Glyphs in World of Warcraft are no longer the ability-changing enhancements they once were, but they’re still a hot commodity! Based on my data from selling glyphs over the past few expansions, I’ve compiled 20 of some of the game’s most popular glyphs and show you what’s got people so interested in them!
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They need to add more .
Only cosmetic ones lol gg
Can you make a vidoe about the most useless and worthless glyphs or pointless since on my empty server pros buy up all cheap usefull glyphs hand resell them for 30 gold – One cant get new warriros on to the server , I just want to know what to sell to them cheap any not so valuable so the "server ah owners consider not worth buying up all and sell for lv 70+ only . The only one they didnt buy up immediatelly were – mend pet minor glyph – "increases pets happiness slightly "
Why isnt there more like they could do SOOO much!!
I know this is an older video and you might’ve been told this, but the paladin winged vengeance says 4 wings because before the paladin wing update they looked like the ones from the glyph, the glyphs took that and put a second pair upside down and smaller under the them, hence 4 wings. You still get holy butterfly wings but yeah.
OMG, i have a zandalari troll balance druid, and i hate the luminescent form. Now i k about the glyph of stars, everything is perfect
Wait… is Glyph of Stars also "only your screen"?!
Question is how do I remove a glyph ….
Glyph of twilight or autumnal bloom does pretty well on my server… I used it trying to figure out if I even noticed. It's subtle but cool
Whats that glyph or whatever it is where u get wings for like jumping or something…Its new to 8.3, is it like a cloak or something?
Back in the days, when glyphs where gameplay elements, there was a glyph that made your Word of Glory for HolyPallys deal DMG on the oponent. Together with Holy Shock, Jugement, Crusader Strike and Denounce you could deal quite nice DMG. I did many NHC runs just doing more DPS than some of our DPS players 😉
Nice video man. Subbed!!
Does anyone still use dire beast??? Bc as far as im concerned, its kinda trash lol
Yo do ALL the glyphs. You will get many more views 100%. Do it. Now.
I want a glyph of the mana saber for my shaman I hate the ghost wolf and when you are using the disguise mask in suramar the nightborne ghost wolf form is a mana saber, And well i'm a cat person not a ghost wolf person
we get it, you sell glyphs
They should work on glyphs more. Give us some cool things. Now 90% of the glyphs doesn't even do anything or just a small things that nobody gives a fuck about. It would be soo cool if we could get different spell animations or more druid forms or something.
As a Monk I gotta ask…
What glyphs? They're all so subtle…
I'm glad you're responsible and mention things like realm economies. c:
I hope we get some cool new ones in Shadowlands! And really hope some of those druid ones get uppdated visuals. lol
I'm guilty of using almost all of these, lol
It is silly that Blizzard does not introduce 100 new glyphs. There are so many things they could do with changing the color of spells alone that it isn't even funny.
Let shamans choose between black, white, or blue lightning. Let fire mages throw yellow, orange, white, or blue fire. Let warlocks throw chaos bolts that are green with black or purple with black. Let paladins choose between white, yellow, and orange spell effects.
20 most popular glyphs in WOW? There's literally like only 20 glyphs in the game right now… Used to be way more… when they actually did something nice.
Glyph of stars by the gods has to be the most bought one for sure
The fact that glyph of stars is by and away the most popular should tell you something.
I didn't even think WoW had more than about 10 glyphs
Warlocks and druids are the best customers. Druid’s glyphs are always cheap and warlock’s glyphs very expensive even sometimes the crafting price is the same 😂
i remember when glyphs actually did things.
Glyphs were such a good touch to the game the amount of customization is literally endless surely? It makes no sense as to why blizzard wouldn't just keep glyphs rolling in and out of the game, the amount of particle armour effects they have saved is pretty large at this point, chuck some shadow underneath where you walk for spriest or different coloured forms for druid, DEATH KNIGHT GHOUL APPERANCES PLSSSS?!?! the possbilities are endless :))
Who else remembers when Glyphs were actually useful?
have mercy
Trust me, I didn't farm rep to unlock the Kul Tirans, not not play in drust form 24/7.
had the geist on my dk for ages until the animation started to make him get stucfk on random terrain,
I think you're a lot better at these specific themed shorter videos.
This seems so out of place given your recent content. But nice video nonetheless
Great video, thank you for making this.
Remember when glyphs actually used to be beneficial to your class instead of being this customizable stupid idea
I’m on purpose lvling inscription on my new main for glyphs
I use glyph of stars and doe for both of my druids.
This was cool, I only play one class so it was cool to see some of the different class looks.