A World of Warcraft Top 15 countdown featuring 15 of my favorite flying mounts in the game with a quick guide on how to get them and a fun bonus part at the end, links will be listed below in the description and will lead you to more information on these mounts, enjoy!
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ALazyPeon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_Lazy_Peon
There’s some amazing flying mounts in World Of Warcraft however with no flying for Warlords Of Draenor 6.0 I think we should take a look a some of the mounts that previously wandered the skies of Azeroth, here I show you 15 stunning flying mounts in World of Warcraft and most of them are still obtainable!
If you’d like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or top 10 please comment or tweet me via the links above.
—Text Spoilers—
15: Grand Armored Gryphon – http://www.wowhead.com/item=93168/grand-armored-gryphon
14: Mimiron’s Head – http://www.wowhead.com/item=45693/mimirons-head
13: Clutch of Ji-Kun – http://www.wowhead.com/item=95059/clutch-of-ji-kun
12: Netherwing Drakes – http://www.wowhead.com/item=32858/reins-of-the-azure-netherwing-drake
11: Sky Golem – http://www.wowhead.com/item=95416/sky-golem
10: Armored Skyscreamer – http://www.wowhead.com/item=93662/reins-of-the-armored-skyscreamer
9: Stone Drakes – http://www.wowhead.com/item=63043/reins-of-the-vitreous-stone-drake
8: Spawn of Galakras – http://www.wowhead.com/spell=148392/spawn-of-galakras
7: Drakes of the Wind – http://www.wowhead.com/item=63041/reins-of-the-drake-of-the-south-wind
6: Frostbrood vanquishers – http://www.wowhead.com/item=51955/reins-of-the-icebound-frostbrood-vanquisher
5: Heavenly & Thundering Cloud Serpents – http://www.wowhead.com/item=87774/reins-of-the-heavenly-golden-cloud-serpent
4: Pureblood Fire hawk – http://www.wowhead.com/spell=97493/pureblood-fire-hawk
3: Ashes of Al’ar – http://www.wowhead.com/item=32458/ashes-of-alar
2: Life-binder’s Handmaiden – http://wod.wowhead.com/item=77069
1: Invincible – http://www.wowhead.com/item=50818/invincibles-reins
—Honorable Mentions—
1: Onyxian Drake – http://www.wowhead.com/item=49636/reins-of-the-onyxian-drake
2: Headless Horseman’s Mount – http://www.wowhead.com/spell=48025/headless-horsemans-mount
3: Turbo-Charged Flying Machine – http://www.wowhead.com/item=34061/turbo-charged-flying-machine
4: Flameward Hippogryph – http://www.wowhead.com/item=69213/flameward-hippogryph
5: Depleted-Kyparium Rocket – http://www.wowhead.com/item=87250/depleted-kyparium-rocket
Legal footnotes
– All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Top 15 Ground Flying In World Of Warcraft
Characters models are ugly
World is ugly
Mounts are ugly
FFXIV is better in every way
Long Live Eorzea!!!!!
"He came back as the Lich King and resurrected him as the undead master piece we have today!" There's so much wrong with that statement, no and no.
I got invincible on my first try🤣
this guy likes dragon mounts alot, my favorite mount is the ashenvale chimaera added in 8.1
I got the onyxian drake on my second attempt without knowing it even existed
Finally cloud serpents being recognized
Arthas didint claim Invincible as his iwn, it was a gift from the breeder
Ashes of Alar< Asses of Autisim
Imo the best most badass and greatest mount in the game is the armored netherwong drake , that , as i remember , you could get 4 achieving some crazy high rank in pvp back in bc. I will never get it , but i'd give anything for it.
Sandstone drake can be also obtained by archeology
RIP black proto-drake, plagued proto-drake, Feldrake, Mottled drake, corrupted hippo etc…
top 10 ugly mounts
Personally i love my Cenarion hippgryph :3
3:42 its hard for me to fly dude
lookin at this guys old vids makes me cringe
Spikes make me happy! 😂😂😂
Where is the warlords death wheel?
I got onyxia on my first try. But after that i have never ever gotten a mount drop from raids or dungeons :/
Am I the only one that thinks Invisible the the most overrated mount ever? I see it all the time
i had that all of them so ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
We should be able to ride Baine as a mount
Or not as a mount
As long as we get to ride Baine
Baine <3
x-53 touring rocket is awesome
OMG the Life Binder is one of my favorite dragons … probably my favorite but I still don't have it.
That moment when you start playing WoW only a few weeks in. Experiment old raids/dungeons, and get Ashes of Al'ar on my first run. I'm sorry.
astral cloud serpent > thundering/heavenly cloud serpents
can you use the engineering mounts without engineering?
No Onyxian Drake?!?!?!
700k views but only 4k likes lol
I don't like the Sky Golem just cause its flight animation to me is just horrible flying left to right. But the Pureblood Fire hawk which i have is just pure awesomeness.
Nice List till number 3 i mean 1&2 are such Shitty mounts
where are the reins of the raven lord?
the actually drop rate for invincible is 0.77% I noticed his percentages where slightly off but thought I should let everyone know
I love all of them 😂😉
Why didn't you put Onyxian Drake in this video?
i have ashes of al'ar
Nah. other proto drakes are better why chat shit
From this list I have the Netherwing Drakes, the Sky Golem, 1 Drake of the Wind, Icebound Vanquisher, Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent, Pureblood Firehawk and Ashes of Al'ar.
why do du have lyserødt hår?? noob
Sha of Anger Mount (Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent) is the best and coolest mount in the full game!
The lazy PEON!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait is Invincible on this list? I don't think I saw him anyway on this list.
I kinda disagree with the flameward hippogryph being the best one. for me I really prefer the Long-forgotten hippogryph. but really it's just y know my opinion. (plus there is a really sad backstory it this mount you should go read it)