The NEXT VERSION of World of Warcraft YOU Didn’t Ask For

What is the next version of World of Warcraft? And are you excited for it? Season of Discovery, Hardcore, Classic Era, Retail WoW, WoW Remix, Plunderstorm. What’s next?

Shoutout to Hayven, RIP, you will always be missed!


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  1. I didn’t come back for Panda remix or Cata Classic, once was enough.
    I would come back for Legion tho.
    Wow Classic through Wotlk and the Legion xpac were my favorite times of wow / I think the best points of the game

  2. I just recently got back into WoW after not playing since late 2012. Real life just got so demanding, and as much as I missed it trying to jump in after several expansions had gone by was daunting. However, I saw a lot of talk about SoD, and it got me interested enough to renew my subscription. Ultimately it wasn't for me, but since that sub also covered WotLK classic I gave that a go. I've been having a blast.

    Started playing a druid which I never touched before. On top of that I found a great guild. They want to focus on having a single strong 10 man raid team for Cata. Originally, I had been in a much less organized guild that focused on being pals. So I had a lot of good experiences, but didn't see a lot of content after WotLK. So as much as its nostalgia its also very much being able to have a second crack at something I really didn't get to fully experience. I really hope classic continues through the other expansions.

    But the only reason I have a place where I do is because a LOT of guilds fractured in the last month or two of WotLK classic. There are lot of strong opinions about what "classic" exactly is. Some people just want to experience the game up to a certain point and no further (and that point varies wildly), and then are there are those like me who want a chance to go through all the expansions as they released (more or less). I think there is room for both, and more.

    SoD or something like it feeds the craving for Classic +. Plunderstorm and MoP remix are a good introduction for new players. Seriously, MoP remix is almost exactly what you were talking about with WoW: Tutorial. Not perfect, but heads and shoulders better than whatever retail has going on right now. While each of these iterations may not directly benefit each other they allow Blizz to experiment and see what does and does not work. Ultimately, not every one of these experiences are going to be for everyone, but that is okay.

  3. imo the easy solution would just only have retail wow then classic wow and get rid of everything else, retail would obviously keep doing its thing with new updates and classic would stay the same but like with sod and classic plus just put out new content in classic then every so often reset the whole world with all new stuff

  4. lol blah blah blah what are you actually saying in this video, saying so many things and you sound exactly like blizzard with so many games lmao. This video really wasn’t saying much of anything if you’re bored man just play a game who cares blizzard is never going to give the community what revolves any real change.

  5. I want one thing, to continue the classic journey, all the way to BFA, so MoP, WoD and Legion classic! Spent 10k hours on my classic character, wanna continue the adventure and spend another 10k! 😀

  6. I personally enjoy Classic Hardcore myself. As a test, I think it would be interesting to open up a singular progression server of Hardcore, that way you can eventually be playing WotLK Hardcore and beyond. And if by x-expansion the active player count on the server dropped below a size, your characters would be moved back to Classic Hardcore and the server removed.

  7. Seasonal classic is the classic+ we are going to get, there going to give changes from classic era (boon nodes etc), Then give us som raid updates in sod, then next season theyll add all of that into season 3 of classic whatever that is with more updates. I just want a fucking toggle in classic between retail graphics and classic graphics and i would be happy

  8. If someone needs a tutorial to learn how to play WoW … Jeez. It's one of the easiest games ever made in my opinion, and I don't even consider myself "great" because I simply don't play enough anymore. It's super easy.

  9. In my ideal world I'd have Classic+ , Retail and then one other not sure though, then id consolidate all servers merging the player bases closer, id also get rid of phasin tech, in my dreams though lol

  10. I just cancelled my sub yesterday, I'm done with wow for now for a while..after 17 years and the last few years playing mainly Classic all this Season of Discovery and the MoP's just not what I personally want to play. I played MoP when it was current from launch til WoD launch so for me to go back and do it all again was enticing at first until I logged in and realized this is just Season of Discovery with a twist. Just not interested..I am really enjoying BDO to be honest..No sub..I like the crafting in the game and even though there are some things wow does better I think over all BDO checks a lot of the boxes I want in a game.

  11. the devs are not good at making new content. they should just leave vanilla alone with very minor changes, it'll be better than anything the current team creates

  12. I want rotational servers that start as fresh classic that will eventually progress to TBC and then to WOTLK over a few years and then reset the cycle

  13. All these game versions are a resut of the blizz stuborness of just focus at the cap level content every expansion. If they gave attention in made the leveling interesting and not throw everything at the thrash at every new launch, nthing of this would be necessary 🤷🏻‍♂️

  14. It was fun being a sweat and experiencing it before any nerfs. It would have been sick if left that way, but have the gear that drops be way-way stronger than what we actually got… and then you get "sunket temple feeling boring"

  15. WoW SoD is so close to being a great game (possibly the best version of WoW). I think if they do make a classic + the things learned from SoD (and even retails history) should be taken heavily into consideration. 💯☮

  16. If they make a TRUE classic plus(as in a classic server that takes things from SoD but also creates all new end game content that basically takes the place of TBC) then I will stay with wow. Other then that I feel like once SoD is done I will be done with WoW all together unless something CRAZY comes out that gets interest to me and the guild member I have played with on and off for years together

  17. I would make Classic Fresh servers with raid phases every year. One TBC era server. One WOTLK era server. One discovery server where they can go wild.
    Would drop remix. Would drop cata.

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