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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight
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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.
cant wait until they nerf ret into the dirt and its trash for the next 3 expansions /s
Blizz has always been terrible at class balance. And gear balance. And mechanics. And game theory.
Remove paladin hes most played tank and only what people want m+. Remove paladin and all will be good.
Yeah because everyone only plays whatever the best of something is, especially now-a-days. Part of the BiS, minmax ideaology. It's a plague, really.
Are there really so few people who play a class and/or race for reasons other than "I love whatever the best is" anymore?
So, it was all right when RET pally was nearly unplayable (actually almost most of the time since BC) always got the fewest skills & abilities, people were "laughing" on their DPS/survivability and they were the No.1 target in battlegrounds/arenas because every(!) class/spec combo were able to defeat them easily. Now, when they got a decent skillset with the right DPS, everyone else is kinda "crying". Before I quit the game I barely was able to see RET pally here and there. I was playing with mine on PROT spec, tried RET but it was way too weak. Barely was able to surpass the PROT's DPS but was more easier to be killed. So, just because it's working fine now you want to nerf it? Sure, but in this case you can nerf the Rogue stunlock abilities, the frost mage freezing and teleport abilities, BM hunters, the R-Shaman or R-Druid heals, etc, etc. What about Warrior, DH, Frost DK? They got tons of fantastic skill combined with a decent DPS. Would you ask Blizzard to nerf them just because they overDPS your favourite char? And when you most loved spec was the best you also cried to nerf it? This is getting boring, people always forgot it's just a game. You enjoy it, you play it. If not, then not. I don't like Dragonflight (the whole story and concept), but made my char to max level, collected some gear but quit because it's boring for me. But I will not slam Blizzard with "why you are not doing a better job?". Why? Because there are tons of people who are enjoying this new content. Piece guys
Thank u for reminding me why I don't want to resub.
Long story short. Blizzard are a terrible company with zero care about balance and more worried about selling boosts. Use youtubers all say I am wrong but use also said I was wrong when I said CC nerfs are coming, use also said I was wrong about sub and pika even banned me over it for saying subs were still doing up to 300k secret techs, use also said I was wrong about solo shuffle but now everyones quitting the game because use guys are so desperate to lie to viewers in the hope the game stays relevant! Lmao. Yep good luck with that, cause i have almost drowned use out of my feed on youtube. I canned every sub on twitch and deleted and completely uninstalled and unsubbed from wow and i am a die hard wow player. One thing I do know is if I had enough then most would be long gone. Whole guilds quitting in one day and people feel miserable playing the game. Most that are still holding on have gone to mythics but as we all know they are just lame and repetitive and no one can be bothered watching an hour video to learn every mech like a brain dead moron. In the first week maybe you can have fun but after that the fun is sucked out because if you dont study a video game before entering and people see you do not know every mech they will just quit. Nice work content creators. Use saved me from wasting my life on a game that has no value in life and no one cares about. Even in esports wow is a joke with the lowest prize pools ever! Rather then play wow 8hrs a day if you get a job like a real manyou wont have to live in a trash apartment znd can purchase a house and set yourself up a life. 2 weeks off wow and i moved to paradise got a new job and happier then ever living on the great barrier reef. Diving every weekend from now on and going fishing rather then wasting my life on that crap game. Guys you are not content creators and even if you were there is no money in wow on youtube so do t waste your life as you only get one. Besides why would you bother when you know just as well as i do if a hot women decides to stream wow you will lose your audience anyways because most wow players are so lonely and desperate for female interaction. Be smart. Unsub and live your best life, dont be on hold for bums with no future
Years and years paladins was a complete trash in PvP, rogues, Druid’s always gods. But you guys are now crying like a kids for rets. People hate rets. If don’t like them, just don’t play.
Honestly all dps are just way overtuned #'s wise. Reduce the potency of all dps moves and I think it wouldn't be a huge problem
wow so many videos about ret pala .. wow they got some buffs and you streamers got to cry .. so sad .. maybe someone will hear you (that what happen you ppl make videos and shit about a class that nuke you..) and nerf but your classes that you play and do a huge burst with 2 button spam dont say anything . stop crying so mutch.mage rogue hunter erc classes that 1 shot you , no 1 says nothing . shut up
Stop crying
How are priest un payable against them use MD
Won't see you making vids when mages are good
Kinda happy that i stopped playing retail, go with hardcore 60 instead
great video i just dont know what oom means67
PvP is dead, it's too centered around heavy-handed meta playstyles. Whilst league of legend has a meta, theres enough macro and thoughtful play to mean that playing even off meta champs can work.
only on 3 vs 3 rets are dominating, on 2v2 1 ret on top 100, on 10v10 no rets….after looking the rankings blizz need to nerf dh, rogue and druid xD
So it's not so bad? Same as rogues befor? Lmao!
Yeah, I’m about to quit playing cause of ret op garbage. It’s just too infuriating now… and I’m playing warrior
I understand that u might not like RMP but its amazing to watch and needs alot of skills to win with it , and sadly now the tier 1 comp dont need that skills its pve arena !
This is where u are wrong, they are only fun for wins, same with dk's and ferals and the fact that blizzard makes these boring as hell classes so powerful makes me realise the games never going to be worth playing. If someone doesn't learn or understand the game why do they get these easy bs builds to go on easy mode? Makes all of us learning the game and trying to play properly have a terrible time and not want to play
I love how he whines because rets are so broken yeah they are. Coming from the guy who played only meta for every expansion and the mage / rogue comp. Quit bitching and apply to blizzard.
I hate you ret paladins.
QQ ret is good for two weeks. RMP/Lock/Druid you see in every AWC and torny play since BC.
Blizzard sure knows how to "BaLaNcE"
Warriors are also problematic.
I'm really not a professional player in PvP but I usually return to World of Warcraft for a maximum of one to two months every expansion before leaving again. I find that this time frame is sufficient for me to enjoy playing in battlegrounds and arenas.
During the last expansion, I found the solo shuffle to be particularly enjoyable. I was excited to return to my main character (Balance Druid) and play some in Dragonflight. However, I returned just one week before the Retri Paladin rework and have been getting constantly defeated by them AND WARRIORS since. Pvp games have been very frustrating. I have tried to reroll a few other classes to find better counters but it has not been a fun experience so far. I am really disappointed with Blizzard for making Warriors / Ret so powerfull,, I have nothing to counter their incredible mobility and damage. It's soooo frustrating.
I really like Dragonflight as an Expansion but It's already finished for me, my first month is off and I didn't renew.
So what is the answer? ret has struggled forever and cleary needed an overhaul. Now they are to strong, so what, just make them garbage again?
I actually unsubed all my accounts after ret rework, that just blew the entire game for me
Ele does fine against ret
good video, highlights alot of the problems
Seems enhancement or shaman in general have tool and abilities to beat ret. Just electric trap them when they bubble and wind shear the heals and your good.
Weird thing is, I feel like pvp was in a decent place before the ret changed. There was obviously plenty of room for improvement still, but there was still a veriety of classes and specs you could play.
Dragonflight overall is great expac but the pvp design and balancing is just going in the complete wrong direction :/
so true
World of Paladin: Retribution Era
Venruki crying again and again on rets but was having a blast when he was destroying ppl with ww monk or or oneshotting 3 people with 1 cast on evoker in this expansion
3 days later and almost nothing has changed. they nerfed ret dmg 3% cause 5 rets beat a mythic+ and beat the timer but are still ignoring how many are queing for pvp and arent doing anything about it.
no new ret compalint video u were on a huge streak?
anything that removes rogs from ruining games I am all for, Rets suck but you can still counter them, rogs had zero counters and could guarantee a kill 2nd go, which is horseshit
I dont play my shdow priest anymore its just not fun..
Rets and Hunters… its all I see in battlegrounds at the moment. Its just not fun anymore. The only way you can beat them is if you queue with friends and peel them. I gave up om playing as a priest
Holy fking hell. It’s been a long fking time since I’ve seen someone cry so fking hard. I don’t even have a pally and this is fking mint lolololol
ret don't ruin the game. ret are the game xD
hype… when last time blizzard rework class? not buff or nerf, rework
As someone who hops on wow for like an hour a week now and still sees blizz forum posts in his feed….and likes the dumpster fires….
Since the dawn of time hasn't countering ret pally always been "just rip their bubble and they die" – every ret paladin response to a ret rant.
all this game design is a disaster its boring to play and all garbage people do damage
I haven't played wow in a while, but I swear every time I get recommended a video from WoW it's a negative vid lol