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5 WoW Records That Will NEVER Be Broken!

5 WoW Records That Will NEVER Be Broken!

In this Epic Gamer video, we take a look at some WoW players and streamers who broke some of the craziest world records in game!

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  1. In Vanilla days, all of the first L60s were hunters with no professions that spoke little to no English. You only knew them because they would spam in a main capital city (Ironforge, Orgrimmar, etc.) any BOE epic items they got. Mainly they were gold seller accounts.

  2. My brother held down stormwind and IF with 2 40 man groups for 7 hours straight then passed lead off and woke up in the morning… they were still going strong

  3. nah bro, you are wrong on first lvl 60
    Total time played: 4 days, 20 hours, 52 minutes, 34 seconds
    Time played this level: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 45 seconds –
    correct time is here at 4 days, 20 hours, 49 minutes. 49 seconds 😀

  4. I think the saddest thing I've seen in a long time, is that clip or DoubleAgent achieving lvl 120 after 8 years and he just has this blank, expressionless look on his face, completely devoid of any joy at his accomplishment.

    I recognize that face. It's the same way I looked, for years before finally tapering off of the anti-depressant mess I'd been on my whole life.

    At my highest dose, I felt like I was just merely existing and watching a movie of myself going through the motions of living my life.

    Hopefully, that's not the case with this guy, and he was merely soaking it in and reflecting on his journey.

  5. Friend of mine and I raided during an earthquake back in Cataclysm. We werent used to earthquakes as it never really happens here and thought it was the washing machine instead going crazy, even tho everything was shaking and stuff got knocked off shelves etc. I just said wow thats an intense washing machine, and he just said yeah.

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