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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:33 Event Info
02:08 Getting Started
03:09 Gameplay
06:55 Plunder & Renown
07:34 Rewards
08:29 Final Thoughts & Outro
What are your thoughts on Plunderstorm?
It's 'unique'..? Whether you like this take or not, it's certainly not unique. There's at least a dozen different very mainstream Battle Royales with the same basic gameplay.
I have no idea who this game play is for. Neither the wow pve or pvp players want to play this. if they did they would just play Fortnite. The rewards look cool but doing this to farm them? Nah hell no.
Been asking for a battleground pvp battle royal with our characters for a while now, hopefully this is just the beginning
This is the type of WoW that I can see being ported to consoles.
its crap
Where do i get my plunderstorm loot in dragonflight?
Havent played the last few xpacs but had some friends mention this was very entertaining and is tempting me to resub to check it out
Wasn't it enough they ruined that good zombie survival Fortnite with their BR kiddy crap. Yes yes I know it became huge and popular but we all know mostly youngsters liked it.
WoW did not need this "dumbed down" of a game. Not my cup of tea as a 44 yrs gamer. This just smells like "Blizzard" smelled a chance to cash in on a known title.
Got renown 40 a couple days ago.
I really hated it, but I just absolutely despise all things PvP.
If it weren't for the cosmetic rewards I wouldn't have touched it.
Honestly, I can't believe you actually support this crap. Always liked you and your content but come on…
Boooo! This isn't what wow gamers want. The devs are so far disconnected from the player base. I can guarantee that this shit right here is gonna come with some kind of battle pass soon.
So this game should be made into a stand alone its a blast ….They need to nerf and tweak a few things but over all solid BR
secret patch battle royal… whats next a roguelite mode, shooter mode…
This is crap and then being lazy once again!!! And you are nothing but a fucking shill with this video
so crazy. you used to be the crappy mic’ed private server reviewer i’d watch as a little girl. now you’re actually a decent sized youtuber 😮
An incomplete review. 1. What social tools are you given iee voice char or chat channels? 2. Any plans for controller support? 3. Any plans for mobile support? 4. What are the system requirements? Get it together man i have to do the heavy lifting
if you re a pve monkey like me it's no fun at all. Been in 4 times, 4 times murdered in the first 30 seconds, conclusion shove your pirate outfit.
more dress up crap
thank you i love this it a grind but every thing thing in wow is a grind
Plunderstorm is stupid. I have never been able to defeat anyone since playing. Even when I'm lvl 2 and they're level 1. Or if I'm level 3 and they're level 1. Never…
How is it a "bold move" not to have add-ons for something new like this, it makes prefect sense.
two most important questions. first, how do we track our K/D ? and second, where do we find the KAR98 for 360 no scopes?
Hot garbage, gtfoh, ppl only playing for the mounts or Tmog gear. This gameplay sucks unless your a FortNite nerd. ✌🏾