Call of Duty

Call of Duty Ghosts Quick Scope Tips – Ep4 – Best Sniper Class Setups & Perks for Quick Scoping + Specialist / Assault / Support Classes

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All Seasons & Episodes of the Quick Scope Tips Series:

In this episode I will be teaching you everything you need to create the best sniper class in Call of Duty Ghosts. I’ll give you my ranking of the top 17 perks I find useful for sniping and quick scoping, and I’ll show you a Specialist, Assault, and Support strike package classes that I actually use.

With all the options we get in Ghosts, it’s impossible to have a one-class-fit-all setup, so I’ll actually give you my rankings of the top perks, and how you should go about choosing them.

In any case, if you watch this entire video, you should be on the same page (class wise) as me!

All the best,


Ghosts Quick Scope Tips Series

Part 1: USR vs. L115 (Stats, Killzones, Mechanics & Everything)
Part 2: Sensitivity
Part 3: Pro Tip – “Ready Up” Perk and How it Affects Speed vs Accuracy
Part 4: Best Sniper Classes & Perks
Part 5: How to Win in FFA (+ survival)
Part 6: **Coming Soon**

Black Ops 2 Quick Scope Tips Series

Part 1: Balllista vs DSR-50
Part 2: Sniper Class Setup: Attachments & Perks
Part 3: Ballista Iron Sight & Adapting to Sniping in BO2
Part 4: Lag Compensation & Ghost

MW3 Quick Scope Tips Series:

Part 1: Perks (Starting and Specialist)
Part 2: MSR vs L118, Attachments, Profs, Secondaries, Equipment
Part 3: Radars Corners and Cover
Part 4: What Sensitivity to Use?
Part 5: Map Awareness and Sound
Part 6: How to Stay Alive
Part 7: Hitmarkers

Check out my channel for all my videos:




Call of Duty Ghosts Best Sniper Class Setup
Best Sniper Class in Call of Duty Ghosts
Call of Duty Ghosts Best Perks
Call of Duty Ghosts Best USR Class
CoD Ghosts Best Sniper Class Setup

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  1. can i play with someone on call of duty ghosts xbox 360 i want to get better at quickscope uu can kill me as much as u want but i want to get better maybe anyone want to play or teach me plz?

    ( no mic atm i got new one waiting for it to come so maybe we can just start a match and just message hopping it comes by time someone will help me)

  2. Sniper: USR
    Attachments: Chromlined, Thermal Scope, Penetrating Rounds
    Secondary: None
    Lethal: None
    Tactical: None
    Perks: Quickdraw, Ready Up, Incog, Focus
    KillStreak: Sleight of Hand, ICU
    Bonus: Agility, Marathon, On The Go, Tac Resist, Resilience
    This is what i use to quickscope and its a good setup.

  3. I will prove im the best sinper guy in every games, but somethin wrong in ghosts, and i watch this video. that help so much helpful! love you man u got my sub! :3

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