Hi everyone! In today’s video, I will go through some important changes made to MoP Remix, including the nerf of frog farming, the increase of permanent XP you can get from LFR, and the increase of Bronze from caches.
00:00 – Intro
00:15 – 1) LFR Now Drops Perpetual Thread of Experience
01:18 – Normal Raiding Still Better For Fast XP
02:15 – Useful Daily Quest
02:41 – 2) Frog Farming Nerfed!
04:12 – 3) 25% More Bronze From Caches
05:34 – 4) No Mini Mana Bomb Toy?
06:32 – Conclusions
You don't get threads from frogs anymore either. So that is a completely useless place to farm now
This is stupd i dont agree at all with nerfing frogs they should have done the opposite, buff everything else in the world, period
Also don't upgrade green 346 gear only blue or purple 346 or higher because you can upgrade them further than the greens and get a higher item level
Anyone know why I am not getting the theramore tabard? I have it on retail because I done it years ago but not on remix when I run the scenario
The frog nerf is a horrible mess, it interfered with everything, collecting rewards, character power, scaling, it broke the event. The numbers are just out of control. They really should have known, and now we need a significant fix.
I played a lot but just got to lvl 40 – what do you mean some players can oneshot raidbosses? What happened out there while I quested through pandaria?! 👀
So they remove frog farm = FUCK EVERYONE ELSE who missed that, you are all now trash in comparison.
They Increase bronze caches… which are super slow to get… so, not really worthwhile.
You need 1.6 million bronze to buy everything…. and Izen said you need to get 17.000 / DAY, Since start, in order to have a chance to buy everything…If you have a life, you are fucked.
Private servers make it better ffs…. and Blizzard is part of a mega BILLION company, and can not do anything better than this shit ??… what a fucking joke.
I have the mini mana Bomb. Why add that back but not other things like the bike/wolf mount from garrosh – all or nothing thank you 🙏🏻
The frog thing is insane if blizz really does nothing, I saw a MW monk soloing LGR Garrosh taking no damage doing 1mil dps. I can only imagine a raid full of these people.
those group with the gigacapes, "level 70 only", seen a lot of those lately.
the upgrade mats are the same as the rewards its soo dumb loll
Fuck that, the people that exploited the frogs are still benfiting from the buff. take that shit away from them or fuck trying to act like you're fair.
Meanwhile, I love that some of my armor has over 40k stamina, bringing my character to a whopping 9.3m HP.
Goat farming is decent
Hitting 70 getting one mount and I'm done with it. The game is broken.
They have to redo the tagline now: Underpowered, Yep. Fun, ehhh.
They need to nerf warriors. They pull entire zones, mobs the size of 25 man raids and kill everything without a scratch. ridiculous.
The fact that I'll have to spend maybe 10 or 20 times or even more time to get the rewards from the event than frog farmers is a huge let down. If thats the way blizz wants to do things they shouldnt have nerfed the seeds rep at all in 10.2. Shame
So my 190% exp buff is not shared with my remix alts? They bait and switched it again? What the flying frak was the point then?
I was hoping you'd say there was a nerf to Heroic Dungeon and scenario bosses/special moves that one shot… It's BS, i can't even do one heroic scenario, i get Brewing Storm every time and everybody im with including me keep getting one shot….
I found people are doing a dalaran farm during the landfall questline & its kinda annoying when you're trying to tag mobs for the quest, honestly it feels like people are playing through remix but not in the intended way since they'll farm bronze to cap, buy items & leave whilst the rest of us will just play bit by but until the event ends hoping to get as many rewards.
Do you propose another place to farm? not into questing
I just genuinely don’t understand the frog farm in the first place it should have been nerfed before it started. It’s boring as hell just farming the same mobs idk how people find it fun. Nothing fun about it you get op sure, but I’d rather just play all the content.
I missed out on the frogs so there’s no way in hell I’ll ever get enough bronze or threads to do anything. Funny I’m a newish player to this game and can already see the frustration people have faced while I wasn’t playing. Blizzard sucks.
I got the mini mana bomb from a mail after doing the scenario
Why do people that actually have lives and cant farm frogs for 12 fuckin hours in the first couple days of the event get shafted lmao
we knew this yesterday
Roll back that fucking frog nonsense. Stop rewarding stupid exploits and punishing players for playing the game as intended. Is this a joke? Most SoO groups are excluding those who didn't abuse the frog crap. Bravo, Blizzard. Another L, well taken
I'm hoping it's just a bug or omission on the Mini Mana Bomb not being on the vendor offerings.
Wow a whopping 25% bronze increase. Blizzard has hands down the worst developers. Like people got their cloaks and gear to an insane level, like borderline unobtainable now and their compensation is a 25% bronze increase to caches
So i was focussed on playing the game normally past few days, now i missed the frogs, and also because i already opened all the bronze whil progressing, I also missed out the bronze increase buff
Who could have thought about a farm which was used back in og MoP to be op with the current remix rules?
Definitely not Blizzard i guess.
what are those xp boosts for? my alts have 100% still on their cloak.
I am not spending a single bronze in gear, because I want to get out of this trash bait and switch game they turn to deliver. People making 5 million dps with 6 million health while we, playing normally are stuck in 700 thousand ish. Watching the LFR tool for hero and mythic massively populated with: "MGV hero, frogs+1" They choose to reroll them? No, they decide to increase the threads for all of us that are playing the game as it is supposed to? No. They offer a 25% extra bronze and was it for all content? No. Just when you finish raids or another high-end shit. Bravo. So the ones that already have 6million dps, can go and farm Siege mythic and get their 50k bronze per run. I already read in chat one dude that says he got all the collectibles. Amazing blizzard, amazing.
good, more Bronze and less exploiting the game, i'm fine with that. currently laughing my ass off at all the powerlevelers who hit 70 within 48 hours and hit the brick wall because they are wearing garbage gear and chipped/flawed stat gems, get rekt! lol
Its stupid how you cant get xp threads at level 70
Game mode already ruined, idk why people keep paying to play this garbage
They should roll back the frog nerf. If they're not going to roll back players that abused frogs cloaks then they should allow the rest of us to grind ourselves. As it stands we probably won't catch up to the people with 6 million hp until the event ends.
Thraun Gaming, I really like your videos! Let's be friends!
She smells to lizard…. Fun detected. T hey manage to ruin fun even in event…. I don't want be part of that theatre of absurd. Fck those rewards. I respect my time.
What about the lvl 70 damage scaling shouldnt that be a higher priority. Doing any instanced content at 70 is nigh impossible because everything chunks hp??
So no rollback for the frogs there are people with 8 million health doing 8 million dps. Blizz finds a way to ruin everything
So, the lfr exp threads were already a thing im pretty sure. Question is, did they make it carry over to alts or is it still only for one character? If its only for the character you do it on then the event still isnt doing what it was advertised to. Levelling alts.