Call of Duty

New BEST SMG? Cordite In-Depth GUIDE (vs PDW/RUS) | Call of Duty Mobile | COD Tips

Is the Cordite SMG better than the PDW-57 and RUS-79u?? Find out in this video!

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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)

Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro

Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card

Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop

Intro Music: I’m so alone – BOJET

#CodMobile #CODM #COD #Mobile #MobileGaming

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  1. Why tf are they not adding any skins ? I don't have money to buy legendary skin but i can grind anything, they sponsor your videos now so tell them to fuckin' hurry
    And btw if anyone still watching this video,qq9 has beaten this gun now and its the strongest smg in the game

  2. Greetings. I’m fairly new to cod mobile and am loving the game! I’ve been saving money so I can buy the items in the void lucky draw (particularly the Nikto skin and the Cordite Zero G). I’ve finally got the cash together but now the draw has gone! Does anyone know if the lucky draws return? Or do the items come back in crates or bundles? Thanks for any clarity on this.

  3. Aye does anyone understand the whole double kill where you get more bullets in the mag after a double kill with the Zero G cus I tested it out in bots and it didn’t work, at least I didn’t see it working. Probably because I have to get double kills in multiplayer?? And I want to stop using vulture so I can use something more useful. I’m just trying to get a better load out since I’ve been using the same perks since I started at the levels where you get perks.

  4. Hey guys does anyone know if i am able to pick the Zero G up tomorrow? Because i have to get some cod points til tomorrow. And with the fact that i have collected 3/4 of all items in the luckydraw it would bother me, if i wouldnt be able to pick the Cordite up😂

  5. hey M8t I was just wondering how you were able to turn on the laser on the laser sight, is there a fuction where I can turn on the laser sight btw I'm using the regular coredite skin not the void one,

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