The music played in Firelands, the raid released in patch 4.2, Rage of the Firelands.
Composers: Russell Brower, Neal Acree.
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All credits goes to Blizzard for the making of this music.
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Favorite soundtrack
campion some one is mining in the earths core!!! put a stop to it!
did some one say thunder fury blessed blade of the wind seeker??????????????!!!!!
One of the best raids in WoW history and one of the best soundtracks too, legendary.
lol 8:54 reminded me when i walked in there think year we got this…got a look at the land and was like oh shit!!! such good memories when instances and raids were new!
starting with the track everyone wants
Does anyone know if this is on Spotify? If so, how is it named?
Alittle story about Crafty’s Fishing Pole
This is the Legendary fishing pole of Chuck Norris, crafted by the Texas ranger himself, by a single roundhouse kick to one of those crystalline trees in Crystal song forest. The force of the kick blew away the tree's bark leaving only the legendary artefact perfectly formed. unfortunately the shockwave from the force of that kick also created a massive tremor throughout Azeroth, shattering Yogg-Saron's prison, causing the titans to flee in fear, waking up Ragnaros TOO SOON, collapsing the Statue of Eilune in Azshara, and causing Deathwing to go Insane and turn against his Kin.
13:25 creepy
We call upon you, Fire Lord!
This is still my favourite raid and music of ALL currently released.
First soundtrack exists*
I, listening to him, burn everything in the name of Ragnaros
My favorite soundtrack in WoW. The opening song does such a good job at musically describing fire (if that makes any sense)
The first 3 minutes gets me fired up every time I listen to it
Arthas epic music
live insect!
When you punch your little brother and mom walks in the room
Therapist: Legnaros is not real. He cannot hurt you.
Legnaros: 0:00
firelands is top 5 raid in WoW.
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