Pointless Top 10: Banks in World of Warcraft
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Pointless Top 10: Banks in World of Warcraft | WoWcrendor
org bank has always been the best bank because it had the most number of lvl 1 bank alts you could unleash your Inferno on
The bank in the middle of Darnassus is called "The Bough of the Eternals".
Source: Children's Week
PS: This shoulda been numba 1 !!11!!1
This list is a total joke because you ignored the Argent Crusade Squire bank… Shhesh!
Once i tried to deposit my old gun in the bank but for some reason they didn't take it and instead gave me millions of currency and lots of elite guards ran after me.
No matter how powerful or weak you are.
No matter where in time or space you go.
No matter how rich or broke you are.
Gobber will always follow you, support you, encourage you, and hold on to your extra crap until you can use it for crafting/selling/timewalking.
Truly he is the best gobbo.
Crendor, the Eagle is not killing the Bear.
The most well-known thing about Night Elves are their Druids, and the two major sides of them you learn of in WarCraft lore are the Druids of the Claw (who can shape-shift to Bears) and the Druids of the Talon (who can shape-shift to Storm Crows).
Due to limitations enforced by game mechanics, in WoW, you can't really become a Storm Crow to cast Cyclone on people from the air, BUT, that did become the Travel Form for Druids back in BC.
What you're seeing with the back is most likely a Druid caught between changing from their Bear form to their Storm Crow form. And it's made into a tree, which is, you know.. Treants are also one of their spells.
PLUS all of the male tellers in Dalaran are wearing skirts AND if you walk up to the grating in between the tellers there are more usable tellers hidden on the other side.
do a pointless top 10 : RPing Areas (cause why not)
This was by far the stupidest wow video I have ever seen. Thank you sir. I enjoyed it highly
Bank of under city, ya can actually go in and view from the teller’s point of view, it’s really cool.
Gobber saved my live so many times…. I HATE trowing garbage away even if I know I could make money with it. Ehmm…. I was a goblin and I loved money. Nothing suspicious! 🐖
If you use mobile, go to 1:34 and go fullscreen. Then wiggle your phone until you notice something with the window
Well this list and video was completely pointless… Ohhh
My favorite banks in WoW are the Silvermoon banks…
I never noticed the giant scale thing…
Yea I love Silvermo- wait.. oh well..
can I get to dalaran at level 60?
can tell you play horde mostly lol
Holy shit I never noticed the eagle before
What I miss the most about old Org is the Tauren named floormat, I loved watching the naked cow go all the way up and jump to his death right in front of the door, that rampy thing right behind the bank, it was beautiful.
You need to drown Gobber in mouthwash. Gross xD
back in vanilla, when raiding Xr i used to use Ratchet bank and vendors quite a bit ^^
man i miss old org :/
1:15 mashrabiya.
Or at least it looks like it.
Ahh under city bank… I remember sitting on my time lost Proto-drake dancing around it making every freak out
0:53 look at undead guy he ride a Blue Qiraj Tank there not in a raid where u can use it
Dalaran underground bank… Enough said….
IF AH bridge > OG Roof
2:46 blood elf just plummets to death
Hahaha! "I did a mistake, so itll be like dat! Yea…"
you forgot the stormshield bank man and it's awesme invisable table
Orgrimmar sucks … including their old bank. It all just plain sucks, including nostalgia.
I miss old Orgrimmar.
Orgrimmar bank? really?
3:50 haha theres the guy that everyone killed all the time.
What a great city Old Org was.
Ik I'm late to this but he ended it at 4:20 I mean come on crendor
Man i miss the old Orgrimmar… Now it looks so Hannibal lecorish
You forgot the secret bank in ulduar!
I miss the old Org bank..