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World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is on the horizon, but maybe it’s time to retire from WoW, especially if you’re somebody who has been playing this MMORPG for way too long. From the humble beginnings of Classic World of Warcraft to the recent announcements from Blizzard Entertainment regarding the future of the Warcraft universe, many people struggle with the question of whether or not its time to hang up their towel and move on from World of Warcraft to new horizons. That is why we wanted to make this video – 5 Signs That It’s Time to Quit World of Warcraft – to perhaps help you with your decision on whether or not to continue in Azeroth to the Dragon Isles.
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#worldofwarcraft #dragonflight
No King rules forever, my dudes. Except me, of course.
There's no challenge, nothing worth working to acquire since there's 2 sets that are armor-type-specific with 5 recoloured skins, same applies to mounts, there's no reason to socialize on a MASS MULTIPLAYER game anymore because of LFG finder and cross-realm, the story has been shit for 6 years and the villains are absolute forgettable trash no one cares about. It's pretty sad that the community demanded they bring back the original experience because retail sucks.
Oh and they changed the fucking UI. Good god it is HORRENDOUSLY ugly now, like some shitty old school addon.
And there are too many goddamn furries running around between tauren, pandaren, vulpera, dracthyr, and worgen, it's like I'm playing fucking Furcadia.
This helps the pain of deleting my warrior before BC came out.. my ragequit near the end was not pretty lol.
The Nostalgia Part hit me so hard… its true; i play wotlk all over since it was released on private servers… so its like over 10 years already? fuck
I've decided to officially quit wow.
I really enjoy dragonflight, however I spend 35 hours a week on WOW, I dont like who I'm becoming. Hitting 2400 in pvp for the wep appearances. Turn me into a monster. I want to pursue voice over/acting and wow has been taking too much of my time and I cant balance it yet. When I play casually, I want to play more and more. So it's time to day farewell (maybe just for a while) to one of my favorite games.
I keep on telling myself to renew the sub, because I will find it fun and worth it, but my head keeps telling me I’m just gonna get bored again. I hate feeling like that. I might give it one last month to try and see if the game can capture me again….but I doubt it. How can a game that gave me so much fun be so boring now….
I quit wotlk classic some time ago i had feelings from parts 1,2 and 5 ( played only wow talked only wow ) Now i got more free time and enjoyed playing games again more. It was fun ride playing "classic wow to classic wotlk" again. But there other things need to be done and new games coming like new God of war tomorrow.
It is totally normal that the things we enjoyed in our 10s are not the ones we enjoy in our 30s. The game, for better or worse, has change and so have we. I quit WoW back in 2018 after BfA after been playing since 2008. I tend to take a look at the content creators from time to time and remember fondly my time playing WoW after school and even university, my guild, the raid sessions and all that but I cannot, realistically, adjust my current life to play the game that way again. So long WoW! It was an amazing part of my teenage years!
Ps: They day I saw the Lordaeron throne room I had a Nerdgasm. It even had Therena's blood on the floor. And the day we killed arthas was the day I could finally conclude one of my favorite stories of my childhood gaming memories. GOOD MEMORIES IN MY REAL LIFE INVENTORY, WHAT A GREAT PHRASE.
maybe YOU should take a liiiiiiiil break from world of warcraft 😅
At first I was like who the hell is this guy, make some content that actually entertains people and stop playing therapist. Then I watched and I agree with ur attitude about it and some points u made.
Gaming was easier as a kid :/
I came to play again wotlk classic for nostalgia after 11 years off
Is over I quit again
Wrath Classic. The good old days are back BAYBEEEEEEEE
bruh, why all the retail footage. classic has been a blast
Lol spending too much money…if wow is too much for your wallet don't ever play Lost Ark, that game is a damn glorified slot machine.
Quit WoW for a like two months now and thinking about leveling up as a human character in front of Northshire brought back memory and now dying to play WoW again. The good news is I dont have enough gold or real money to resub WoW.
i have been playing for 17 years now and last two and half years i started streaming on twitch. So 17 – 2.5 =14 and a half years
14.5 never had any suspension, silence or ban.
I remember when i first contated them , they still had their real customer service with chat service etc on the website and they always helped me out with anything but as you know with activision blizzardr etc and 800 employees from the customer service being fired , everything went downhill on their side ofc with automated systems etc that they dont want to admit.
Now i have left some toxic guilds with alot of weirdo's in it and i never knew that they would become my stalkers and harassers in game.
Those guilds and people have been targeting me suspension afther suspension with false reports untill the perman ban kicked in.
Everytime when an suspension was over and i started my stream on twitch again, it only takes 2 – 3 weeks to get me suspended or banned.
I had the same people comming each time in my stream to laugh about my suspension and they said they would never stop. I started banning those people but ofc they come with new made twitch accounts and even come with multiple people from a guild etc so its basically an never ending battle to get rid of them.
I reached out to twitch and to blizzard and did reports about them but ofc as a small streamer with only three or four viewers they dont give a fuck.
If i was asmongold or maldiva or whoever big streamer it would be totally different treatment.
Now the first three times i got silenced
2 4 8 days
afther that i got suspended , couldnt log in wow even. the first suspenion two weeks, the second suspension one month
at this point i raged like crazy in real life
blizzard wouldnt even show the reason anymore where you see a small portion of text chat what led to penalising me.
i even insisited multiple times that this isnt right and that i have the right to see why they penalised me for.
this was for the first supension that lasted two weeks. i really felt fucked over cause they wouldn't even say for what i have been suspended for which is i believe against tos.
like how you can you change suddenly the system where you sent email and small portion of text chat that they based on to decide if i should be punished or not
they always sent email and also the small portion of text
then the second suspension again the same!
before i got my perma ban , afther my second suspension i wrote many mails to them about having stalkers , harassers and mass reporters
as answer i got: as long you dont do anything against tos there is nothing to be worried about
dude wtf
i never did gold trades , never been hacking or botting
for my first three silences they followed their sytem: sent me email and share some information with text chat that i have used etc and ok i accept
but for the three weeks and one month suspension and now perma ban
zero informationi
zero mail
only your account is frozen or banned
i shared this information about them not giving me mail and portion of text that led to penalty's and my friends said stuff like: must be bug on the website etc they all just wouldnt believe that blizzard is not giving a fuck about their customers.
before my perma ban which happened 3 weeks ago
i had a chat wiht a gm
i told him about them not giving the reason anymore for my ban but just some standard text with your account has been suspended blabla against tos blabla
and he said i will look into it
then he said he found out that my suspension was for harassement
then another gm i talked with said about the same suspension
it was for abusive language
how can you give two differnt reasons
like what has this game turned into
at this point i just became crazy mad
no more trust in gm's
now i lost 17.5 years investment
i lost all my mounts , all my weakauras, all my unique stuff i had
and i informed them about those fuckers will get me perma banned in the long term
with the false mass reports
and i even rang the bell about its not normal that i dont get to know for what i have been suspended and banned for
but zero help
now i have made new battle net account just to see if could still log into wow with a trial account etc
and to see if its hardware ban
and its not hardware ban
but i feel left alone and fucked over by the community and the gm's themselves and the compagny blizzard
and i don't feel like starting all over again
if only i had received some minimal support or protection
i would still make another char and account and start over
but i had zero support or protection
in fact i felt even screwed over by gm's now
for zero understanding
zero help
and giving me zero information about my two suspension and perma ban
cause for the silences they did
like each time when i come back from penatly
i receive afther one week playing a behaviour warnoing
i even mailed them about this
that this aint normal
i get punished
i come back
and the fuckers start mass reporting
and i get behaviour warnings
then i asked for what the behaviour warning was
they said they coulndt share this infor
like fuck this compagny
their gms are useleess
they invesitgaqte nothing
everything is automated
and when you finally get to talk to a real person
he or she is also lost
and cant do anyting
now what would you do
would you restart everything
or would you just say fuck it
no point even
This reinvigorated nixxiom is awesome. So many vids. Don't burn out though
#1 reason not to: Wrath Classic
Is it bad if this video still makes me want to play wow?
Body 1, body 2. That's where I drew the line and said fuck it.
WoW took a massive dump during MoP for me… TBC and WotLK was definitely the golden years for me.
i know this video is old but i got a story about the whole 6 month sub tactic:
I've been a 6-month long sub for years, and then they started doing this crap with the whole free mounts and cosmetic crap. There was a promo going on for the fairy transmog outfit that i was smitten by, which i had already been a 6month sub so i would have gotten it anyways. However, at some point I had to get a new card, and because of that I had to change my card info. When I went to go do this, they charged me full price for a sub i was already on/still had another month of time for. I had to contact Blizzard about this, and they said that because of the promo, they had to charge me full up front, and they were like "refunds? we don't usually do that" and i was like "Dude i was just changing my card info." It was the most aggressive discussion I had from someone in their customer service branch, and it felt fricken way off. I got back into this game about a week ago now and I noticed that they added a button to change card info on the account page when i went to go unsub again for again personal financial reasons.
I started playing in 2017…and just in the time from 2017-2021 made tons of memories especially in Classic.
Ive moved on to other games because I got tired of forcing myself to log on everyday. I enjoyed the game and dont regret spending all the time I gave to it.
tbh im the oppesite of the last part although i love wow and the whole warcraft universe and lore is one of my favorites butt im not obssesed at all my dont play wow and i guess thats why i have yet to become a wow addict altough when i do play i go all out spending lots of time.
After WotLK Classic its time to quit again!
The last line of this video was like the end of a horror movie.
i quit wow. but open it from time to time hoping to relight the ashes of what i use to love. Unfortunately they wont relight i can only hope a new generation of wow players get to experience what i did over the last decade.
The number of posters on here who think that Nixxiom is being serious makes me worry about the general state of some peoples mental health ………
Signs it's Time to Quit World of Warcraft…but sponsored by some shit mobile game, lol. Maybe WOW does suck, but It's still better than any trash can MMO or mobile cash grab out there.
2:56 What happened to the Jailer? He fell in the hole-
Get out of the chair and hit the gym. You have tits now bro.
Bruh wants to play WoW so bad 😂
now we need a video for the copium enthusiasts like me who quit the game only to come back time and time and time again.
already quit. they wasted my time over the last 4+ years. garbage expansions. the community is still Epeen 23 year olds that started as epeen 10 year olds. They are older but haven't grown up. The game is dead Jim, stick a fucking fork in it and quit.
How appropriate, a clown outfit to fit how I'de feel playing DFO.
Blizzard can literally say today:
“”We will abuse you and take your money for years to come…you should quit””
And WoW players will kneel and say:
“”We are yours to do with as you please, we only ask that you allow us to complain daily on Reddit””
Blizzard: EzPz
I was a casual who enjoyed levelling characters while watching Youtube videos or shows in the background. When Shadowlands reduced the level cap I just didn't see anything in the game for me anymore. So I quit
WoW players will stop playing WoW, but they will never quit playing WoW.
Why does every single Nixxiom video have to feature Asmongold?
… at least twice?
Bro nixxiom the 2nd one hit hard…… that's exactly who I am……
I think body type 1 and body type 2 + pronouns is biggest sign to quit ever. When you see devs wasting time on such garbage instead of making content XD
the last segment at 8:10 reminds me of my friend thats addicted to ffxiv
he unironically abandoned our friend group for item level
I don't like playing retail anymore. However, i'd LOVE to play wow classic….if only my server has players!
It is boring with nothing but grinding chores galore
i needed this video in mop lol
If you don’t think a giant cow wielding lighting isn’t cool then there’s something clinically wrong
I play every summer or some months in the year, started playing in cataclysm when I was like 12/13