Gone Astray – A World of Warcraft 3D Animated short by Pivotal

After finally trying out Skyrim, I couldn’t help but notice its beautiful soundtrack. I just felt so inspired to make a video to it.


Charles Woodrow has disappeared. In the darkest recesses of Silverpine Forest, he tries to find his way home. He may not be the only one.


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Songs Used, in order:



From Past To Present


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  1. maannnn this is sad as hell D;
    the ending made me sad AF, when they became friends it was so touching and heart warming.
    you should continue this as a small series where they meet again, and idk like where hes accepted or something or the guy has the undead meet his family or whatever if he has one.

  2. This would never be in r/life, but I know loneliness and I can't imagine nor want to, how he must feel. Losing his love then his life, but cruelty twisted him to continue existence. This is very sad.

  3. Pliz make a part 2 for this don't let it end lik this . Just let us see one undead having a happy ending.
    The story was so dam good and related the ally could have helped them they are there own people that got curst back from the dead

  4. Not all stories end happily ever after. That's not the moral of the story I choose to take from this. The moral of this story is two fold; Judge people not by their appearance but rather by their actions. Second, don't give your trust away easily for it is precious. Your trust should be earned.

  5. I've always thought the Forsaken were the most unique and tragic race in all of MMORPGs. This 4 minute video perfectly encapsulates part of their tragedy in an engaging and digestible way. Really glad I found your channel.

  6. I friggin cried, ok?! it's beautiful 😀 and so nice, never thought this awesome song would go so well with a WoW story! It's a beautiful story of loss, friendship and love! Good job ♥

  7. Honestly I was half-expecting a twist like "The Outsider" at the end, like the dude had also turned into a Forsaken but didn't realized it until the end when he ran into those two soldier who would have attacked him on sight. But wholesome and sad video nontheless !

  8. Recently, I was at Thunder Peak and interacted with a Tauren related to alchemy. Her dialogue goes something like this:

    "The first time I saw the undead, I cried. I couldn't imagine their pain and loneliness. I listened to Mother Earth, she whispered to me. She said: Help them."

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