World of Warcraft – All The Removed Joke Voice Lines in Patch 9.1.5

Blizzard are making yet another controversial move in World of Warcraft: they are removing a bunch of voice emotes that their developers believe are now “inappropriate”. In this video we list all the /silly & /joke WoW voice line emotes that will be going away in the upcoming Patch 9.1.5.

Please note that there are also a bunch of /flirt emotes getting removed; I made a video with them here:

00:00 – Intro
00:05 – Human Male
00:11 – Human Female
00:20 – Dwarf Male
00:27 – Dwarf Female
00:51 – Night Elf Female
00:57 – Gnome Male
01:08 – Dreanei Male
01:20 – Dreanei Female
01:25 – Worgen Male
01:35 – Gilnean Male
01:46 – Worgen Female
01:59 – Gilnean Female
02:09 – Orc Female
02:12 – Troll Male
02:28 – Forsaken Female
02:33 – Tauren Male
02:38 – Tauren Female
02:42 – Blood Elf Male
02:46 – Blood Elf Female
03:01 – Goblin Male
03:11 – Goblin Female
03:32 – Lightforged Dreanei Female
03:40 – Mechagnome Male
03:45 – Blood Elf Demon Hunter Female

Here is a written list of the removed/silly emotes:

Human Male
A guy walked up to me and said ‘I’m a teepee, I’m a wigwam, I’m a teepee, I’m a wigwam!’ and I said ‘Relax man, you’re too tense!’

Human Female
Why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking?
I like to fart in the tub.

Dwarf Male
Oh, I’m having a wardrobe malfunction! (‘twang’) Ooo, there’s me hammer.

Dwarf Female
No they’re not real, but thanks for noticing.
It’s like my father always used to say: ‘Shut up, and get out.’
My Uncle has brass balls, no really!
I give myself a Dutch oven pedicure every night. I’ve got no foot fungus at all. My toes are pristine.

Night Elf Female
Oh, look, I’m dancing again! (Darkly) I hope all your friends are enjoying the show…

Gnome Male
I’d like to give a shout out to my boys in Gnomeregan. Keeping it real Big-T, Snoop-Pup and Little Dees. Y’all are short, but you’re real, baby!

Draenei Male
When we arrived here I lost many jewels that had been in my family for generations. If you could get your hands on my family jewels I would be deeply appreciative.

Worgen Male:
It’s nothing personal, I just don’t feel that I really know a person until I’ve sniffed their crotch.
Alright: I’ve got hairy palms. So what?

Worgen Female
For the holiday, he tried to give me a bone. No…a bone. An ordinary bone. What did you think I…oh..

Lightforged Draenei Female
Have you seen Prophet Velen’s new dance? He calls it the ‘Mac’Areena’!

Mechagnome Male
Why yes, I do have a vibrate setting! Why does everyone keep asking?

Orc Female
What’s estrogen? Can you eat it?

Troll Male
I’ve got a shrunken head: I just came out of the pool.
I heard if you cut off an extremity it’ll regenerate a little bigger. Don’t believe it.
I like my women dumpy and droopy with halitosis.

Undead Female
Yes, they’re REAL! They’re not mine, but they’re real!

Tauren Male
Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies.

Tauren Female
One time I laughed so hard I milked all over the floor.

Blood Elf Male
Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

Blood Elf Female
So I went to this troll spa the other day and I wound up with dreadlocks and a frigging bone in my nose! I mean come on! Who PAYS for that?
So you mean I’m stuck with this hair color?!

Goblin Male
Yeah. He told me to tie her up and do whatever I wanted to her… so I took her stereo!
Out of the way, you nobgoblin!

Goblin Female
I’m a modern goblin woman. Independent? I still let men do nice things to me. But I stopped giving them any credit.
I’m a free spirit. I don’t like to be tied down. What? You mean literally? Oh no… totally into that.
Out of the way, you nobgoblin!

Blood Elf Demon Hunter Female
Of course these are real. You…mean the tattoos, right?

Thank you for watching! Please consider subscribing for more fun Gaming content! 😀

#WorldOfWarcraft #WoW #Blizzard

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  1. I made another video with the removed /flirt voice lines too. You can check it out here:
    00:05 – Human Male

    00:11 – Human Female

    00:20 – Dwarf Male

    00:27 – Dwarf Female

    00:51 – Night Elf Female

    00:57 – Gnome Male

    01:08 – Dreanei Male

    01:20 – Dreanei Female

    01:25 – Worgen Male

    01:35 – Gilnean Male

    01:46 – Worgen Female

    01:59 – Gilnean Female

    02:09 – Orc Female

    02:12 – Troll Male

    02:28 – Forsaken Female

    02:33 – Tauren Male

    02:38 – Tauren Female

    02:42 – Blood Elf Male

    02:46 – Blood Elf Female

    03:01 – Goblin Male

    03:11 – Goblin Female

    03:32 – Lightforged Dreanei Female

    03:40 – Mechagnome Male

    03:45 – Blood Elf Demon Hunter Female

    Thanks for watching!

  2. Some of these I get, for either being outright gross or inappropriate. But some of these are hilarious lol our generations are getting so weak. The tauren ones had me in stitches lmao

  3. Wait so these are out of the game now and the flirt lines? Why? I laughed so hard at these especially the Dwarfs “ooooo there’s me hammer..” Blizzard really has gone to total shit. No wonder Diablo 4 sucks.

  4. jesus chrsit, I knew about the woman being turned into a bowl of fruit I didn't know these jokes were gone. It's sickening what a few purple haired ring nosed women have done to the company. "We cae here because we love the gamw strait white men built but lets remove all evidence strait white men built it"

  5. What happened within Blizzard in 2021 was nothing short of a leftist cultural revolution based entirely on lies from the top down to remove white and male and conservatives from the company.


  6. They really did this to distract people from the fact of what they did in the workplace to their female employees because they knew this would cause annoyance. It’s like when M&M’s did that thing to distract from breaking child labor laws and it worked.

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