Talking about some of the most famous or infamous players of World of Warcraft!
Videos used in this video
Kazzak kill by tweakv01:
Indalamar by enterwhy:
Leeroy by J Jonah Jameson:
Rap battle parody by Supahotfire Deshawn:
Onyxia wipe animations by Alachas1985:
Gedran deeprun tram adventures:
If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer as many as I can.
Music from
‘WetGrass Inspired’ [Tristram] by AmIEviL:
‘Life is Beautiful’ by Deadly Premonition
‘The Darkness and the Light’ [Ending] by McVaffe:
‘Gift from Moscow’ by McVaffe: from
‘Blanka Braziliamix’ by McVaffe from
‘Retro Russian’ [Zangief Stage] by McVaffe: from
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#Legion #Warcraft #WoW
Been writing down a bunch names I missed for a part 2 of this video. Thanks all for the suggestions! Edit: I made a part 2 to this:
thing about the leeroy jenkins event.. the whole thing was staged. it was made as a way to poke fun at the stat crunchers at the time who tried to calculate odds of success
Going back and watching for the first time, this is BabySeason, aww!
I helped Angwe terrorize menetheil harbor back in the day. sigh, the good ol days
I knew Dives when he played GW2 and was big into WvWvW. He was a lot calmer then. That moment has followed him his entire gaming career 😂.
It's Angry btw…. But pronounce like a child throwing a tantrum. Awwww you Angwe??? Sorry Angwy was taken… 🤷 What can you do
As for the meme guys, it's only Leeroy, Kralnor and 'More dots' for me
Netherstrand Longbow was legendary. It dropped in Tempest Keep in Netherstorm, I believe. It has infinite arrows too. I got one playing on a private server. Yeah, the rogue wouldve been booted out of my guild for taking that bow. A bow like that is definitely a hunter weapon. Hunters need agility as much as rogues. If the bow had strength, it wouldve been best suited for a warrior.
In Suramar from vanilla to woltk we had a priest named Ferdinand. He was so bad at the game that everyone knew it. He had a guild named Hero of Kalimdor or something. He was really well renown. Nobody could tell if he was just a big troll or genuinly that bad. He would try to act as tank, dps, or healer with his priest but with weird talent tree. Everyone knew him on the server.
9 hours a day farming menethil harbor. The no lifer
Do any of you remember that one youtuber guy who would talk about how much of a genius he was? He was a very skinny white guy, but he started working out to “make his body match his mind” he actually got ripped. He also started writing and reading his own stories. One was about a tree in a valley, who over time grew taller than all the other trees, eventually growing up higher than the valley. Now able to see the rest of the world, but no longer able to communicate with all the other trees.
During TBC on Burning Blade Eu server, we would see this Tauren resto Shaman come into Ironforge and literally survive for hours with people spamming him with abilities. It's like people didn't know what kicking was back then.
It's amazing how flipping good those warglaives still look, all these years on.
Prayer from Shadowmoon was a NE feral Druid who was a world class ganker from vanilla until wotlk.
Making plans for UBRS next room and calculating your chances as 35% survival does not speak very well for your skill in the game.
Come on Funeral raid? you can not miss that one
Hilarious to think that in delamar killed some caster mobs at level 60 with level 60 gear and they dismantled the warrior class because of it.
Fucking blizzard had no idea what they're doing.
A troll complaining about being reported lol lol
Leroy was staged … just sayin'
What a trip down memory lane. I think every server back in the day had an Angwe. Back in TBC, on Ysondre, ours was Durkadur, haha.
You need to showcase Raad Maad! I don’t know if you can find any info about him from back in the day…but I remember websites dedicated to killing him…. He was very honorable.
On illidan, we had a wonderfully upbeat guild leader named troxed. His words of wisdom were only rivaled by dives, and his soundboards fed the world…of warcraft
Least I have chicken.
Never forget the italian MACIGNU from Crushridge.
inotep complaing its a RP realm, for a fact. yes, people do this on train stations, so hes not wrong. at the same time, people also do with gerdran did. he should have called the police.
I love how hunters have forever taken gear for every other class even though it might be BIS for warriors or rogues but a minor upgrade for hunters.
Finally they get a legendary bow and they give it to a rogue
Bring back barrens chat
I remember playing alterac valley during wotlk and there was a an eleshaman named ynobe, just standing at the bottom of the hill halfway on map by himself. I sat on my rogue at top of hill and watched as He bound everyone and just started killing people. Huge fight broke out and it became obvious he came with a group of healers. Just sat there killing people while being mass healed by like 10 people. Ended up after 30 mins having something stupid like 200 plus kills and some stupid amount of damage. Craziest thing i have seen. Tauren shammy just wrecking people. Looked him up after match. Was like rated 2700 in 3v3 as ele.
Shikamaru???! Hello?!
Homer: i've never heard of any of these people
Announcer: …and they'll all be signing autographs!
Homer: WOHOO
I saw a horde shaman named Redridgeboss in some private srv who lived in redridge mountains ganking low levels day in day out
Ask the tbc pserver community about "Critman". He fits.
Bro snapped his fingers and dropped a supa hot fire meme… my dude.
I really wonder if Angwe is who the make love not warcraft episode was about cuz it's pretty dang close 😂
I remember playing WoW. I played on Fenris and i remember there was a Bad Ass Tauren Warrior Named Kday, dude was always getting together raids against Storm Wind .