One of the more difficult parts of XDefiant is finding controller settings that feel great but after a ton of testing and optimization, I’ve finally found the perfect settings for me and I wanted to share that with you guys today while also explaining how many of the less obvious settings work. Obviously, many of these come down to personal preference so I encourage you to make adjustments that suit you. What are the sensitivity values you landed on with XDefiant?
0:00 Intro & Disclaimer
0:47 Gameplay & UI Settings
3:59 Button Layout & Aim Assist
4:26 Aim Response Curve
4:54 MY Best Sensitivity & Best Ratio
6:16 Deadzones
6:52 How the Acceleration Multiplier Works
7:40 Final Controller Settings
7:53 Audio, Video, & Language
9:14 How to Access the Practice Zone (PS5 Only)
10:06 Wrap Up
I play on 40 40 but on cod I play 10 10 it is a little slower on this game but it's better for accuracy but I didn't change the other settings I haven't messed with the settings much just increase my sense the more I have played changing you're settings all the time doesn't seem to be helpful in this game
The same people praising this game without a minutes playtime are the same ones complaining rn ☠️
Just give consoles freaking Mouse and Keyboard for fuck sake, like COD.
Any news on kbm support for xbox ? I would love to play this game.
Putting screen limits all the way down to the smallest helped since I don’t have to look as far since the minimap is small
Does any1 know if they will do Complete customisable remapping for the controller buttons please? For those that don't have a scuff and like to play with buttons mapped a bit different, this is a bit of a hassle :/.
About ads transition speed,in cod u can change that too,"gradual" the name of it I think
Why does it feel like there’s no white dudes in the battle pass?
XDEFIANT is literally shit 💩
ITS STAGNAT , SHITTY , and upon release fell flat on its face for a free to play and is in no comparison to MW3 lmfao it’s the ROBLOX OF FREE TO PLAY MULTIPLAYER
This video is soooo useful. The ADS transition and sensitivity ratio was a massive help!!
It’s a great game . But the only complaint I have is after 2 games I get nauseous. And motion sickness. Every other fps I don’t get this
Linear will always be king in any settings video .
Now that y’all have experienced XDefiant’s horrible hit reg can you please stop claiming Activision is nerfing good COD players with skill based damage?
This happens in every online pvp game ever made. Stop treating Activision like the Boogeyman.
Thanks dude, Super helpful
120 fps is nice on ps5. Bonus. (pc master race comments about 360fps incoming).
Stick drift should never be a problem they need to align the interior of controllers with rubber so that it seals leaks and damage to the sticks
50h 20v for jinxzi sens on rs6
You are welcome
Ads slowdown: instant
Curve: reverse s curve
Sens: 61/61
Ads sens: 0.74
Ads scope sens: 0.76
Deadzone: 7/7
Anyone tryna play
Bruh how tf are you in the test range i cant get in its locked for me, 😭
Why is there no mouse and keyboard options for PC users?
Personally I prefer reverse S with 70 70 .9 and 1.0 and then acceleration 0 helps with hip fire in the sticky close range imo
Wow bro, thank you very much. First game with this settings and I improved drastically compared to yesterday
I can't access the training area. On ps5
Nvm I saw the end of the video lol
How are you in practice zone?!
How do I unlock practice zone?
I can't aim unless i have controller vibration on. I noticed my first game on something was off so i kept shooting at a wall and noticed my controller isnt vibrating. Couldn't kill anyone without it
Would you be willing to do a video on what causes all guns to have zero recoil while strafing?
Those settings are the best I went from 0 kills to 20
I hope they add support to m&k for consoles. I deleted it immediately I can’t return to play FPS with controller 🤢
ttk vids next pls
Woo you’re a scholar and a saint finding a way into practice zone thanks for that
Why the hell i have to empty half a clip to kill someone. But take the enemy 1 or 2 shots!!! lol are there hackers on this game already?
My only gripe with the game is the audio is horrible. My footsteps loud while enemy is super quiet and inconsistent