Call of Duty

Why Older Call of Duty Games Were More Fun (less sweaty)

#COD #CallofDuty #ModernWarfare

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  1. Fun fact : older cod games are fun only if you have enough money or just pirated the game because if you look at old cod games on steam it s expensive as hell like the price is more than just a one unfinished game if yoh can't get it than pirated it guys it s not my fault it s just making me sad now

  2. Older COD was better simply because of the shear variety between each player, skill and classes. Newer COD with SBMM determines whether you win or lose, Perks have little to no effect so all setup pretty much has same playstyle and 1500 attachments of each gun ensures all guns feels the same. Also its a misconception that newer causal COD players skill is higher then older causal COD players. The only different is the skill ceiling on newer COD has fallen to a point, that pressing the fire button would net you a kill.

  3. I stopped playing cod after the end of its golden age 2007-2012. I could tell that the new ones are far too influenced by fortnite. Last year I tried out the new call of duty & it just felt wrong, everyone moving around the map at 20 mph, sliding everywhere & pre-firing. You HAVE to play sweaty just to go positive in this new era of cod. The fun is gone, you can’t stack killstreaks eithere, these new games are all about skins & customizations, it’s all flash no bang

  4. Suppressors debatably are even more powerful than extended mags in tandem with the fact there's unlimited sprint and little downsides of using one. The Shadowstrike suppressor literally has no downsides and all the upsides of a suppressor so it's almost always everyone's pick in a loadout. Not to mention suppressors add unpredictability to map flow. When 4-6 players on the enemy team are running suppressors, you don't know if they're rushing into the opium field in Afghan or camping the bunker on Wasteland.

  5. I agree 100% this broke the game! I am a god now! But with being a god with all that ammo has made my game style go so hard that im sweating
    My ass off and now I have fatigue and anxiety from
    That I hate this !!

  6. Great video , i couldn’t agree more. And i think its a reflection of our society in general becoming addicting to quick fixes. I could have done without the corny intro though 😆

  7. I played MWRemastered campaing and multiplayer for a while and then played MW2019 campaing and multiplayer and my eyes were opened MW 2019 is a good game but it lacks the FUN! wheres the FUN!?.

  8. I love this kind of objective discussion about multiplayer cod. That being said, I think that some other factors impact the overall "flow" of the game more than ammo and sprint (although they are very important). The combo of maps, respawn, movement, TTK and gunplay is what dictates the flow of the game. One very nice exercise to do is compare the same maps in different cods. For an example, the map Backlot. I remeber loving that map so much back in cod 4, the flow was perfect, some people were holding power positions, however the guns and TTK wouldn't let you beam somebody from across the map, so those positions weren't THAT dominating. So that would make it safe to other people rush around the map and engage in gunfights. However, the same map played AWFUL in MW2019. It was very, very campy. I belive the reason for that is the just like in minute 1:53 you can beam so quickly somebody from across the map with a red ping on top of the guy's head while mounting your weapon. Like, you just couldn't get this type of kill in cod4. Adding that with loud footsteps and clunky movement were it takes you 1 minute to ADS, you have a very campy gameplay. For me, just have a game with easy-to-read map flow, medium TTK, good movement (doesn't have to be advanced BUT IN THAT CASE YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT SO YOUR ADS AND SPRINT TO FIRE TIME IS VERY QUICK (I'm looking at you MW2 2022)) and good respawn that makes sense to the player.

  9. Play old CoD and you realise that movement restriction made it a better more tactical game.

    Now it’s like everyone has ADHD and epilepsy at the same time

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