover, we see spectacular effects, light pillars, glitters everyhwere, insane big light and dark bubbles etc, to the point where it's too much. I mean every class feels like you're playing mages. For exemple, I love playing archers in MMO's, in wow it's easy, your abilities are mainly arrows that you shoot, in ffxiv you shoot light, thunder, magicals rays etc etc, like where are my good old arows? I even played a spear jobs, all your hits makes lights pillars appear and green magic debuffs with audio effect of like magical sphere shot at your target, like I'm just hitting with a spear chill? xD
    But other than that, it's an interresting game so idk…
    Second concern, in wow its feels quite easy, you got a pnj, you take his quest go fullfill it, you clear the area of it's quests thant go to the next, in ffxiv you have chain quest that seems to never end since they always points you at another quest thus I feel like I'm never 100% clearing an area before being thrown to the next.

  5. Currently was playing WoW on a private vanilla server and the game doesn't feel like its made just for the endgame. For FF16 everyone kept telling to rush through max level and just play the endgame content. So that part was a bit confusing for me

  6. Retail WoW’s endgame is a joke compared to 14’s ultimates I ran mythic vaults and the mythic shadowland raids before I quit, and it was to easy now I’m over here in ff14 online struggling my ass off trying to prog UWU.

  7. WOW with my eyes open, did that with eyes closed to FF, too animated and quality of spells and actions is not satisfying. I can read books for stories that are much better than any game.

  8. Ffxiv all the way! People are telling me to try Wow, but the graphics puts me off. It looks like a poorly made mobile game to me. I’m also scared that the main story isn’t going to be that good.

  9. You can go and play all those 3 different classic wows … for like ever… LOTS OF content in each ONE..
    the main WOW is now encompassing ALL those expansions.. you can PLAY SOOOOO MANY DIFFERENT dungeons EVEN at higher level, I do that ALL the time, and you can make them HEROIC..
    ALSO, I play through the main quest lines/ main dungeons AS IM LEVELing in new WOW.. and when alls said and done.. THERE IS SOOO MANY MORE dungeons/ QUESTS than FFIXV.

    I think WoW has 2x to 3 x the QUEST LINES ( main) AND dungeons. I had MANY alts( like 100+) BUT 20-30 of those had 1,000 Days played or 500 Days played.. that is WAYY more than FFXIV possible in STORY other than just STRAIGHT grinding, I did mostly all quests/ MAIN quests/ DUNGEONS/bosses.

    I think FFXIV is trying to be the NEW age wow(not as good) so people trying to MINUS EVERYTHING about wow.. NO DOG… Wow is LONGER.. FFXIV is BETTER but SHORTER main dungeons/story ( it is LONG TOO but not like the 20 year old 2,000+ DUNGEONS?).

  10. I've never played WoW and have yet to find anyone or any video that makes me want to I'd rather stick to ff14 and gw2. Simply because it has no sub to play so to have a game thays as good as ff14 to play free is not a bad trade off for a change of pace now and then

  11. FFXIV is superior and its not even close.

    WoW is beyond antiquated, from its graphics to its reliance on addons to ita combat design philosophy. Its a game from 2004 and it shows.

  12. WOW more endgame raiding?.. not sure about that.., the raids are longer due to more trash.., but the time it takes to finish raid tiers, its evened out.., bedside, no matter which expansion your on, you have Ultimates too.., besides the raid tiers

  13. Idk, ff14 graphics are bad, i prefer wow cartoon style it age better.
    When i look ff14 raid it give me headeach with all these ''over exagerated final fantasy colorfull spell'' everywhere.
    Ive try ff14 a lot of time, with the launch of realm reborn, and maybe every 2 years since, but i cant go more than lvl 30/35, its so boring, the story is meh and the maps are flat and uninteresting… it give me the same vibes than old free to play era (rapplz etc)
    I want a game with FF content and new world graphics.

  14. For me the biggest thing is how the combat feels… and for tab target nothing comes close to WoW. I'm in a strange spot where I HATE what rotations and class design is like on retail… it feels like a bunch of things thrown together that compete against one another and nothing lines up. I prefer the Wrath – MoP rotations that felt deliberately designed and gave a sense of FLOW.

  15. WoW's fundamental problem is that it's endgame is simply an engine for driving a gear treadmill. All rewards in endgame content are tied to gear so you feel compelled to do all of them or risk getting sidelined in group content. FFXIV on the other hand doesn't make you do anything other than the MSQ. The endgame is entirely up to you and at your own pace. If you only raid-log, then FFXIV will not be satisfying as you only ever get 4 bosses per tier and it doesn't take that long to get geared since you aren't completely thrown at the mercy of RNG like in WoW. But if you like being free to explore the game at your own pace instead of being forced to constantly run gearing marathons then it's a good game for you.

  16. Before I start this off, I play FFXIV religiously and I haven't played wow since the first few months of Dragonflight. I do ultimate/savage/EX, I do completionism content (Grinding Pteranodon now, only 2 more DoL) and currently am just focusing on getting as much as I can done in FF. I'm top 500 for mounts in FF, and in WoW I did the same content. I've experienced both games in their fullest imo so I feel like I have an informed take on this.

    WoW definitely has more content to do. You state things that there isn't much side content to do but there is. A large amount of it. WoW has pet battles, rep grinds, achievements, mounts and transmog, questing, unlocking toys, professions, archeology. And that's just things that are not expansion locked and are very broad. This doesn't include system in every expansion that they have had that are their own self controlled systems. Horrific visions, torghast, argus, void elves, garrisons, the list goes on. Mechagon and Timeless isles are also big draws. Its just factually wrong to say that there isn't as much to do in WoW then there is in FF. Go do every quest in FF vs every quest in wow while reading text and going through RP. You will easily topple over the amount of time it takes to do that in FF. There is more content and systems to do, and in turn you have timewalking which also brings back old content and on top of that M+ brings back old dungeons every season. I'm extremely confused where you got this take. Casual gamers thrive in WoW, FF its only just venues and that's it because the amount of content you have in FF post MSQ is horrendously small and a one time thing, and on top of that the grinds that are actually in the game are ginormous and impossible to grind as a casual or even a midcore player.

    Gameplay wise, WoW has FF beat by a long shot. The 2 minute burst window feels awful to play, homogenization really kills uniqueness and in reality almost every class is extremely bland and samey so the only thing that really makes the game feel fun is the fight design. Fight design, FF beats wow and will never lose. The fights are phenomenally crafted pieces of content and feel amazing to do. The gameplay of FF however feels horrendous to play. The fact that the 2 minute window is so heavy on top of the horrible net code and everything being tied to party buffs (Biggest mistake in the game right now), it just feels awful. WoW on the other hand is different. The GCD speed isn't really the issue in FF as the fact of the gameplay is tied around 2 min party buff and commitment to keeping that standard. In WoW, there are very very few party buffs. This helps classes have more flexibility and ability to flow your combat better. You can save gauge for a burst, delay a stack of something for a mech and not have to worry that your DNC popped tech to early or your NIN popped mug too late. These things are out of your control and the agency of your own DPS and ability to hit big numbers is determined mainly by your own skill and not arbitrary cooldown timers locking you into a specific time to burst.

    Something you brought up was Alts. In FF, its the most unfriendly alt game ever. Let me explain:
    In FF, all your classes can be played on one character. That's great on paper. If you don't raid, this will never be an issue but for a raider its one of the worst things in existence. In FF, you are tome locked to 450 a week. You are also locked to only one lockout of raiding per week. When a new raid tier drops, the only way to upgrade gear is through buying them with tomes or raid gear. Meaning you have to commit to one role for the raid tier until you get that BiS and if you want to switch 4-5 weeks into your prog its impossible or your gear is just lower and its like week 1 prog where you get demolished by AoEs without extra crazy padding. On top of that you have to be top top performing to hit the DPS checks if it is a DPS and everything needs to be 10x more precise. Having only two gear sets and both being locked weekly to one character fucks up the ability to play all classes on one character. Yes, you can play them technically but realistically you won't be able to. And then if you want to make an alt character and get that ready? Either spend money on skips or get ready to do all the content you just did, things that already take 10x longer then WoW's leveling, just to get to the point where you can raid twice a week which, again, will lock you into one role. On top of that, gearing is fucking horrendous in FF. It takes 8 weeks for a weapon? 4 for a helmet and gloves? At maximum it could take me 17 weeks to get all my gear leveled up and ready. And the problem is there is no alternative so you either get gear or you don't get any at all.

    In WoW, you get 2-4 specs per class, sometimes multiple roles. Each class has their own character and you need to level up and do certain content with them respectively. Thankfully they have fixed things over time but realistically it does take longer cause you have to do certain content. Mind you, its a lot easier. The best part about this is that I can play a different role, get gear for another spec, or hop classes to play something else without feeling hindered due to gear. I can play multiple classes and roles due to the character lockouts not being stuck on one character. Leveling an alt is no where near as time consuming and with buff events it takes maybe 10 hours to get to level 60.

    Accessibility wise I see what you mean but you are coming at it from a casual perspective and people who are busy. You don't need any plugins for WoW raiding. Its the same thing with FF, you can install ACT and Cactbot and itll help but in reality you don't need it. Same with DBM and details in WoW. Hell I did all of VotC and Castle Nathria (On Heroic) without it. On top of that, just as there are guides for FF endgame content there is for WoW. If you are doing the content and not doing it blind, you should be looking at these guides in both games. Unless you have friends helping you out, this is how it should go.

    Long story short, I think this is very biased against WoW and it seems really misinformed. Idk if that was because of the amount of time you put into WoW vs. FF, but I do think its still very misinformed.

    Edit: Something I saw in the comments I want to make clear too. FF's community is just as bad if not worse then WoW's community. Toxic elitism exists in both games, and toxic casualism exists in both games. The difference is the RP community in FF has flourished due to housing and venues, and due to that people have come and ruined everything the community has during positivity. I can go into detail if people want, but the scum of the earth play FF. I would rather get called a racial slur and get kicked then have to deal with stalking, harassment, pedophilia, extortion, doxxing, etc.

  17. FFX14 has LITTERLY the best community on the entire internet and I'll never stop praising it sure I've seen some things in Lominsa.. but I've seen like zero toxic messages in zone (I played ESO since launch on console fuck cyrodiil zone chat is cancer) but ffx14 is a work of art some content is Grindy sure but then you stumble across Hildy questline or new jobs/glams always something to do. PvP is tolerable.. sorta.. and there's no in game chat like ESO but I'm never going to quit Ffx14

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