The Necromancer | Class Spotlight | Conquest of Azeroth | World of Warcraft

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I give you the first of my 21 custom class spotlight videos for Project Ascension. This is my own endeavor, something I want to do that Ascension is not making me do, because I am proud of the classes created and want to show them off before we kick off into the 60 phase. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

UPDATE: Right after this video we actually dramatically improved the Guardian AI used for Necromancer pets. BIG BIG!

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0:00-2:13 – Intro
2:14-5:03 – The Basics
5:04-6:05 – Talent Tree
6:06-7:02 – Death Necromancer
7:03-8:30 – Rime Necromancer
8:31-12:26 – Animation Necromancer
12:27-14:13 – Design Hurdles
14:14-15:05 – Conclusion

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🗡️ Project Ascension – World of Warcraft

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OSRS Remixes – OSRSBeatz –

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  1. 60 is coming? Sorry I'll wait for the official announcement. didnt you say this like 2 months ago? still nothing but jokes have been said about it on discord.

  2. Will the Lich Form have any glyphs or customisation to it? I noticed the model used in the video looks pretty bare bones, no pun intended, compared to for example kel'thuzad with all of his robes and egyptian imagery and stuff, so having the option to look like your favorite liches from wc3 would be pretty cool.

  3. This was really cool but it seems weird starting at level 1. They should be a type of class ascendancy like the vanilla devs originally planned for adding all hero classes. So you first would level up the 9 base classes and then can do a quest line to switch into a hero class based on your class and race. They were planning for nightelf warriors able to become demon hunters at lvl 40. Blademasters from orc warrior, necromancer access maybe to mages and warlocks of all races, maybe even priests. Look into it.

  4. i know its gonna be a bit hard to find these days, but if the team is still looking for ways to enhance necromancer; take a look at City of Heroes/Villains Mastermind class. they are very similar to what necromancer has now except it was more akin to commanding your own party (1 dedicated healer minion, 3 dps minions and 1 tank minion)

  5. Necrolyte was unit in wc1 and had the raise dead spell. This class is nice call back to a game that doesn't get much recognition these days.

    I played wc1 a lot as a kid and would read the lore in the game manual over and over.

  6. love the class, mechanically seems very analog to current warlock and i like that, a slow moving but hard cc and dps class with enfasis in spell comboes. like death working with dots is akin to aff, ryme (frost necro) is akin to destro with all thst hard casting and cc and area denial, and animation is demonology by the sheer amount of pets (guardians) you summon, i like that.

  7. I enjoy animation necromancer but think it should have more life force for permanent pets to make him sort of 1 man army instead of powerful pets that disappear after a duration that way even if mobility is a problem you have more pets to dish out dmg

  8. Yo bro, please, please have them add guardian to gnomes. I’ve played gnome warrior throughout all xpacs of wow and I just feel like it sucks a lot to not be able to have a gnome gigachad big dick guardian or barb

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