Suramar City Music – World of Warcraft Legion

Music from Suramar City, not from the whole zone.
Composer: Russell Brower.

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All credits goes to Blizzard for the making of this music.

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  1. 4:35 I remember questing here as a goblin rogue, and this music went on when some demon's had discovered me and had to hid from then and nightborne guards, it was intense…

  2. If they ever do a Legion classic I will be on that shit like nobody's business. Best expansion in recent history hands down. I'd go so far as to say second best overall, right behind Wrath.

  3. The Legion expansion (and Suramar in particular) has proven that you don't need a lot of land for a lot of content. Look at Warlords of Draenor. Draenor was HUGE and yet not a whole lot really happened on it. The most time consuming content was that awful Khadgar "legendary" questing which was just a drawn out grind. The Broken Isles in Legion are incredibly small in comparison and yet so much more happened on them.

  4. the is the stupidest area in all of legion. without flying its impossible to get around with millions of stairs and getting spotted every 2 seconds. This place is pure stress and with so much questing to be done here expect a lot of chain deaths when you get spotted in the middle of lots of mobs then cant get out. This place is a joke.

  5. This entire city, this place alone is my absolute FAVORITE zone out of any other place in Legion. I love Suramar City so much, and it's lore and story is just so very interesting! I has me wanting to know more, and the Nighthold raid? Oh gosh, I love that place as well. It's all just so breathtakingly beautiful! I always spend my time in game here.

  6. I think if you just take the piece for what it is on its own…it's fine, nothing spectacular, but fine.

    But walk around in the city while listening to this and tell me this doesn't just expertly fit the mood and imagery of the city. 10/10 perfection in my mind.

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