Who knew sweaty people with poor social skills would routinely ruin a game for everyone else?
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World of Warcraft is an amazing social experiment that pits legions of the worlds shut-ins against each other and prays that someone will pry some fun out of it. As one might reasonably expect, this sick science experiment has resulted in many scandals, born of a mixture of poor social skills, anonymity, and the sheer power fantasy that a game like WoW can provide. These examples range from the infamous Serenity Now funeral raid, where a player’s funeral was completely decimated by a rival guild, to the orc rogue Angwe locking down a major port for 10 hours a day for 4 months straight. Even Blizzard, the games developer, has gotten in on the fun, by accidentally coding in a virtual plague that swept the World of Warcraft and temporarily ground the entire game to a halt. And finally, even today, players of World of Warcraft Classic found a way to draw the ire of their entire server. These are their stories.
0:00 – Welcome to the World
1:10 – Having Everyone At Your Funeral Killed
4:05 – The Time Blizzard Accidentally Released A Plague
7:41 – One Man Locking Down An Entire Town For Months
11:03 – The Biggest Backfire In The History of Warcraft
What fandom/hobby/franchise would you want to see me cover in the next Many Scandals?
Consider supporting the channel by nipping over to shirtz.cool and using code "KUDOS" on any purchase to lop a whopping 10% off! I didn't get the Nirvana Bionicle shirt there, but I did get the hat!
Note: I genuinely don't know where I got the Bionicle shirt from
Back in TBC I was playing on a new TBC server… early morning got the msg the gong had been hit. Someone xfered to the server and hit the gong
Angwe is the best and most memorable, second is Serenity. I have no real respect for Leroy Jenkins boring boringness.
The snow, the calming sound of water … and BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD 😅
You put a lot of effort in this. You did very well.
i can say one thing. im part of wow classic and the shit i did i never thought was classic butt seems i looked on forums and reddit and damn i was a dick.. paladin godddddddd
Love from a JoshStrifeHayes and Vaush fan!
Thors dad mentioned
This shit is so stupid that it doesn't even deserve to be a second monitor video
WoW was a sad experience when I played it. Went to FF14 and never looked back.
wizard101 music?
Instant sub for the Bionicle shirt. Play well!
Horde pwned grizzly from reddit all things are well
I got a RING in there last night!
If I died and my guild held a funeral in a PvP zone I would be honored to have a massive ambush pvp battle. Think about it this guy is immortalized from that moment. Unforgettable moment in wow history.
That's the most WoW shit ever and I'd be lolling from the afterlife.
Not sure if you've mentioned this in another video, but the Kaazak fiasco was pretty epic as well. Hunters would kite him to SW, and one of his mechanics is every time someone would die, he got stronger. I was at one when a GM had to step in, because he was killing literally everyone lol. Also, but not as epic, is when priests could grief world bosses by mind controlling the main tank.
If some greasy nerds had a videogame funeral for me and sent it to my family i would probably die twice that's epic cringe untold
I wish I could slide jokes in conversation as naturally as you.
The data from the plague bug was invaluable for the CDC in future planning. It was frighting that many of the negative actions from folks exactly mirror what bad folks did during COVID.
Gosh, I miss vanilla WoW.
But also, screw the hoard.
I remember a bug like the blood plague that cane from the brewery dungeon in MoP.
The last boss gave a debuff that didnt do much damage to high level people, but would knock them back i think. it was two water/beer beams shooting from your shoulders. But if you were able to hearthstone while the debuff was on you, then it would permanently remain on your character unless killed or logging out.
I stood in the middle of the AH of SW spinning in circles pushing all the high level toons away from AH and killing all the low level toons near the AH.
I remember getting banned after a couple hours doing it atleast but i made sure to share the information with everyone i could in case they wanted to terrorize people too.
I have the distinct honor of having been killed by Angwe…quite a few times. xD
"Article readers on xHamster" 💀
The story at 7:41 sounds like the equivalent of the black knight in the story of King Arthur. “I move… for no man.”
Where can I get that t-shirt!?
1:54 you could of said smash bros or minecraft youtuber but you really stuck with just "big youtubers" you better not become a big youtuber or your fates sealed mr future predator
I'm really not sure what's worse.. a bunch of Redditors or the WoW no lifers. Funny story though.
What I want to know is why 276 people were reading that article in the disease segment on xhamster 👀
3:55 I was so afraid he was gonna make a joke Kudos is unhinged😭 but yes rest in power faeyjin
Does anyone remember Arby n the chief? There was an episode where they covered the funeral fiasco. That show was epic and it was held in content purgatory for a decade because it was part of the Machinima network. It can now be watched on the actual creators YouTube channel. Kudos, do a Arby n the Chief video, ya sexy Chad.
I was a member of Imperial Order when they did a 5k gold AQ scepter hostage joke. Got up to 50 pages on the forums. It was a good time. I was also a member of the Troll Force. Mortaak RIP
In terms of the funeral battle, I can't think of a better way to honor a WOW player than to have a giant battle wherein they are the first to die, instead of the last to live~ I know that wasn't the intent of the perpetrators but even that aspect of it was true to the game. So I totally understand why they were going with a classic funeral service, but it became something so much more~ We can't expect life in video games to be synonymous with our real lives and experiences~ They might be connected, but creating your own worlds and traditions and legends is in a way, even better than just going with the expected funeral service~ Still, I do understand why the players in her guild were a bit crestfallen at the whole thing.
Pretty sure a Bungie dev got the Scarab Lord title.
Back in Vanilla on Tichondrius server an Alliance guild, <Notorious> opened AQ early one Tuesday morning 2 hours before an 8-hour maintenance period, meaning almost the entire event (and opportunity to get Scarab Lord) occurred during server downtime, and the 20% of the duration that was going on while servers were up was at ass o'clock in the morning. Grizzly ain't got shit on that, it was literally impossible to do anything about it, and if you had the scepter but weren't online at 1-3 am on Tuesday morning, tough shit. Mind you, this was done after an agreement between all the guilds who had a scepter-holder was reached to open the gates AFTER maintenance.
Interesting the fact he brought up my guilds name Serenity is interesting I want to see what he has to say of the guild I am in charge of in classic wow. (Heads up I am the bane of classic wow I have mastered the mage class where I can 1 shot players up to 6 times without cooldowns after the 6th shot it's down to 2 shotting players lol I have actually been called a cheater by many horde players and even been banned temporarily before blizzard realized my build and figured I wasn't cheating I was just abusing the game mechanics they placed into the game, (if you have a high enough haste you can get pryroball to become a 2.5 second cast then just use trinkets and talents to gain that extra 5 pyroballs to act like a pom pyro. (As a fire mage I focused all my secondary stats down to crit and haste)
So you wean to tell me covid was invented by wow? LMAO that is hilarious, a game killed my uncle!!!!! ROFL
im just a guy in hc named holytitties giving out 10s bags and callin ppl piggies when they run from starter
zone to me at sw gate lol
This seems to be subject to quite a bit of plagiarism. Not one source cited.
Imagine if the plague happened on a hardcore server
Roflmao the funeral was too much lol
ive been report suspended twice… i reported blizzard entertainment to the federal trade commission. in michigan online bullying is illegal and blizzard is providing the tools to facilitate online bullying but also fostering it by not even looking into why people are being suspended. theres entire discords dedicated to simply getting people suspended lol. when you get suspended you are being denied a service you have paid for without even a partial refund being offered. so if they dont suspend you for a legit reason they are committing fraud.
College for game design!!! XD
any problem with wow can be blamed on blizzard not caring
For the last one, there was also scandal over the exact same thing in Vanilla. Server transfers to newly created servers saw the quest being completed day-1 by people from other servers.