Part 9 in the Beginners Series will be talking about Heirlooms! Although typically used for veteran players for their alts, anybody can take advantage of these Bind on Account pieces. Even if you aren’t able to utilize them now, I still feel like it’s an important piece of information for you to know as I see questions on these a lot! I’ll talk about what heirlooms are, what they provide for your character, how to get them and how to purchase them!
Helpful links mentioned in the video!
Admiral Taylor’s Loyalty Ring :
Brawler’s Razor Claws :
Captain Sander’s Returned Band :
Dread Pirate Ring :
Man’ari Training Amulet :
Spear of Rethu :
Touch of the Void :
World Events :
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Idk how people can afford heirlooms there so expensive prolly spend real money to buy the gold.
This is a great guide Nuka. Good job!
I have searched everywhere and I can't get my answer, do u know how much gold it takes to buy a full set for 1 pg (While also upgrading every piece to maximum, weapon included ofc), also, the heirlooms are the best equipment you can get until level 60, right?
You got a sub from saying "If you are a beast at pvp"
This video helped me a lot! Thank you so much <3 And as a woman, I think it's nice to hear a female voice in the gaming scenario! 🙂
Thanks really useful!
Thank you for not making a 15-25 minute video. You summarized this game mechanic quite well.
so there are no gloves and boots heirloom right? sorry im new to this game
Thank you so much. Every other channel makes 30 minute videos covering topics like these when it’s really not necessary. Appreciate it!
How do you increase reputation with your guild?
Wow!!!!! Thank you soooo much you’re guides are super easy too understand, thanks for dumbing it down for us new players.
Great cause idk wtf I’m doing
Your guides are incredible for plebs! Huge thank you!
Thank you so much for this video! 🙂
So,the reason everyone complained about heirlooms in the new WOW setup…is because they can't use it and WOW looks at it as a disadvantage against new players who have never played WOW,I get it.
The cap on Heirlooms,simplly explained.(so that gear sucks for the upper leveling,and getting higher heirlooms helps you through the game simple)
Soooo,the Veteran Players want to be on top of the mountain?!?
Sorry,that's gonna change,😈😈😈.this video helped.
"Move over Veteran Players,the upgrades are here for your thrones.It is The New Order of Ages now😈😈😈😂😂😂😂
Good video,thank you for helping me.
What about gloves and boots?
Your vids are so refreshing after sifting through so many mush-mouth guys making impromptu wow vids that are painful to sit through
When i go to the guild vendor nothing shows up
This channel is so helpful I'm a huge noob started the game for the first time so it's a huge help thanks !
Super helpful even a year later ty 😀
Heirlooms are better than normal-quest gear?
what if u find gear better then ur heirlooms? should u swtich them out or keep ur heirlooms on?
so to upgrade heirlooms, you buy the upgraded version?
thank you but how do you level your reputation and how do you get the achievement?
Im level 28 and A person gave me the gold to get 7 pages of these things. So I have a lot lol. I still question why he did this. Was he just being nice? What was in it for him?
tysm!! haven't played since mists and needed a little catch-up lol
Really helpful thanks.
Thank you! I'm off to Ironforge since there is 2 of them there 🙂
Wow, this video was incredibly informative. I have always wondered how people obtained these items, but wikis often confused me. Thank you!
Thank you!
ok. looks like the guild vendor doesn't sell any heirloom items anymore….
thank you so much, very helpful and sub ^^