For the Win Button:
Acree album Arkenstone blizzard Brower burning crusade cataclysm complete complete soundtrack david Derek diablo diablo 3 Draenor Duke Edo full ost full soundtrack Glenn Guidotti guru Hayes hearthstone Heroes of the Storm Jason Jeremy lich king Matt Music Neal ninja OST Pandaria pvp reaper of souls Russell score Soule soundtrack Stafford starcraft starcraft 2 Uelmen unreleased warcraft Warlords Warlords of Draenor world of warcraft wow
Sunwell plateau musics are some of the best of all wow soundtracks
Recuerda la fuente del sol.
Glory to our people.
La muerte fue un mero contratiempo
“Energy. Power. My people are addicted to it. A dependence made manifest after the Sunwell was destroyed. Welcome… to the future. A pity you’re too late to stop it. No one can stop me now! Selama ashal’anore!”
-Kael’thas Sunstrider
Remember the Sunwell!!
By fire be purged!
imagine how sad the life of those who play without music must be
Salami ashala Norway!
Glory to the Sun King !!! Shin'do Sin'dorei !!! Victory to Lord Kael'thas !!!
This part played 0:44 when i got the blood elf ancestral Armor in front of lorthemar in silvermoon, Glorious
My first character was a blood elf paladin since then all of my characters are blood elf’s, I know these lore since Warcraft 3 and it’s just sad how they had forsaken that race, silver moon must be remastered and the blood elf’s should be put again in the story in shadowlands.
Wasted character :'(
rolled my first character (a blood elf) back in 2008, and they're still forever my favorite race. awesome music, awesome aesthetic, awesome story and lore and eversong is gorgeous. also the raids and dungeons based on them were fantastic
Burning to avenge…
Love dat song
Thanks for posting , Belfs ftw
For the Queltalas!
1st comment xd