Original World of Warcraft Creators Play WoW Classic!

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  1. I wonder if the current developers actually still play wow as these developers from classic did. I am very thankful for everything you created.

  2. Honestly, the Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy equivalent in terms of lightning in a bottle passion that lit up my childhood. And by that, I also mean it won’t ever be repeated. Just as no blockbuster trilogy or series has come close to mixing artistic integrity with epic blockbuster action proportions.

    And don’t say Marvel came even remotely close. There’s a reason LOTR received 28 Oscar noms and 17 wins collectively. It wasn’t just getting recognized for special effects, make-up, sound design, it was a formidable foe in just about every category—all the while, also appealing to mass audiences. Never again to be repeated.

  3. There was a community as well not obsessed with how to do things in the fastest and most efficient way, but just to explore and have fun. People forgot how to have fun. If the game was released today for the first time, with all of the resources out there, everyone would find a guide, do what it says and be done with it.

  4. I wanna see him clicking esc and open the micro transaction shop and talk about that.

    He is acting like wow is the best game that gave us everyday the stuff we wanted
    Why they dont talk about the things like all the people they suided for private servers?
    What about the ingame shop where i need to pay 25 for a mount of the retail wow?

    Why is all that stuff ignored?
    In my eyes this guy is just a cashgrabber and the new blizzard.

    He created the game and dont care for all the stuff?
    He didnt create the game he didnt do it.
    Impossible that a game dev ever wanna see his own child becomiong a supermarked of overpriced micro transactions.

  5. I have never ever experienced a game in that large scale that truly touched me emotionally almost 20 years ago and still does.
    I still visit Redridge mountains and it just feels right. It's like watching Pulp Fiction or Junglebook. But WoW could be experienced for hours and hours and the fact that so many people experienced sharing this world with their friends and talking about it creates real magic.
    I still can quote most of the things a alliance NPC says when you click on him (only in german, since I'm german lol).

  6. The game is the best mmo by far in opinion, played almost 20 years. What I'd like to see going forward , if there was ever a possibility would be a 3rd faction . Love the Horde and alliance , but I think a 3rd faction would bring so much to the game . Have you considered this opinion or thought , what's your feel regarding this idea , what do other players think . Was just a thought I've had over the years.

  7. November 2004, Halo 2, Half Life 2, WoW, Nintendo DS and many more gems. The end of the 6th generation of gaming 1998-2004. Also to me the last great era of gaming, creativity and fun on everything/consoles/pc/handhelds. And then 360 dropped and the birth of Microtransactions started into the modern day. Games are not made anymore with love and care. They are made to see how much more they can charge the gamer after the full fee is paid.

  8. This why classic is still good too this day, it was made with passion. Now its just crap since its not made with passion but only how much money can we milk out of this.

  9. I'm sorry but are we just not allowed to notice the difference on the group picture at 2:50 and a modern day picture of the staff at Blizzard? It's like, there are some pretty glaring differences in the make up of the groups. I notice a distinct LACK of Blue-haird polyamorous gender fluid types and women in general in this team that made Vanilla WoW…Like is it just a matter of "Don't trust your lying eye's"?

  10. Unfortunately … the magic of back then was ruined by Add-ons and Optimization of the leveling/dungeons/raids … all the toxicity of Retail flowed back through the 'classic' experience… and ruined it forevermore.

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