Quilboar – World of Warcraft Lore

Lore of the Quilboar. In this video I go through their race origin, culture and the current situation. Leave your suggestions for then next race lore video!
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. – I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at

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  1. Honestly the quillboar are my favorite. "What why? Arn't you undead shouldn't you like the scorn?" ok first i'm like 50% sure that might be raciest. Next I just like pigs. They are my favorite animal.

  2. i never even considered in my life i'd care at all about the quilboar in any way, but you just made me actually like and respect them. man i love this game so much.

  3. Im playing CK2 mod Guardians of Azeroth and i really like QuillBoars , yes they are weaker then most but they stick together and survive .

  4. Hey Doron do you know any lore behind Quilboars in Mulgore now in BfA? They are ALL females after the new quilboar model was added in 8.0.1. patch. I was wondering if it has any reason or it is just some kind of bug or something? Thx for great content by the way!

  5. Pretty Nice video, Doron!
     I don't Think this is the best place to ask, but could ya awnser my question?
     How exactly happen the union with Night Elves and the Alliance? I Always had this question but cant find much information… D:

  6. Harpies, gnolls, murlocs, kobalds, furbolgs, tuskarrs, troggs, wolvars, wendigos, nagas, magnataurs, vrykyls. jinyus, arakkoas, imps, grells, wildkins. These are all races I'd like to know more about. Might be hard to find info about some of them, but it would be cool though. Ice and forest trolls or troll mobs in overall would also be a cool option.
    A new video about the ogre race would also be nice. 🙂

  7. Good video 🙂 Could you make a lore video about Murlocs and gnolls? 🙂
    could be fun to hear more about them they are being in wow since the start 🙂

  8. I like your videos, a lot.
    But I need to ask: Do you write a script before you go into the video? Because you fall way too often into rambling and repeat yourself, and it's incredibly easy to notice. I get English probably isn't your first language, but I still think writing out what you say before you say it might be a good idea.

  9. It is interesting your say the Quilboar practice Geomancer a form of Shamanism, but is Geomancer strictly devoted to the Earth elemental as opposed to Shamanism which has Earth, Air, Water, & Fire elemental worship?

  10. My suggestion is Vrykuls , i might have spelled that wrong, but i hope you'll get what i want to say 😀 They seems like badass race for me, why don't make video about them

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