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The EASIEST & FASTEST Ways To Level in WoW Remix Pandaria Event

There have been some important changes and hotfixes that effect how leveling works, and what the most time efficient leveling methods are in the mists of pandaria remix event. Let’s go over how you can level quickly and easily, and get as many alts as you want up to level 70 in record time.

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  1. I like to do dungeons as a healer but the tank died a lot and I couldn't heal him at all. I quit WoW again, can't recommend playing this patch as a healer.

  2. Dont watch the movie its kinda waste of time just do this:
    Hc dungeon until 25
    Go normal mogu(12%exp gain per normal boss kill)
    Day2: mogu normal
    Some hc until u hit 35:
    Go heart of fear
    Go terrace (40)
    After that u should be around 46
    Repeat those 3 raids just tim u hit max level

    If u dont get into raids, just build one by yourself its super easy. Dont que for lfr its a waste of time.

    Learn what the ward tech is and abuse it, you oneshot bosses.

    My fastest mogu run was 13 min

  3. I was hit by the bug where you log in your toon is naked and you have no bags.. it was like this for 2 days lol tonight i czn finally grind to lv 70 haha

  4. kalani , just to make sure i got your point right m u telling me to stop lvling my main and jump into new alts so i boost my cloak fast right ? my main lvl now is 46

  5. You really need to change those names Kelani 🙂 I cannot imagine the mess when you mail stuff between alts (even if it will be less of a concern with warbands).

  6. So I joined a premade group for N Mogu'shan Vaults but was the only level 25 in the group and everyone else was level 70 (except on other who was 35) and I wasn't hitting anything (cause of the level difference) and kept getting killed. What am I missing..? The levels weren't scaled

  7. After the first char ,quests outbeat everything… beside so many low geared chars run the dungeon ,which take a hell of time …hc dungeon is a waste,dont know what the dude here smoke , but the scalling with the wrong group can cost alot of time…lfr is ok , if you hate questing go for it. For myself spoken as long ,as normal or hc raid isnt a lfr option , i have to struggle with gs ,acm ,class and bla

  8. If your aim is to lvl a ton of toons then more xp is better. However since scaling at 70 sucks and like me you already have too many toons at max lvl then surely getting as much bronze as possible should be your aim and being more powerful at a lower level should make for easy questing and farming.

  9. I’ve spent the entire time in the jade forest because I couldn’t figure out which quests I needed to do for the story line. I just finally left it last night. No amount of googling could get me that info. Anyone know of a site?

  10. I’m confused why raids drop exp gain for my max level 70 if it has no effect on my alts since the cape is capped at 100% starting. Like seriously what is the point of the extra exp gains when you’re level 70????

  11. I leveled to 70 in Just two zones: Jade forest and Valley of the four winds. I completed all Main/Side Quests and target rares to get both zones completed and up to 70. The rest of pandaria was extra chests, stats/xp for cloak and finishing out reps. took me less than 24hrs to get it done.

  12. Not sure if it's better lately, but in the first few days whenever I tried to queue for Normal dungeons on my Hunter (was around level 45 at the time) I never got an invite. Maybe that's just a "we don't want no stinkin' Hunters" thing, but my experience has been negative when even trying to get into a Normal group. At least with LFR you can get in, and while the queues may take a while if you sign up for all the wings you want to do you'll find they tend to pop one after another once the first one starts.

    As for player expectations prior to the event, much of that came from Blizzard and content creators who played the PTR, so it wasn't just people assuming, it was people having expectations set for them by others.

  13. I made a druid and played a couple hours to get to 14. It's alright but nothing special so far. From all the hype, I had this image of blasting through everything ala Diablo hack n slash but thats not the case so far.

  14. But why would you want exp on the cloak, if as a pre ~60-65 the balancing is in your favor. Trying to not reach higher level as quickly as possible seems much more worth it until they (hopefully) improve the scaling.

  15. wow is fun, but most mid players are little shits who thinks they are smart while they just learn rudimentary tacts rotations and copy good players builds with no understanding of why lol. kinda tired of soy little shits tbh.

  16. A small tip is to create all the characters you want and then have them sitting in an inn to get rested xp! Mostly helpful if you are like me and creating one of each class lol

  17. The cloak ended up being a huge disappointment, when youtuber kept telling me that what I did on my main would help put my alts, sure it did some with the achievement but there is not much reason for me to make my main cloak any better. It is also silly that that we get weaker with each level up, my speed did go down for each level from 18% to 12%

  18. Level through questing is a nice comfort way. By the time I got to the Vale, through the quests naturally getting me there, I was already at 70. I didn't touch Townlong Steppes nor the Dread Wastes.

  19. I honestly think leveling makes the game worse.. I would rather get more bronze and threads, but being lv70 actively makes you weaker and worse in raids unless you farmed frogs.

  20. Craps, I've been doing it wrong from day one. I have a lvl 41 and lvl 42 and haven't been in a raid yet. I like following the story line but apparently that's not enough.

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