World of Warcraft – All The Removed Flirt Voice Lines in Patch 9.1.5

Blizzard are making yet another controversial move in World of Warcraft: they are removing a bunch of voice emotes that their developers believe are now “inappropriate”. In this video we list all the /flirt WoW voice line emotes that will be going away in the upcoming Patch 9.1.5.

Please note that there are also a bunch of /silly emotes getting removed; I made a video with them here:

00:00 – Intro
00:04 – Dwarf Male
00:15 – Dwarf Female
00:20 – Night Elf Male
00:23 – Night Elf Female
00:26 – Dreanei Male
00:36 – Dreanei Female
00:42 – Worgen Male
01:13 – Gilnean Male
01:17 – Worgen Female
02:01 – GIlnean Female
02:23 – Orc Male
02:32 – Troll Male
02:26 – Troll Female
02:46 – Forsaken Male
02:51 – Forsaken Female
03:00 – Tauren Male
03:09 – Tauren Female
03:16 – Blood Elf Female
03:37 – Goblin Male
03:42 – Goblin Female
03:56 – Pandaren Male
04:16 – Pandaren Female
04:28 – Dark Iron Dwarf Male
04:34 – Lightforged Dreanei Female
04:50 – Mechagnome Female
04:54 – Highmountain Tauren Male
05:01 – Highmountain Tauren Female
05:10 – Nightborne Male
05:14 – Nightborne Female
05:24 – Blood Elf Demon Hunter Male

Here is a written list of the removed/flirt emotes:

Blood Elf Female
Is that a mana wyrm in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Normally, I only ride on epic mounts… But, let’s talk.

Blood Elf Demon Hunter Male
Are you sure you’re not part-demon? I find myself wanting to stalk you.
I hope you like tattoos, because they’re permanent. If you don’t believe me, you could try rubbing them off.

Draenei Male
Would you be offended if I said that you had a beautiful transgoto? The other one, that’s not bad either.

Draenei Female
I want you to *lick and splat* my *gurgling noises* *slurping noises*

Dwarf Female
I’ll have you know I can flatten steel with my thighs.

Goblin Male
Ever rode a rocket before? Mine’s huge.
I like my women the way I like my fuses: Short, fast and ready to blow.
I got what you need. *sound of zipper*

Goblin Female
I’m short and good with my hands… how can you resist?
Is that your wallet? Or are you just glad to see me? Both I hope!
So then, he asked me to go up on him!

Highmountain Tauren Male
Trust me… I have experience at exploring deep places.

Highmountain Tauren Female
Are you staring at my rack?
You don’t need to be from the Skyhorn tribe to join the mile high club.

Lightforged Draenei Female
When in doubt… touch anything that glows.
Let’s go back to my ship and twist our nethers.
I admire a soldier who can… remain… at attention.

Mechagnome Female
I used to be a ten, but then I upgraded to an eleven.

Nightborne Male
Mmmm, I wanna tap that ley line.

Nightborne Female
Is that an illusion in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
There’s no area denial in this raid.

Night Elf Female
Sure, I’ve got exotic piercings.

Orc Male
That armor looks good on you. It would look even better on my floor.
Um… You look like a lady.

Pandaren Male
Yeah, I would tap dat keg.
Hey, hot stuff. Want to try breeding in captivity?
Nice pants. What’s the drop rate?
Hey gorgeous. Wanna try crane position? Oh no… For you, monkey style.

Pandaren Female
Oh, I’ve never done THAT before.. Uh… You’re not doing it right…
Let me show you my kung fu grip.

Tauren Male
Free rides for the ladies.
Y’know, older bulls really only have one function.

Tauren Female
I’ve got big, soulful eyes, long eyelashes and a wet tongue. What more could a guy want?

Troll Male
Want some of my jungle love?

Troll Female
When enraged, and in heat, a female troll can mate over 80 times in one night. Be you prepared?

Undead Male
Once you go dead, you never go back.

Undead Female
Us undead girls really know how to have a good time, because after all, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

Thank you for watching! Please consider subscribing for more fun Gaming content! 😀

#WorldOfWarcraft #WoW #Blizzard

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  1. I made another video with the removed /silly voice lines too. You can check it out here:
    00:04 – Dwarf Male

    00:15 – Dwarf Female

    00:20 – Night Elf Male

    00:23 – Night Elf Female

    00:26 – Dreanei Male

    00:36 – Dreanei Female

    00:42 – Worgen Male

    01:13 – Gilnean Male

    01:17 – Worgen Female

    02:01 – GIlnean Female

    02:23 – Orc Male

    02:32 – Troll Male

    02:26 – Troll Female

    02:46 – Forsaken Male

    02:51 – Forsaken Female

    03:00 – Tauren Male

    03:09 – Tauren Female

    03:16 – Blood Elf Female

    03:37 – Goblin Male

    03:42 – Goblin Female

    03:56 – Pandaren Male

    04:16 – Pandaren Female

    04:28 – Dark Iron Dwarf Male

    04:34 – Lightforged Dreanei Female

    04:50 – Mechagnome Female

    04:54 – Highmountain Tauren Male

    05:01 – Highmountain Tauren Female

    05:10 – Nightborne Male

    05:14 – Nightborne Female

    05:24 – Blood Elf Demon Hunter Male

    Thanks for watching!

  2. Its a conspiracy theory at this point.
    Most AAA game companies thrive off our sadness and sorrows.

    They hear us, they know exactly what we want.
    But they always give us something completely different.

    And this trend happens constantly.

    So im convinced they do it intentionally to feed off the sorrows of gamers all around the world.

    Some sort of energy for them, similar to adrenochrome.

  3. Bilzzard f-ed the game as much, as public opinion. I bet there are many "Ok" people in Blizzard, who created whole game, so I do have respect for them and artistic value, of what they made

  4. I'd never heard ANY of these before, they're hilarious! No wonder Blizzard took them out.
    Also because they've gone woke, and several of them suggested that the characters were gasp! heterosexual. Can't have that.

  5. A lot of these were hilarious! Why would they take them out? Like if the gamers would "cancel" them for some reason, we loved this, they changed because they sold out to a "woke" company. So sad.

  6. It's called 'Woke' everything is offensive now and fun is being suppressed by a noisy minority. For 20 years nobody thought of this as offensive we used to have fun with it on 40 raids. Those making decisions now on WOW were in nappies when the game was released … what sad time are these when passing ruffians can at will suppress our simple pleasures.

  7. Oh yeah, I remember these.
    They were never a real issue. Sure, you got some people who thought they had the whole world figured out latching on to them, but the overall sentiment was that these are just normal stuff normal people would realistically say.
    The real issue comes after you get unmasked as misogynistic offenders on a company level. I can understand why they removed them, not that I think it is going to help them any.

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