World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Review

A return to form for this decade-old king of the MMORPGs.

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  1. "new character models", shows a non updated race, also idg should do another review as the "new expac hype" has worn off and wod's veil removed.

  2. VIDEO IS A BLIZZARD LIE. AGAIN, Blizzard has no IMAGINATION. The land scape is typical. The monsters are slightly modified, but still the same crap. SAME STUFF, just higher level. STILL NO PLAYER HOUSING. THE SO CALLED subscriptions went up after release, but dropped again. There is NEXT TO NO ONE playing in the Draenor area's on any server, I know, I checked a few of them out with my other toons. EPIC FAIL AGAIN BLIZZARD. Just vast areas, with monsters wondering back and forth. Same crap, different update.

    Seriously now, the things talked about in the video WERE true, but only to the first week or so of the expansion (after the bugs of course) and the beta (probably the best time I had in WoW in a VERY long time. Really, it was awesome). Most of the people watching this review are probably thinking: "Garrisons in the pros? WTF?!" and that's an obvious reaction due to garrisons, in the long run, being THE BIGGEST failure of the expansion. Personally, I think fixing the garrisons (and by fixing, I mean reducing the power of the garrison or even deleting this feature completely) would have made all the well built pieces of the expansion, just fall into place.

    I am currently a lot more hyped up about WildStar than anything because it was the only game that brought back the feel I had when I started to play WoW back in TBC, and I tried A LOT of games and mostly tried to make current WoW have this feel for me but it simply doesn't (raiding is phenomenal, nothing bad to say there). WildStar is just currently better in my opinion than any other game in the genre. It has tons of unique flavour, an interesting and engaging combat system, and it brings in a lot of great aspects from other great MMOs. And of course, WildStar constantly brings me the best feeling any MMO can hope to make people feel, and that's of course, the need to play more.
    In conclusion, WildStar is a great game. Do I think it will kill WoW? No, I believe WoW can stay up for another 10 years or so as people, after these many years playing, are emotionally attached to their accounts, and so do I. Do I think WildStar is better than WoW? Currently, yes. Blizzard has made some mistakes that affected the game for the worse and made many people (3 million!) quit the game, and even more people stay just for the hope of making their favourite game of all times appealing again regardless of raiding and PvP which are well built aspects of the game (except PvP lol) but shouldn't be the only appeal towards an MMORPG. I still play WoW because I love the raids and I feel comfortable playing a game I played for years. But on a day when my guild isn't making progress and I see both the WoW button and the WildStar one, you can be preety sure that my finger will go towards WildStar 99.9% of the time.

    Oh and clicking is bad.

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