#MW3 #Zombies 11 21 activision Bob Call Duty Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare call of duty modern warfare 2 call of duty modern warfare 3 Claire class Class (computer Programming) cod Cod2 COD4 cod5 Cod6 destroy Duty Modern Duty World FAD gameplay Gym Hayden Heroes infinity M40a3 Maker map Model Year Montage Multiplayer mw2 old Patrick ps3 quick Saga Sandy School Scope search Spongebob Superstar Tactical The Call (CNBC) video game ward Windows World xbox
@FractureResolve blah blah blah something something something justin
@TheKingsConsoleHD on it, thanks!
@BlackTankTop86 thanks, this guy was really good and i didn't want to lost to him twice in a row. I almost did
@Shredder2898 thanks!
ChubbyNemo aka I forgot all my other names doing his best BathTubGirl impression.
Awesome vid man, always nice to see a competitive game go down to the wire