World of Warcraft’s Most Famous & Infamous Players Part 2

A followup to my video where I talk about World of Warcraft’s most famous and infamous players. In this part I do more of the same. Check out part 1 here:

Videos used in this video:
Red Shirt Guy appearances by MMOVerdict:
Garr ninja looter by EpidemiK3:
World of Roguecraft Ep. 1 by Mute:
Hamstring Rage by WoWCataclyzm:
Charge Jumping by azrieliswow:
Dives Rage by Calyssto_AD:
North Korea Hell March by AshleyJones96(name listed in video wasn’t the original – my mistake):
Serenity Now by Mikkel Larson:

If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer as many as I can.

Some music from

‘WetGrass Inspired’ [Tristram] by AmIEviL:
‘Cluck, Old Cucco!’ by worldsbestgrandpa:
‘As I Figure’ by Kevin Macleod from
Diablo 2 Tristram:
Bob-omb Battlefield 8bit by sen-pi:
Legends of Azeroth:
‘The Darkness and the Light’ [Ending] by McVaffe:
Scatman 8-bit remix by murphy341:

If you wish to support the channel:

#Legion #Warcraft #WoW

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  1. That last clip is rough. You gotta be a special group of shitbags to troll a damn funeral. Blizzard banned an entire guild for using saronite bombs when it was an issue on their end the whole time. The fact they took zero action against something like ganking a funeral. Despicable

  2. Ah Illidan. The server that decided to have their own forum because the official wow forum wasn't toxic enough. So many good times on that server.

  3. What absolute chads those people were for using that item to steamroll, even though they must have known they would be caught.

    And even though they were caught, they became legends

  4. I was a lower rank member in Serenity Now a lot of us at the bottom only knew that we were going to attack some RP'rs and had no idea it was a funeral because we did a lot of open world pvp and PKing in general. It was awful but still hilarious. They could have done something like use vent or teamspeak to hold a service instead of leaving themselves open to the Internet to do what the Internet does best

  5. Great Video MadSeason I love these videos I don't play WOW any more but I did for 12 years shame with some of the ways the game changed but maybe with Metzen back they may improve it finally.

  6. I used to fill in for guilds when they needed more heals. I managed to Ninja Loot the Brew fest ram. They were a little angry but I never had trouble getting into raids because of it.

  7. So, Kungen and crew KNEW that the Saronite Bombs would likely break the encounter. Their ban was justified. Especially considering they did it for multiple pulls.
    See, in TOTC, the raid before ICC they used the SAME TACTIC to break the floor and skip to Anub'Arak. Both raids used a similar mechanic for the platforms: seige damage. Seige Damage triggered their transition. In the case of ICC it told the platforms to reappear, and this was done because players dont typically do Siege Damage…except for Saronite Bombs…..
    So they knew it worked on a similar mechanic in a prior raid, they therefore had reason to believe its happen again.

  8. I have never, and will never believe that a "healthier" game is a more "balanced" one. Nobody likes balance, people dislike being the weakest class, not imbalanced ones. everyone should be broken, thats how classic and BC was, Arena and M+ are pretty much anihilating any flavor that classes bring, and the RWF is doing a good job at destroying the raiding enviroment, it is really annoying how "balancing" things is the target for the better part of the last 15 years in the game, and yet NO ONE can recall a time when the game was actually balanced AND fun.

  9. vanilla WoW really was a unique time and setting. vanilla and bc were a lot of fun.

    ill never forget my guild mate and i stealing 1 of the outdoor mini raid bosses in silithus that you had to buy with resources. we waited till a horde guild almost killed one and wiped out their cloth wearers and then picked off the rest as the boss finished them off. then somehow the boss instead of despawning changed target to us without refilling to full health and we managed to finish it off and get the loot. oooh the cheers of victory in vent, great times!

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