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@Spartan1egacy yes, right when I hit 80 and finished making a judgement on the 1887
@justincase04 the model 1887 is pretty awesome, at least in spec ops.
@justincase04 I just unlocked range like 5 min ago, so i'm going to see how that works. I've been using grip (dont know the exact purpose, all the other attachments seemed useless as i dont ADS), i'll switch to ext mag once unlocked. The only difference is i run assassin (only class with it), because of the uav's and i can't win anything close to a "fair" gunfight with the spas. I miss lightweight from the previous cod's right about now.
@justincase04 Do you mean say you split up a clip into a few sections, and you want to move them all at the same time? If thats the case then you hold ctrl whilst clicking on the ones you want to move, then you just drag it
@KilaFusion Yes, I plan on doing that. Like you, I was getting pretty impatient unlocking "range". "Damage" is next so I'll have to compare them. I think I'm currently running the spas with: Range–> Grip (ext mags when I unlock it) –> Extreme Conditioning, Quick Draw pro, steady aim pro
I have "mastered" the mp5 already, its a pretty solid gun (currently running ext mag, kick, extreme cond, quickdraw, steady aim). But the spas is testing my patience. Me and you ran pretty much the same setup in mw2 with the spas but it took awhile to find a groove with it in mw3 for me. I'm still not a big fan of it, but i feel some loyalty to it. I would like to see some gameplay/setup tips for the spas to see how you run it, please.
@FractureResolve will do some p90 work. I just unlocked "range" no the spas-12 and playing around with that
@TheCombativeMarine yeah, it's very similar. Maybe wider than Jungle with less elevation
@NuckenFoob ok, I'll try it out. I need some Vegas help. How do you move a chunk of clips all at once to the right on the timeline? Sometimes I'll edit, and want to insert something but have to move everything one at a time and it's frustrating
@NuckenFoob yeah, quick scoping is pretty lame. I'm pretty sure they'll tone it down soon
Lol, it sounds like you were doing a dual comm w/ dragon. I would like to see some p90 action and what proficiencies you thing work best w/ it.
Oh and also at like 4:19 when you do the slow-mo, in sony vegas if you ever slow down a clip; right click the audio track > properties > then tick that "lock to stretch" box, it won't make that strange noise 🙂
Haha I could hear you were pretty mad in BathTubGirls video 🙂 And quickscoping does seem a bit too easy o.O