With a dominated Anduin at his side, the Jailer stands poised to annihilate life as we know it, despite our best efforts. It’s up to you and your allies to enter Zereth Mortis to discover his machinations and halt his efforts in the newest content update, Shadowlands: Eternity’s End.
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Voice Over: "Despite our best efforts…"
The Jailer: "Another turtle made it to the water!"
shadowlands single handedly ruined over 15 years of wow lore. an absolute tradegy.
yeah patch is awesome love the zone
too little too late. content droughts are not good for your indie game
I'll skip that and wait for the next addon ☺
It's over , amen
The forge looks like something straight out of guild wars 2.
So is the Jailer trying to reshape reality and bend it to his will ?
how is anyone still playing this….
pls hire fans ! pls
They really dropped the ball with these AWFUL class sets… Bring them back, but make them look like garbage? Wow, WOW.
the new zone looks so nice.
Rewards, rewards, rewards and rewards. Only focusing on the carrot on the stick instead of creating gameplay that is actually fun to play.
Hopefully you guys can pull it together. The last few years have been massively disappointing.
@Blizzard: You mean "World of Extreme-Leftist Mangas". This ain't Warcraft by any means lol.
His voice is so annoying!!!
Back to Lost Ark
Sir, this isn't Fortnite.
Hire better writers.
3.7k likes with 122k views oh nononononono
121,221 views and only 3.7k likes…. hmmmm
Lost ark is better
This dudes voice is straight up annoying
Aaaaaaah, never miss the opportunity to dislike an official wow video.
Not sure you know what defies physics means
Why can't we someday log in for new patch and have ZERO new systems?
They really have to remind how tier sets work? Explaining this is just like talking to 5 year old child. Pathetic.
How creative, every mount is just another reskin. LOL
The narrator sounds like the "flair" guy from Office Space.
What even happened to this game…
reskin after reskin… lazy (m+ mount)
This looks so boring
TLDR: how many new currencies?
Really cool area, shame about all the time gating.
2k Dislikes
Please Make World of warcraft like old shcool runescape
Imagine if this entire video was just the copium meme.
Who even still play this game? lol
Remember, all work you do in 9.2 will be worth 0% of your time in 10.0.
not interested sorry blizzsoft
"the threat is great.. so we must time gate your timegates to ensure victory"
Pokepoke 🤣i Love it ♥
yeah ill see you guys next xpac, hopefully.
Describing Tier Set bonuses like we don't know what they are lol. Hilarious.
They can;t hide the dislikes thanks to the dislike plugin XD
96,249 views Feb 17, 2022
1.9K dislikes