In this Call of Duty Black ops 3 video we continue a brand new miniseries where we look at the best weapon in every single weapon class. In this video we look at The Best Shotgun in Black Ops 3. Hope you enjoy these Call of Duty Tips & Tricks!
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Actually according to the stats with all the shotguns it says the krm-262 has a faster fire rate than the argus and the krm has a higher damage so krm-262 is better
y u soun like ricegum
I agree
In my humble opinion the Olymipia is the most fun shotgun in the game
Oh good. We needed more shotgun users in bo3
Argus lever is better
This channel is the nerdy side of CoD like why the fuck are people saying there favourite gun is brecci when it’s no skill try using an M8A7 a good gun that takes skill
4 Haymaker
3 Brecci
2 Argus
Krm is easier to use
the argus suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks
the brecci is good for bad players because it takes no skill but the agus is good if you actully have skill and aren
ta scumbag
"If you are bad player, the brecci is good" inkslasher 2017
Best is now the Olympia. Beats out haymaker and brecci easily, and 9/10 times beats a krm or argus. Banshii is trash
Argus is better than breccie
Krm is most underrated shotgun in the game
Does long barrel ruin the Argus or make the range longer? Because I heard that it just makes it worse
Hell no, the Haymaker 12 is way better than the argus or the brecci
My list
#1 brecci
#2 krm
#3 Argus
#3 haymaker
Breccia is pronounced bree-shee
Ew brecci gross
Brecci users have no skill