WoW IRL – In Real Life – World of Warcraft Addiction Documentary

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“IRL – In Real Life” is a short documentary looking at the effects of World of Warcraft addiction, produced as a graduation film as part of a final year film production project at the University of the Creative Arts.

Over 1 Million combined views worldwide.
Winner Phoenix Comicon Film Festival
Winner Durham Film Festival – Best Design, Audience Choice Award
Nominated Royal Television Society Student Awards – Best Factual Film
Official Selection BUtiful Film Festival
Official Selection British Shorts Film Festival, Berlin
Screened at Summoning Stone Brazil
Featured on ABC1 (Australia)
Featured on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio Surrey

IRL – In Real Life has also been uploaded on:
Vimeo –

Produced, Directed, Written, Edited and Cinematography By
Anthony Rosner
Twitter –
Website –

Visual Effects By 
Dave Novis

Script Supervised By
Arron Amo

Language Translations
Bulgarian – Dayana Mileva
Chinese – Tamsin Tran and Peter Tran
Finnish – Naaw and Puhtimaki
German – Benjamin Dressler
Italian – Paolo Adragna
Korean – Pilsoo Shin & Yi Yang sun
Norwegian – Finn Moltumyr
Portuguese – Sara Almeida
Russian – Drimakys
Swedish – Kristina Markez

“Easy” – Sugababes (Ultrabeat Remix) –
“Nightsong” –
“Crystalsong Forest” –

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  1. thank you . I was with you through the whole movie. been there done all over and over but… real life slips by .
    i still miss my virtual world but the moment i plunged into it loneliness took over

  2. thanks a lot for making this video. Was playing wow private server wotlk for a long time and finally quit. All i gotta say is thank you. things have been so much better

  3. I remember watching another video of a man quitting WoW which he burnt his WoW CD at the end, anyone remember the name of that video or the link?

  4. Minecraft is nothing like World of Warcraft but actually I've been addicted to Minecraft throughout most of middle school and the first half of high school. I stopped once it didn't become fun anymore, I wasn't getting enjoyment from building or playing on servers anymore, so I slowly just phased it out of my life and did other things. Now here I am, in university. Minecraft still has a special place in my heart and memories, but now I have moved on and I am glad…

  5. This video got me addicted to wow and whenever i was getting bored of it i came back to watch this video and found new life in the game.

    Seriously thats not a joke

  6. I dont think time is "wasted" if u just having fun and enjoy what u do. I think if u just have no more fun anymore and it fells "like a fulltime" job – thats the point to start asking yourself. If a game is no more fun. Dont play it anymore. Sounds easy. But i think, thats the key.

  7. Pierdolenie … Gram w WOWa od ponad 4 lat jednocześnie nie zapominam o realnym życiu, zdałam maturę, studiuję, mam faceta, spotykam się ze znajomymi … A jednocześnie kocham świat Azeroth i jego historię, gram i nałogowao czytam książki i inne rzeczy dotyczące tej gry. Wystarczy umieć pogodzić świat wirtualny z realnym, da się ;d

  8. I remember watching another video of a man quitting WoW which he burnt his WoW CD at the end, anyone remember the name of that video or the link?

  9. This video make me cry to think abaut old time.I was a casul player but i can remeber old times man what life and when i see you siband guild i was near to cey because my guild disband recently and i lose lots of friends from that guild

  10. +Tyler Durden "you could have done this, you could have done that, you could" You could have read all of +Jonas Westberg's comment instead of talking down to him like an ignorant shithead thinking that because you were addicted to WoW that EVERYONE must be addicted. You could have said the exact same bullshit you spewed about a LOT of hobbies in this world like gambling, watching TV, any sort of competitive sport etc . You could also fuck off.

  11. I've been playing for seven years now. I've come to the point where if i want to continue playing i'm going to need to buy a new computer which is really hard for me to afford. It's just so hard. Even watching your video made me want to cry because the game and the music are just so beautiful and i relate so much. When you lose your characters and your online friends it's the saddest thing. When you say goodbye to your character it's like grieving for an old friend. Even my Wow memories with friends are precious to me and it's hard to let go . But your friends quit and it's sad because then you are all alone again. What would my life have been like if i had never played Wow? Would i have deeper friendships that lasted? Would i have more hobbies and accomplishments? I need to see beauty around me and want to feel accomplished. When i get up from my computer i see a crubby apartment and do not like how i look. I've even started to have some knee and circulation problems from playing the game so long. I've struggled with money. The things i want a nice house, my own property are beyond me. I struggle in life and this game gives me what i can't seem to reach irl. I want to quit, but i don't know how i won't be bored. What do you guys do for fun? I play dungeons and dragons with friends, go fishing and watch tv, but get bored easy. How do you do it?


  13. I played WoW for a long time. 4 and half years of hardcore playing. After I finally killed Deathwing I quit the game right then and there realizing how alone I was in real. I did get back on WoW for 2 months at the beginning of last year then quit again right after beating Grommish Hellscream. My characters name was Yomamma. A Human Pally. You might still find him in the armory. I might play again someday but only when this expanison is done updating so I can play through it all very quickly. Then I won't play for another 2 years. I love the WoW story and how it progresses as you play but thats the biggest part of the addiction. The need to find out what happens for yourself. Have fun players still in the game. Enjoy life People who have freed themselves! 

  14. Dear Anthony, i hope you read my comment! I sad to see this video because this video is inspiring peoples to stay in the game, with the belief of they can play it in moderation, even if they not can. You clearly know to gaming, and specially world of warcraft is an a harmful,dangerous habbit, causing an choking addiction. Evryone know this, after seen your life story. And after all you just want to the peoples just keep playing it? > ["Therefore, i suggest the idea, of you just get payed by somewho's for this WoW advertising film."] Probably that dirty job is good for your filming carrier. An example for your immorality: "If you have been an alcoholic you not can drink agin safely, because the hight risk to you become an addict agin.
    Yes,not all peoples are turn to be an alcoholic from one single beer. Or turn to be a world of warcraft addict from 1 hour/day casual playing, somewho quickly get bored of it. "Because we are different,our genetics,psyche,upbringing,personality are different". But the point it is, to not make a risk. World of Warcraft is the most dangerous/addicting game in the world, causing suffering for many family's. (I from hungary. English is not my national language, sorry for my grammar skills)

  15. This is why I put limits on how long I play games. To be honest, I don't even play games that often really, and when I do, it's usually on weekends. I'm a student though…hopefully this will stay the same when I graduate in 3 years.

  16. This guy was happy. He probably needed more moderation and self-improvement in his life order to be happier, for sure, but he was still happy. So what I took away from this video is "Hypergamy doesn't care."

    A high-status male in a social group attracts the most female attention in that social group. The act of traveling all the way to another country to visit a woman, probably with a lot of groveling that young men tend to do, only broke her perception of his status. His greatest mistake wasn't loving World of Warcraft, it was loving a parasitic stranger more. This is what most men do out of fear of doing anything else, they put women over the hobbies that they love thinking that female beauty equates to intelligence or compassion, and they destroy their lives much more because of that than the pursuit of their passions.

  17. Quite and interesting video, i used to be quite addicted myself, playin for around 15 hours a day, many things really kept me interested in this game. Im still playing WoW, but unlike most i have combined it with real life…a hobby of sorts, something i liked since i was a child..summer, agriculture and fresh air, the growth of plants has always fascinated me and earth is an element i find comfort in..alone and undisturbed. Im 22 and unlike others around my age i dont sit in bars or clubs drinking alchohol and having fun, such things never interested me and still dont, thats how i differed from class mates back when i was in highschool, active social life doesn't suit me either, you could say it bores me, despite that it sounds unusual…for a human being. I despised the fact that i was always visually the smallest and youngest looking in comparison to others of my age( at 18 i looked like a 10 year old ;p), so i was rejected, sadly, and so i learned to have a partly solitary life, having only parents and couple of relatives at my side. I wasn't scewed by WoW..i was screwed up by other ppl and while i could still have friends, after a short time i simply turn away to be alone.

  18. I've played since BETA. I have a wonderful husband and an annoying daughter.(Jk, not really) I get told often I'm not bad to look at (I don't believe it) and I am working on starting my own company. My husband played WoW with me but has grown bored but I keep at it sometimes. He works his butt off re-plastering pools and has even made foreman to his own crew. We are all in shape and would never change our gaming experiences. We have met friends online that we hang out with in real life (that means a lot because I'm anti-social) and talk to others on a daily basis through other sites. Not everyone who games is an out of shape, out of work, lonely nobody and it ticks me off that that is the stereotype we are given!

  19. The issue is when you have nothing to go to because you already have no friends or social life and there is nothing you're good at or overly enjoy. Then you just fall back on playing the game. It's really shitty, you want to go out and have fun but because of the 'no friends' barrier there's nobody you can do it with, or at least nobody you would feel comfortable doing it with.

  20. Amazing man. i saw the thread on neogaf. i havent been accepted there dunno why so i cant post there, but you did a great thing with the doc, simple elegant creative an really get the message across. Congratulations.

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