5 WoW Records That Will NEVER Be Broken!
In this Epic Gamer video, we take a look at some WoW players and streamers who broke some of the craziest world records in game!
#wow #records #streamers
Epic Drop Twitter: https://twitter.com/EpicDropYT
Music by https://youtube.com/ikson
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Rip joana
In Vanilla days, all of the first L60s were hunters with no professions that spoke little to no English. You only knew them because they would spam in a main capital city (Ironforge, Orgrimmar, etc.) any BOE epic items they got. Mainly they were gold seller accounts.
The title doesn't quite match the video.
the leeroy was ofc staged but awesome still
Also i was the world first char named Slashignore in level 60
🙂 now every server has one.
Earthquake guy is just prove that DPS focus on one thing, their DPS and refuse to leave AoE/ damage. 0 praise
RIP Joana!
My brother held down stormwind and IF with 2 40 man groups for 7 hours straight then passed lead off and woke up in the morning… they were still going strong
4:50 „those who played“ is a lie.
I didn’t played wow that time and knew that clip. It wasn’t just a wow thing, it was a gamer thing.
Rest in Peace Joana ❤️ you are a big part of the YouTube Leveling community
The earthquake guy is playing wow VR
RIP Joana <3
When classic started with my friends we rushed the captain chest open it at 3:01 at 3:03 we did the first guild of the server (selling the stuff for the money) it was our challenge and we did it
RIP Joana
This is nothing, back in the day I tanked Onyxia with a two hand sword…. Everyone thought it couldn’t be done….
pffft I play during rocket attacks in Ukraine.
That guy mining his way to max lvl is literally what south park episode is about , minus the threat or purpose 😂
nah bro, you are wrong on first lvl 60
Total time played: 4 days, 20 hours, 52 minutes, 34 seconds
Time played this level: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 45 seconds –
correct time is here at 4 days, 20 hours, 49 minutes. 49 seconds 😀
The first lv 60 was a Troll Rogue, not this hunter
Well…its fair to say that all world firsts were set back in the early 2000s….sry but these dont count😂
My record is setting world records in the game itself
you didnt mention that they put an achievement into the game because of the clip of Leroy Jenkins lol
Well Leroy Jenkins was scripted tho
earthquake guy wasnt a record… just shit that happend! xD
could it be bud was parsing so hard it caused the earthquake
Say WoW again
Why so many dislikes?
Some of these arent even records…..
that earth quake guy was having an immersive experience
I was raiding during an earthquake on warmane private server ICC At LK all my family was out but not 7.2
omg this videos so good
Why do you pronounce pandaren like that? It’s weird and objectively wrong.
I think the saddest thing I've seen in a long time, is that clip or DoubleAgent achieving lvl 120 after 8 years and he just has this blank, expressionless look on his face, completely devoid of any joy at his accomplishment.
I recognize that face. It's the same way I looked, for years before finally tapering off of the anti-depressant mess I'd been on my whole life.
At my highest dose, I felt like I was just merely existing and watching a movie of myself going through the motions of living my life.
Hopefully, that's not the case with this guy, and he was merely soaking it in and reflecting on his journey.
This guy leveling to 60 that quickly is not what's impressive
What's impressive is the fact that he streamed it and didn't get griefed
Playing during a real earthquake is utterly stupid.
It was a raid not a dungeon
My main is a gnome mage
Original TBC first to lvl 70 was a French dude named Millennium something or if it was his guild name. Happy to remember
Friend of mine and I raided during an earthquake back in Cataclysm. We werent used to earthquakes as it never really happens here and thought it was the washing machine instead going crazy, even tho everything was shaking and stuff got knocked off shelves etc. I just said wow thats an intense washing machine, and he just said yeah.
I understood that one of the Leroy Jenkins guild members later came out admitting it was staged. Still an epic classic though because many guilds went through the same thing.
So what the dude farming plate got mannaroth tusks before he got some random shit legplates from his garrison mission??
First and last video I will watch from this channel.
#2 how is that a record, uploader is dumb af
A shaman caused that earthquake
Leeroy Jenkins was even mentioned on Jeopardy.
I had world first anathema / benediction staff on my priest… Not too crazy of a first lol but first none the less
Record for 1-60 in HC wow is 36 hours now with Ravtheavatar
The only thing that's broken here are some lives