History of Troll Racials in World of Warcraft

Trolls are OP in vanilla wow, and also in the other expansions. Spoilers.

Video Managed by Felplague
Video edited by Sam

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  1. I enjoy playing troll hunter and troll shaman, and funnily enough i am leveling my troll hunter in retail through zones that are HEAVILY loaded with beast enemies. That 20% stacking with war mode's 10% is real handy in these areas XD

  2. Trolls are also the owners of the second worst racial in the entire game right now in Beast slaying. The only racial thats worse than that is Lighforged Draenai's Demon Slaying, and thats just cuz beasts are more common than Demons. Both are garbage.

  3. Back in the early years, Troll racial "Berserkering" was quite a topic in the forum. After a few modifications, I could tell Blizzards and gamers still weren't happy with the changes. I could also tell Blizzards wasn't quite sure about the corrections they made, even after patch updates. After about the third time, I decided to submit my suggestion on an ongoing post in the Blizzards forum. Basically, I tied the attack speed with the character health. The less health you have, the faster you hit. I even submitted the formula as to how much attack speed you gain per health. A few months after, Blizzards released another update on Berserking which was identical to or close to mine.

  4. I think in cataclyzm berserk was changed to 20% haste, making it superuseful for almost every dps class in pve/ Rogues for example were given energy regen from haste in cata

  5. Man I forgot about different races having different base stat spreads. When your max level gear only had like 18 agi, that extra base 5 really mattered. Then stats got so bloated that gear would have several hundred agi per piece…. so minor that I forgot it was ever even a thing.

  6. Thank you for all the content. Your videos are so interesting. I remember playing a Troll rogue in vanilla and Berserking was basically unusable for me when it had that weird mechanic of being available after taking a crit. Berserking became incredible when it was just an activated haste based on your level of health.

  7. I wish they could make racials with choices just like the talents. That should make some interesting choices and patterns. Not every individual of the same race is the same after all.

  8. Regeneration in Vanilla was never good, as you even said the health regen was very slow in Vanilla and 10% of that in combat was literally never enough to make it worth it. Even the smallest DoT or damage would easily outweigh it. For a character with about 4,000 health in PvP it worked out to 13 health per tick while in combat (about 7 HPS). Also, in PvP if a Rogue vanished they are now out of combat, so it's irrelevant in that scenario. Back in the day on EJ we figured out that the only scenario where it'd be helpful in PvP is if a DoT's last tick that would have killed you by less than 12 HP leaves you with between 1 – 12 HP and nobody else is attacking you. Could it happen? Sure of course, but PvP rarely comes down to both sides having a sliver of health left, generally when you lose having an extra 13 HP wouldn't have made a difference.

    Even the PvE reasoning is a bit off, it'd just mean you'd need to stop and eat 9 times instead of 10.

  9. Hi hiru, i think an interesting thing you could explore is every number squish blizzard did with how much dmg/hp players had before and after the squish. I still miss my first 2 million chaos bolt in pandaria.

  10. I still kinda wish that the attuning to Loa Shrines Racial changed not only your passive, but also your on use pterodactyl glider to something different that matches the attuned Loa; however I recognize that it would be a nightmare to balance depending on the effects/utility.

  11. Video suggestion: Racials of worgen, pandaren, and vulpera. I don't think their has changed much in expansions, and you may combine a lot of fur here…

  12. You forgot to mention how amazing Beast Slaying was for Trolls during the Throne of Thunder world first race. With 7/12 HC bosses being beasts, many guilds had their dps race change to Troll to gain the 5% flat damage buff to beasts

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