World of Warcraft: Legion reviewed by Leif Johnson on PC.
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This is still much better than the 3 following expansions.
Come back
I loved it ten outta ten
legion was a boring rng shitfest
Destiny 2 wannabe(just kidding btw). This makes Destiny look like a game of go fish in comparison in areas like grinding, complexity and social aspects.
This game is a 10, no other mmo can even kiss it's feet.
Gives WoD an outstanding review when it was released, then uses it as an example of Blizzard losing their WoW mojo…. maybe reviews for MMO expansions should be made after playing it for a month or two?
ign must review more,it 9.5 for me,cz this expasnsion always update their content and patch in better way
All the veterans out their ive never played an mmo before so should i play world of warcraft?Is it easy to get into?
Nothing for PvP players, it is just about grinding the same pve shit over n over again.
I guess you could say this wiped the floor with MOP lol
A bunch of stupid clickers lol
I said I would seriously consider getting back into WOW again if it stepped it's game up and/or lowered it's price.
It's kind of lowered it's price, and it's stepped it's game up. But the thing is, getting into wow is like a commitment relationship. It goes good for this expansion, but then dies on us in another expansion?
I think WOW is pulling a JJ Abrams. It goes back to what made it successful in the first place and undoes the damage that a George Lucas type guy did by trying to make something deep and interesting too easy, kid friendly, and "cool" with it's pop culture references.
Bring on the 'Member berries.
So, I feel the same way about WOW as I do about TFA. It's not bad. It's definately better than the prequels (in this case recent expansions) and it's worthy of respect. It's good, but but it may not be as good or great as people make it out to be, due to people's longing for nostalgia and desire to see a reboot just as much as a sequel.
Daaaaaaaaaa……………….. Should I touch this thing with a 10 foot pole………. Been away since Myst……..
one question when getting the expansion and first starting the game at level 1 is it fun?
Why not bring WoW and all of it's expansions to console? Seems like as good a time as any. ESO is doing really well so if Blizzard wants to cash in some more then port it to Ps4 and Xboxone. Would be cool to play this from a couch with controller. Just saying. 🙂
Bring back vanilla WoW.. maybe even slap Burning Crusade on it.. but stop there.
Why don't they enable v-sync? The screen tearing is horrible
It has been my favorite expansion
Imagne this with at least ps3 graphics…
turn on your vsync lol
A 9.1!? <insert game here> got an <insert mark here> so why the <insert curse word here> does this piece of <curse word> score higher!?
Check your mail bro.
I'm not saying anything bad about Legion, i love it. I just wanted to point out this expansion is basically Guild Wars 2 content. Gliding / World events / Leveling in any zone scaled to your level / The Halls / NPC following/ calling you to take a quest etc .. which is kinda great.
I like the expansion but it is hard to come back to WOW:s tab targeting system after enjoying action based combat in Wildstar.
Fantastic speaker!
The expansion has only been out for 2 weeks…. Even with current content this is no way a 9.1….
The fact there were no key binds for over half of the spells literally made me angry.
This video is more like a list of features rather than an actual review =_=
1/10 too many demons
IGN gave 9.0 rating on WOD and 9.1 on legion. y'all know how bad WOD was. hmmm IGN objectivity
He is a clicker. nuff said
biggest question will be what their end game content will be. wod had few dungeons, few raids, and it just got boring to do the same raid over and over. they made it so you blow past their first 80 levels or so and dont really get to experience all the good content early levels had. then you get to level 100 and youre stuck on the same 3 dungeons for loot. id like to get to experience early levels more and actually earn your levels
They gave WoD a 9.0 so I'm taking this with a grain of salt.