Pointless Top 10: Boars in World of Warcraft
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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
7:49 They do move in herds…
Lol no quillboars
Feast for odyn?
Isn't odyn an uncorrupted Titanic keeper? Why does he need to eat?
How is Agamaggan not on this list?
I haven't played retail since they ruined it (you choose which expansion), though I have played Classic and Classic HC recently. It wasn't until I saw the Crag Boars that I realized how much they've changed the graphics. I like the original boar model and animation better. The newer stuff looks too Disney.
Princess was awesome bc of those stripes, I swear she was the only low level boar with those stripes so I would always tame her on new hunters just for a little cool factor😂
Top 10 fetch quests
You missed a unique on that most people don't know about, SNORTS! He is sleeping in Frosthold, the pet of an alliance explorer league. He's in full armour and the only pet that only horde can tame as a hunter. I spent ages working my way to get him without aggroing the whole place and wake him up.
Lmfao yessss… I try to go out of my way to avoid killing ducks and bakars and all that. I'm so sad when I accidentally bake a wild duckling trying to fight some slyvern or something
Love these. One of my favourite boars is Snoot the Rooter in Elwyn Forest.
hell boars are pretty cool tbh
No raging Agam’gar? Unsubbed 😂
Such a BOARing list…
Man, why do they have to pull size shenanigans with hunter pets? give me my mini pig!!
i've never even played wow, and im still enthralled
So… even when Boars are not Hellboars they can still be spiny, in fact there are several instances of it? What are they, Boarcupines?
Scary? More like delicious.
I killed and skinned a lot of those Frostfire Ridge boar families.
You made an entire list about boars without adding the boss Agathelos the Raging?
Anyone else want to mine that ore in the background #9
That number 1 was the cutest thing ever
Such a crime not putting Bellygrub on the list, he’s the most iconic piggy I can think of
can't believe Hogzilla is not a part of this top 10
Going down this gosh darn rabbit hole of lists, and the third hellboar has been the best rant so far
I am absolutely outraged that Agathelos the Raging was not included. This list truly was pointless!
You put three hellboars in this list you could have put different boars instead!!!
I've been subbed to you since your playthrough of Facade way back when, but last month at the age of 32 I finally started vanilla wow for the first time ever and I'm loving it. My husband convinced me. We're duoing as Pally Lock. Almost to lvl 40 and we'll both get a free mount he tells me lol. I seriously wish I'd known back when I was in high school/college that this game is so fun. I was obsessed with Oblivion and rts games at the time instead.
Crendor should have mentioned the northrend plague boars. Specifically the ones near warsong hold.
i love your videos
"they might be suffering on the inside but who isn't" is the quote of the century
“Vile parody of boars” killed me
wow no love for the barrens
Dude can’t pronounce words like Sow.. his entire livelihood is talking
Pumba = Best Boar in World of Warcraft, you heard it hear first!
It's called Leytusk, not Late Tusk and while there's no lore per se, there is a smaller battle pet version available through Alchemy called Thaumaturgical Piglet, which is fun. I imagine it is called "Leytusk" coz of the its spiny growths resemble the Leystone Ore in the region.
A thoroughly boaring video
Im a little sad my boy Rooter the Ravenous didnt make the list, hes a boar you can find in Gorgrond and if you do a quest to get him food, he joins your garrison as a wandering npc who hangs around. 10/10 Good Boar Boy
I’m offended