Call of Duty

Welp… XDefiant just KILLED Call of Duty for good


0:00 Intro / I’ve been playing FPS games for 24 years now
1:28 Server issues / XDefiant fixes these two BIG problems
3:17 SBMM / EOMM are NO MORE; ALWAYS call bullshit out
5:08 My detailed first impressions; what I like and don’t like
10:47 My final thoughts on XDefiant

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  1. I've had enough of the complaints about skill-based matchmaking (SBMM). People rarely acknowledge the immense effort developers put into creating an algorithm that ensures calculated wins and losses for everyone. This must have been incredibly challenging, involving every single player.

    Once I realized that winning isn't everything, gaming became much simpler and more enjoyable. Wins will come when it's my time. From the start of a match, I can often tell what kind of game it will be. If hit registrations seem off and the enemy team excels quickly, I know to sit back and let them have their fun. Occasionally, I'll get a game that's very close, win or lose. The whole experience feels tailored, and with so many players using Blackcell skins, it's clear the system is working.

    I'd even like to see the use of bots enhanced in the future, as long as no one knows they're bots. This would maintain the fun. Not everyone wants to know the harsh realities; some of us prefer to enjoy the experience as it is. The rest can play without SBMM and EOMM if they prefer and take that red pill and leave COD alone.

    The beauty of SBMM and EOMM is that everyone is equal at their comfort level. Imagine a future where we don't even need controllers—just eye-scan technology to determine outcomes based on the algorithm. If it's your time, you win the fight; if not, you let the other person enjoy. I hope you get what I’m really saying 😂

  2. The only way I’d stop playing this is if next cod has no sbmm. But it won’t so I’ll save my $70. This is like you asking your mom for call of duty and she says “but we have call of duty at home” and I’m actually okay with that 🤣.

  3. I know its only the "welcome playlist" but Mark Rubin said there is NO SBMM in the casual game, full stop. I was surprised to see this after that strong statement, but tbh, after one game I just went and played the normal playlists

  4. I used to playCOD since MW1 20 yrs ago, but I got more and more sick of it. XDEFIANT is the slap in the face, ACTI/BLIZZ deserved for the pay2win bullsh1t of the recent years…

  5. Tried to play xdefiant yesterday and had no luck in playing because no lobby whas active. So I clicked on this video and the first thing I see in your gameplay is only Division 2 textures. Even MW2 (because I ain't buying mw3) had almost no lobbies😂 so let's head back to the division 2 then 😂💯🙏

  6. I love Xdefiant so far, I tried to play with my friend but he raged off cause his shots weren’t hitting (mine did) but I’m glad I’m able to finally play a game by myself really

  7. you’re the crybaby that cries about everything and call of duty. I don’t believe you at all. By the way I played this game. It gets boring after a while, and I don’t know what your people are talking about this defiant has skill-based matchmaking or at least it has disbanding lobbies like skill, base matchmaking and I don’t like that, so yeah and half the time I can’t even vote for a map because I get put pulled into a match randomly that’s already playing. This is not Call of Duty at all. It doesn’t even have a zombies the active call of duty community that plays zombies is never going to touch this game or at least, barely gonna touch this game because when next call comes out and it’s zombies we’re gonna hop onto there because this doesn’t have zombies nothing pulling us to this game don’t get me wrong. This is a pretty fun game but after all it does not compare to Call of Duty and I can’t even even drops shot. I don’t like that. This is more a realistic military shooter with operators. I like an arcade shooter game this feels like rainbow six siege where you supposed to play this game slow pace, not rush, you can rush, but no one wants to do that in rainbow because it’s just a camp and also you have to camp to protect the bomb if you’re on the bomb team so you’re a little thought on this game is nothing clearly you don’t know a good shooter game. I’m not saying call of duty is and I’m glad they have competition but don’t toot your horn. This is going to beat call of duty not until they fix a lot in this game. This game is nothing compared to the hype that it was pushed out. Don’t give me wrong. I’m still gonna play it but only as when I get bored and want to play something else or play like if I complete all my battle passes I’ll grind this game because it has a battle pass. your whiny baby you are not helping anyone but just whining, but I’ll tell you some facts. I’m glad everyone’s talking about this game and talking how it’s gonna kill God because more people do that Call of Duty will change but little brats like you. they’re just annoying and don’t deserve to be on YouTube. I get it’s a free country and you could post your opinions but like come on don’t be annoying. Stop being a whiny little baby about every little detail. If you hate a game, you hate a game. oh and also I wanted to say this I’m glad so I don’t have to hear your whiny voice ever again whining about call of duty don’t ever make a video again about Call of Duty. If you’re gonna stay away stay forever you’re not welcome in this call of duty community. No one wants a garbage little baby like you look I get that Call of Duty has its flaws but every game does school base matchmaking is not that bad maybe stop playing like you care about your KD and just play the game normally cause I don’t give a rats butt about my KD I can go in the trash. I play the game just for fun and because this game is more like a battlefield game to me or that’s how it feels. I don’t really like this game because it’s not as fun battlefield is like something I do when I’m bored because I play because I’m bored I don’t have anything else to do, it’s more so it’s realistic simulator game in the military. It’s doesn’t feel like Call of Duty. It doesn’t feel close to what you’re comparing the game to feel like the game feels like an offbrand rainbow game and rainbow has drop shotting not good. Not smooth movement like this game but still this game doesn’t have that that’s dumb.

  8. 😂😂😂😂😂 no it will never, this guy just bitches give it 3 month game will die only the desperate will play xdefiant now I see why certain streamers think all he does is talk talk nd talk with no hard evidence just a woman in a man's body

  9. Well the servers were cooked for the first 2 hours, got a few games in before sleep and i enjoyed it. The game is bright and popping unlike CoD. I really like the specialist factions, Third Echelon is my fave.

    I tend to have a neg k/d at the mo but have like 10 assists .

  10. Was kind of annoyed about the server issues, but it didn't take very long for the issue to be fixed. Once I was in playing, I had an awesome time. I also said screw the welcome playlist because I was continuously getting objective modes with bot teamates. Seemed to be better just going to unranked Occupy. Unlocked the ACR and leveled it up a bit, unlocked prox mines which are great for occupy. Net code needs some work because bullets seem to hit you sometimes after going behind a wall as if you weren't behind it yet. Still better than modern Call of Duty. Glad we can all share this W.

  11. 10/10 game. Played for like 5 hours after work couldnt put the roller down. Dropped like ten 50+ kill games. I gotta say the m16 in the best gun in the game unlock it first

  12. This game just to me feels right now like.. well a free COD knockoff.. Which is really sad because I was VERY hyped to get into the game.

    TTK is all over the place, I can't seem to play without nuking my mouse polling rate and even then the game still feels choppy when I'm flicking or trying to make smooth tracking movements. Also the sliding and jumping and running all feel a bit slow and clunky too.

    Idk maybe I just expected it to work and be more of a movement shooter, but I think until the game pacing gets faster and more importantly- the bugs/issues ironing out the clunkiness, etc. I could see myself returning.

    For now, any tips that aren't already used such as decreasing/increasing my mouse polling rate, windowing the game, turning off all vsync/etc things, and nuking the graphics. I'm not running a cheap PC it's a custom build and runs shit like Destiny 2 and MWIII just fine.

  13. I installed this and immediately uninstalled it wtf is that 💩 no wonder it's free absolute 🗑️ I'd rather play against cheaters on mw3 lol

  14. Thank you for all the work, Patience and rage You've out in I've the years, man. I hope this game brings back some light in your soul and is worth all this ass pain from dealing with fkn cod

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