We’re pleased to announce a new collaboration with Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books on a new book series for kids ages 8-12 – World of Warcraft: Traveler.
Set in the breathtaking land of Azeroth, this epic action-adventure series features a young cast of Warcraft characters discovering the mysteries and majesty of the world around them. Written by celebrated comic book author and animator Greg Weisman, the first book will include full-page illustrations and sketches created by Blizzard artist Samwise Didier, and a full-color cover illustration by Blizzard artist Stephane Belin.
The first hardcover book is scheduled for release in November of 2016.
3:00 is she a belf ?
get the kids into the game boiks. I want someone keeping this game going when I’m retired and wanna play all day
Whoa, I heard the two audiobooks released so far and preordered the third book but haven't seen a lot of the art in this trailer?
What I LOVE, is that this story has a lot of appeal simply due to the fact that it presents a the massive world of Azeroth from the perspective of a small person living in it. No grandiose theaters of war, no grim-dark powers that be, no gritty and complicated conflicts between leaders and armies. Just a simple story about a single boy who's living in and exploring that same exact world.
Where normally we see Azeroth from an omnipotent bird's eye view, this book allows us to see it from a down-to-earth worm's eye view, and that's what intrigues me the most about World of Warcraft: Traveler. Probably why most other people will pick it up too. It really can appeal to all demographics: whether it be as a children and young adult's story, an introduction into the world of Azeroth, or as a lovely treat for long-time WoW fans.
Almost two years later, this book is still one of my absolute favourites <3 Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this project.
Did anyone else notice Nightsong playing in the background?
Great book. A little different from the existing novels but good in his own way!
What map is that in the background at 1:38?
Can anyone tell?
Really loved the book. I had a great feeling of nostalgia through the whole thing. It was almost like I was a little kid playing vanilla wow again. Thanks Blizzard. Looking forward to the next book 🙂
someone transmorg his hearthstone into compass and nobody told him about it
BUT…BUT… none of this art is in the book (or the cover)! NONE. Only this trailer. So sad 😭
Some kid is going to read this book,go play wow,try to befriend a murloc and get murdered by every murloc in the zone…
Does anyone know the song playing at :33?
Conceit? Concept?
Looks nice tho.
Any one immediately think of Monkey Island? Even his outfit is like Guybrush from MI2
1:03 Night elf cataclysm soundtrack
I'm interested who the Dryad is. There aren't actually too many Dryad characters in WoW that stand out, other then the typical dryad. Lunara solely in Heroes. and Mylune: some form of Magical Dryad of Hope and wonder :p
People suck
Chris, don't retire man, there guys don't know what they're doing without you 🙁
similarly playoff pursuit tmmdyg inside various
Unexpected companions: Infernals and Doom Guard. Plz.
Hope the kid didn't roll on a PVP server, considering he has no main.
world building is something Blizzard really do well, but preservation.. #Legacy
A kids book about Warcraft? Neat. Not really for kids this but.. It's a neat idea.
I wish the traveler had been a girl.
Kid will be propably killed by some orc or forsaken animal
2:48 looks like daedalus from dota 2
NO PLEASE NO! Don't get kids involved! Theirs to many 12 year olds on the game already! WHYYYYYY 🙁
I grew up playing Warcraft. I love the game. I love that blizzard entertainment is doing this.
I have a hunch, it won't be just kids that read these stories! I can't wait!
This idea is beautiful but it does pose an interesting challenge. Sure it's a fantasy world full of magic, dragons, and all kinds of wonders but, WOW is rated T for teen, for a reason. It's a little dark for a kid. However if they do pull it off it will be wonderful to be able to introduce any kids I may have in the future to the world that I've spent so much of my life in.
how do you explain to a child that level 100 horde hangs out in PvP servers right out side…insert allaince area
this needs to be a movie… I want more WoW movies, anyone else?
I don't think taking this game's story, based on disaster and death and betrayal, and making it into a kid's book would go over too well
Isn't it a first step into some kind of "Disney'ish" animated story? I mean i look like an quite impressive story for advanced animation with adventure story but with all wow's epicness and variety both in world and characters? seems interesting!
Blizzards New Approach: "Hey guys, we aren't entertaining to adults anymore… lets figure out a way to make this more entertaining for children!" (guy with lisp at the end of the table: "yea! That thoundth awethome!")
Well this is one way to keep making money off WoW, bring the little kids into it at age 8.
Smart marketing.
Made for kids, bought by adults
This doesnt target my audience but as a kid I remember always enjoying fantasy tales more than anything else.
I think this is a great idea.
dude what
you make bullshit
soooo… basically a repeat from the varian wrynn/lo'gosh novel: A human, son of a great person, strands on a beach and has to find a way back home, cmon blizz, be original plsssss :/
RIP Metzen 🙁