XDefiant has finally been released and it includes a Mastery Camo Grind that turns out to be a lot easier than I expected. Today I had to check it all out. Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy!
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#xdefiantgame #cod #callofduty
XDEFIANT is HERE and the Mastery Camo is too easy
Hi (say it back pls)
Mf’s that suck still be complaining because they getting thrashed even without SBMM, can’t make anyone happy

This game looks good. I enjoyed this gameplay. Thank you for sharing this.
Love the vid
Game can out so late almost all hype is on cod now
NGL I love the game but the gunplay needs improvement sometimes I'll have the easiest kills on people but it's like the bullets go through them
Mastery camo already, these guys are fucking nerds

Can you ease up on the bo2 music. I mean yeah it’s cool but every video.. come on
Reminds me of BO2
I dont like this game its bad
Honestly it’s cool but defiant just feels like a weird copy of mw19
Dude this game is fkn amazing
Also if they do put it on last gen it'll have Alot more people playing
It looks like black ops
They better make it to last gen I've been waiting for this game to come out for a year or two main I'ma be heated if it's only for next gen
Sorry but this game feels rough. The aiming is clunky, basic FPS formula. not munch content. Will probably be dead a month from now especially seeing how their roadmap looks.
This is going to be a great video
big 500k on the way
I think reason why it takes so long to get the Gold camo is because this game isn't gonna be like Call of Duty where you have to level up every weapon to get the Mastery Camos. Just choose a few of your favorite weapons to play with and level those up
Your problem is that you’re spoiled by CoD and kept comparing a fully developed IP to a newly made IP that still in the process of getting it’s recognition.
W game honestly was tired of cod since season 2, will install cod now for kar98k update and try it out, but for now you all know what ill be on
I can't play on ps4 that's stupid ps5 are just to much money
This game is so good and fun.
But why try hard…
is it a call of duty game or is it a different company
waiting for this one
where do i get the game on pc
This game ain’t gunna last imo, I hope it does but I don’t see it lasting, nothing original about it
Braderz always makes my day better he is the reason why i got one trick because of braderz and school is almost out so i will watch you all summer love u man
Bro my Xbox broke I am sad bc cod can be insane again but I can’t play

i got the battle pass buh got nun the the rewards can someone help me understand?